DC Database

"Death Comes Home": Batman is at the morgue, waiting for something or someone while a man beside him cries and complains about the passing of someone dear to him. He regrets not having done the right thing at the right time.

Quote1 Dusty Howell's whole life was one felony after another, interrupted only by prison terms. And the night of his biggest score he dies saving the lives of his wife and little girl. Quote2
— Batman

Detective Comics #716 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1997.

Synopsis for "Death Comes Home"

Batman is at the morgue, waiting for something or someone while a man beside him cries and complains about the passing of someone dear to him. He regrets not having done the right thing at the right time.

The day before, the man called Dusty, was working as usual when a gang of mobsters threatened his life for some money he owed them. His daughter Donna was practicing for her piano recital and his wife Jen took her home to prepare for Donna's big night. Meanwhile at Dusty's job he had an arguement with his boss and he resigned. Dusty went to visit old friends who told him about a hit they were planning but as Dusty was out on parole he turned them down.

At Dusty's home, Jen received a visit from the same mobsters that threatened her husband earlier. Dusty phoned home and Jen told him what happenned and he decided to accept the offer of his friends. They were planning a hit on a department store. They provided him with a pair of guns.

At night, Donna was ready for her piano recital and her mother was ready to take her to it, but the mobsters arrived again and decided to wait for Dusty to arrive with the money he owed them. They took the mother and daughter as hostages in their own home.

At that moment, Dusty and his comrades struck the department store. They took the money from almost every person there but an employee at the store activated an alarm and the police surrounded the building. Dusty and his friends decided to take hostages until they figured a way out of there. The GCPD pondered their options but before they could decide anything, Batman arrived at the place. Batman took down the crooks one by one, but Dusty afraid for his own security left the place with all the money.

When Dusty arrived home , he found that the mobsters were inside holding his wife and daughter. One of the gangsters took the money bag from Dusty and planned on stealing it. Dusty was enraged and used the guns he was given before to kill one of the gangsters. So it began a shootout at his place that ended up in the murdering of one of Dusty's family members.

Back in the present, Commissioner Gordon arrived at the morgue and he talked to Batman about the case. Dusty was crying next to the body of the dead. Batman later took the sheet that was covering Dusty's dead body and told Gordon that the man died protecting his wife and daughter. In the end he did the right thing. As both of them are leaving, the crying Dusty starts to fade into the spirit he now was.

Appearing in "Death Comes Home"

Featured Characters:

  • Dusty Howell (Single appearance; dies)

Supporting Characters:


  • Spanky "Tucci" Dallas (Single appearance)
    • Tank (Single appearance; dies)
  • Belker (Single appearance)
  • Hap (Single appearance)
  • Carl (Single appearance)

Other Characters:





  • Bugs Bunny makes a cameo appearance in a TV screen.

See Also

Links and References
