DC Database

"Batman: "The Beast of Koba Bay"": Batman and Robin trail gangster Albey to the island of Koba Bay, where they find him killed, apparently by the legendary beast that emerges from the sea every 300 years. Soon they learn that the gangst

Detective Comics #297 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1961.

Synopsis for Batman: "The Beast of Koba Bay"

Batman and Robin trail gangster Albey to the island of Koba Bay, where they find him killed, apparently by the legendary beast that emerges from the sea every 300 years. Soon they learn that the gangster's partner, Spence, took advantage of the local superstition and created a robotic replica of the beast to fool the people of Koba Bay and kill Albey. Batman manages to capture Spence, but soon he's forced to use the robotic replica to fight the real beast that retreats into the sea to die after the battle is over.

Appearing in Batman: "The Beast of Koba Bay"

Featured Characters:


  • Albey (Single appearance; dies)
  • Spence (Single appearance)
  • Bascombe (Single appearance)
  • Dorkins (Single appearance)
  • a sea monster (Single appearance; dies)

Other Characters:

  • Police Chief Santos (Single appearance)


  • Koba Bay


  • Robot Sea Creature


Synopsis for The Martian Manhunter: "J'onn J'onzz vs the Vigilantes"

The Martian Manhunter must deal with a self-appointed Vigilante Committee who wish to take the law into their own hands and imprison criminals who got off on technicalities.

Appearing in The Martian Manhunter: "J'onn J'onzz vs the Vigilantes"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Fangs Frazer (Single appearance)
  • Jeff Stobbs (Single appearance)
  • Biff Higgins (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Roger Weems (Single appearance)
  • Mr. Lee (Single appearance)


Synopsis for Aquaman: "Aqualad, Stand-In For a Star"

Aquaman brings Aqualad on the set of a new movie titled "The Adventures of Sea-Boy" and informs him that he will act as the stunt-double for child actor Barry Blane. After being used to play out many different stunt scenes, Aqualad soon grows tired of doing the stunts and Barry getting all the fame. Going to tell Barry he's quitting, Aqualad is caught in a net and lands in the path of a sea-mine. Barry noticing Aqualad is in trouble, tells Aqualad that he can't swim, but attempts to save the boy with a rubber floater, but he isn't strong enough to move the mine out of the way. Suddenly Aquaman arrives and saves the day, and later the two lads make up. Barry promising to teach Aqualad how to act, if Aqualad teaches him how to swim.

Appearing in Aquaman: "Aqualad, Stand-In For a Star"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Barry Blaine (Single appearance)
  • Linda (Single appearance)
  • a movie producer (Single appearance)




  • "The Beast of Koba Bay" was adapted into the Jiro Kuwata Bat-Manga story "The Monster of Gore Bay".

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
