DC Database

"Orphans": Martha Wayne searches for a young Bruce Wayne in a flashback, wishing to collect him for a public appearance at the Martha Wayne Orphanage.She finds him up a tree in the gardens at Wayne Manor. Bruce explains that he is saddened by the orphans misfortune, and does not wish to attend.

Quote1 These are Wayne children. They're my responsibility. My children I've failed them. Quote2
— Bruce Wayne

Detective Comics #1017 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 2020. It was published on December 11, 2019.

Synopsis for "Orphans"

Martha Wayne searches for a young Bruce Wayne in a flashback, wishing to collect him for a public appearance at the Martha Wayne Orphanage.She finds him up a tree in the gardens at Wayne Manor. Bruce explains that he is saddened by the orphans misfortune, and does not wish to attend. Martha explains to Bruce the importance of aiding the less fortunate and we see the Wayne Family cutting ribbons and smiling for cameras at the Orphanage.

In the present day, 15 year old Miguel Flores climb the brick fence at the orphanage and escape under the cover of night.

In the Batcave, Batman monitors online chatter between former members of Black Mask's gang. Wayne CEO, Lucius Fox interrupts, informing him of the escape from the orphanage, an event that is significantly less intense than the typical Batman case. Fox suggests that the matter should be investigated as Bruce Wayne, not Batman.

Bruce arrives at the orphanage, greeting Peter Morrison, implied to be the orphanages director, bringing equipment for a new science and arts center, along with an ice-cream truck for the orphans. They discuss Miguel's disappearance and view the security footage from his escape.

Later, Batman meets Robin (Damian Wayne), who remarks that he was surprised to hear from Batman, describing him as being "more brood than man," as this issue takes place after Alfred Pennyworth's death in the events of City Of Bane. Batman enlists Robins help in searching for Miguel. Robin remarks "It's a bit disconcerting that you own whole buildings [orphanages] full of potential backup Robins"

Over the course of the next two weeks, Robin is shown to be searching for the runaway Miguel Flores, as Batman continues his regular crime fighting activities in the freezing weather. Robin reports that he has found Miguel, who has been living homeless and is suffering from hypothermia. Batman insists on taking Miguel to the hospital himself, as the ambulance would be too slow.

On the way to the hospital, Miguel remarks that Batman is "not scary. Not like they say." and apologizes, confessing that his favorite superhero is Superman. In an effort to put him at ease, Batman smiles and says "He's my favorite too." Miguel explains that he left to save himself from mysteriously disappearing, a fate that befell other children in the orphanage, and falls unconscious.

At the hospital, paramedics attempt to revive Miguel as Batman and Robin wait in the corridor outside. Miguel's heart-monitor is shown to flatline as he passes away.

Later, in the Batcave, Fox walks in on Batman attacking a boxing bag. He remarks that Damian fell asleep extremely quickly, and asks if Batman managed to save Miguel. Batman's intense punches provide the answer. Batman says that after investigating the orphanage records, he could find no signs of foul play, noting the orphanages meticulous detail. He realizes something, and resolves to visit the orphanage as Bruce and Damian Wayne.

Arriving at the orphanage in a dramatic fashion, Bruce demands to see Peter Morrison in his office, He points out that numerous children with no official records have mysteriously disappeared, as the police arrive. Morrison says attempts to explain that he was blackmailed by an unnamed group of people, and Bruce punches him in the face.

As they leave through the orphanage corridors, now populated by numerous GCPD personnel, Bruce explains to Damian that he feels that he personally failed the missing children, and resolves to track down every single one, and punish the perpetrators.

Two months later, Bruce and Damian arrive at the orphanage in a sequence mirroring the arrival of Thomas, Martha, and Bruce in the opening pages. In the final panel it is shown that the orphanage had been re-named in honor of Miguel Flores.

Appearing in "Orphans"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Peter Morrison (Single appearance)

Other Characters:





  • Detective Comics Vol 1 1017 is a single issue, contained story.

See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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