Something inside me already shines across the Multiverse. Not just these fifty-two worlds... but infinite ones. The Light grew. And the Darkness... screamed.
Dark Crisis: The Dark Army #1 is a one-shot with a cover date of January, 2023. It was published on November 22, 2022.
Synopsis for "Dark Crisis: The Dark Army"
During the battle at the Hall of Justice, Damian Wayne suddenly has an idea of how to take control over the Dark Army from Pariah. He tells Jon Kent his plan and Jon agrees but says he can't go with him or spare many heroes. Damian gathers Sideways, Power Girl and Doctor Light for his plan and tells Sideways to transport the team to Earth 52. As he is running to the portal he bumps into Red Canary, a new hero who responded to Nightwing's call, and they fall through the portal together.
The others ask where they are and what the plan is but Robin, who believes he has the sole responsibility to save the Multiverse and is afraid of failing, is acting like even more of an obnoxious prick than normal. He refuses to explain himself; condescends to the others, who are all older than him; and demands that they simply obey his orders without question. He tracks a signal with a stolen T-Watch and leads them to a Cosmic Tuning Fork similar to the one used during Infinite Crisis.
Robin tells Power Girl to fly him up to a platform on the fork, ignoring her obvious discomfort at being near one again. She refuses to take him up unless he asks politely and they argue until Red Canary interrupts and points out an army of Shadow Demons in the sky. Robin has no idea what they are and so tells Power Girl to fight them and asks Doctor Light to carry him to the platform in the most sarcastic, overly polite way possible. Power Girl carries him up instead as, unlike him, she knows that Doctor Light's powers destroy Shadow Demons. Robin hacks the tuning fork while Power Girl struggles to hold the Shadow Demons off. He finds the information he needs to track the source of the Darkness controlling the Dark Army but the Demons fall back and regroup, merging together into a single giant Shadow Demon. Robin gives Sideways the next set of co-ordinates and Doctor Light, inspired by Red Canary joking that they needed a giant magnifying glass to fry the Demons, channels Power Girls' heat vision into a massive blast that destroys the giant while Sideways opens the next rift.
The team jump though the rift and emerge into a dark, wrecked room which Power Girl and Doctor Light recognise as the Monitor's Satellite from the first Crisis where the Monitor gave Doctor Light her powers. It has since been repurposed as the House of Heroes, the headquarters of Justice League Incarnate. Robin finds a terminal and goes to activate it. Red Canary warns him that it was probably shut down for a good reason and he shouldn't, but he arrogantly dismisses her and turns on the House's internal systems. This activates the Harbinger A.I., who immediately yells at him to turn her off as all her systems were devoted to external defences to keep the Dark Army out and away from the Orrery of Worlds, where they can spread the Darkness across the Multiverse. Robin tells her the Dark Army is gone, but he is proven wrong once again when Justice League Incarnate, possessed and bound in chains of darkness like the Dark Army, burst into the room.
The team fight to stop Justice Incarnate breaking into the Orrery, but even with the Multiversal Leaguers operating on brute force like the Dark Army they're clearly outmatched. When Doctor Light blasts Thunderer his chains corrode and Robin realises her powers can harm them like they can harm the Shadow Demons, although they're not strong enough to break the chains. Robin suggests she enter the Orrery herself to counter the Darkness and she dives in against Harbinger's warnings. In the Orrery, Doctor Light makes psychic contact with people across the Multiverse whose powers come from the same source and realises that, just like Pariah is connected to the Darkness, the Monitor connected her to the first Light which shone in the void when the Multiverse was born.
She emerges from the Orrery with her powers supercharged, and destroys the chains of Darkness around Justice League Incarnate with a single blast of light. Robin says they need to get back to Earth 0, as Doctor Light's fully realised powers will break Pariah's control over his army. Doctor Multiverse and Sideways combine their powers to open a rift back to Earth 0 and both teams charge through.
