DC Database

"Rise of the Batmen, Part Six: The Thin Red Line": The issue starts with a flashback to the funeral of Martha and Thomas Wayne. Jacob Kane criticizes Thomas's choice to go down the alleyway and mourns his sister. Kate joins Bruce, who is sitting alone,

Quote1 Jacob Kane needed an enemy to fight his war--so he made one out of a myth. Quote2
— Batman

Detective Comics #939 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 2016. It was published on August 24, 2016.

Synopsis for "Rise of the Batmen, Part Six: The Thin Red Line"

The issue starts with a flashback to the funeral of Martha and Thomas Wayne. Jacob Kane criticizes Thomas's choice to go down the alleyway and mourns his sister. Kate joins Bruce, who is sitting alone, and comforts him.

In the present day, Tim Drake decides to take the Genius Grant he has been offered, but hesitates to tell Bruce the news. Kate confronts Bruce and he admits he knew it was her father behind the drones all along. Bruce reports the actions of Jacob Kane to the President in a phone call.

Tim discovers the fleet of weaponized drones that Ulysses has sent out to Gotham. The Bat-team rushes to evacuate civillians. Tim reprograms the drones to switch targets--to himself.

Appearing in "Rise of the Batmen, Part Six: The Thin Red Line"

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