Appearing in "Dark Crisis: The Dark Army"
Featured Characters:
- Doctor Light (Kimiyo Hoshi)
- Power Girl (Kara Zor-L)
- Red Canary (First full appearance)
- Robin (Damian Wayne)
- Sideways
Supporting Characters:
- Harbinger A.I. (Post-Flashpoint) (Hologram)
- Jon Kent's Justice League
- Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) (Cameo)
- Booster Gold (Cameo)
- Frankenstein (Cameo)
- Supergirl (Cameo)
- Superman (Jon Kent)
- The Source/"The Light" (Behind the scenes)
- Pariah/Kell Mossa (Pre-Crisis) (Flashback and main story) (Cameo)
- Calendar Man (Possessed) (Cameo)
- The Dark Army (Multiverse) (Possessed) (Cameo)
- The Great Darkness (Corrupted) (Behind the scenes)
- Legion of Doom (Possessed) (Cameo)
- Justice League Incarnate (Multiverse) (Possessed)
- Secret Society of Super-Villains (Possessed) (Cameo)
- Shadow Demons (Antimatter Universe)
Other Characters:
- Alternate Captain Cold (Unknown Earth) (First appearance; unnamed) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Alternate Brainiac 5 (Unknown Earth) (First appearance; unnamed) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Alternate Green Arrow (Unknown Earth) (First appearance; unnamed) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Alternate Superman (Unknown Earth) (First appearance; unnamed) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Batman/Damian Wayne (Batman in Bethlehem) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Batwoman (Cameo)
- Black Lightning (Cameo)
- Doctor Lights of the Multiverse (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Doctor Light (Earth 11) (First appearance; unnamed) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Doctor Light (Earth 18) (First appearance; unnamed) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Doctor Light (Earth 23) (First appearance; unnamed) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Doctor Light (Earth 30) (First appearance; unnamed) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Unnamed Doctor Light/Steel counterpart (Earth 32) (First appearance) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Fire (Cameo)
- Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Cameo)
- Professor Martin Stein (Behind the scenes)
- Flash Family
- The Flash (Wally West) (Cameo)
- Kid Flash (Wallace R. West) (Cameo)
- Ice (Cameo)
- Metamorpho (Cameo)
- The Monitor (Pre-Crisis) (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Nightwing (Cameo)
- Power Girls of the Multiverse (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Primate Legion (Earth 52)
- Bat-Ape (Statue only) (Cameo)
- Unnamed Superman-Ape (First appearance) (Statue only) (Cameo)
- Unnamed Wonder Woman-Ape (First appearance) (Statue only) (Cameo)
- Red Canaries of the Multiverse (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Red Hood (Cameo)
- Sideways' Multiversal counterparts (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Steel (John Henry Irons) (Cameo)
- Titans
- Arsenal (Cameo)
- Changeling (Cameo)
- Cyborg (Cameo)
- Donna Troy (Cameo)
- Raven (Cameo)
- Vixen (Cameo)
- Alexander Luthor, Jr. (Earth-Three) (Mentioned only)
- Batmen of the Multiverse (Mentioned only)
- Damian Waynes of the Multiverse (Mentioned only)
- The Fuginauts (Multiverse) (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)
- Justice Society of America (Mentioned only)
- Mister Terrific (Michael Holt) (Mentioned only)
- Justice League (Mentioned only)
- Black Canary (Dinah Drake Lance) (Mentioned only)
- Superman (Clark Kent) (Mentioned only)
- Robins of the Multiverse (Mentioned only)
- Solomon (Earth 5) (Mentioned only)
- Superboy-Prime (Earth-Prime) (Mentioned only)
- Omniverse
- Hypertime (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Infinite Frontier (Behind the scenes)
- Multiverse-1 (Also in a vision)
- The Bleed
- Monitor's Satellite (In ruins)
- House of Heroes (In ruins) (Flashback and main story)
- Monitor's Satellite (In ruins)
- Orrery of Worlds
- Earth 0
- Washington, D.C.
- Gotham City
- Gotham City High School (Mentioned only)
- Earth 52/"Earth 53" (Real name revealed) (First full appearance) (See Notes)
- United States of America
- Washington, D.C. (In ruins)
- Hall of Justice (First appearance) (In ruins)
- Washington, D.C. (In ruins)
- United States of America
- Earth 0
- Speed Force (Behind the scenes)
- The Bleed
- Multiverse-2
- Monitor's Satellite (Mentioned only)
- Multiverse-1 (Also in a vision)
- Overvoid
- Angle Man's Angler
- Batarang
- Batsuit
- Captain Cold's Cold Gun
- Cosmic Tuning Fork
- Eighth Metal
- Aquawoman's Trident
- Ares' Axe
- Ares' Helmet
- Thunder-Lance
- Firestorm Matrix
- Kinetic Hammer
- Nekron's Scythe
- Red Canary's Escrima Sticks
- Robin's Battle Staff
- Steel's Armor
- T-Watch
- Trick Arrows
- Utility Belt
- Crisis on Infinite Earths (Mentioned only)
- Infinite Crisis (Mentioned only)
- This issue takes place during the events of Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #6.
- Doctor Multiverse's vision of Robin confirms that the events of Batman vs. Robin (Volume 1) take place after the Dark Crisis.
- Power Girl states that, unlike Deathstroke's Army, the possessed JLI and Dark Army are not fighting at their full power.
- There's a continuity error in this story as Earth 52 is mistakenly referred to as "Earth 53".
- The real Earth designation is revealed in Dark Crisis: Big Bang #1.
- This error is corrected in the collected edition.
- The story is continued in Dark Crisis: War Zone #1 and Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #7.
- The issue is collected in Tales from Dark Crisis.
- The destruction of Earth 52 is inspired by Earth-AD.
- Sideways mentions "big guys" being angry because of his journey through the Multiverse which is a reference to the Fuginauts and the events of Sideways (Volume 1).
See Also