DC Database

"Chemical Chords": Frostbite, Copycat, and some of their adopted tribe members arrive at their neighboring tribe in order to find Powerhaus. When he realizes they're here to see him, he is in no hurry to greet them.

Quote1 That's it, Gem. I'm done being Powerhaus. I'm done being a superhuman, whatever the hell that is. Tell me what good that's ever done anyone...what meaningful things I've contributed to humanity, either as the god people see me as, or the monster I know I am...and maybe I'll change my mind. Quote2
— Powerhaus

DV8: Gods and Monsters #3 is an issue of the series DV8: Gods and Monsters (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 2010. It was published on June 16, 2010.

Synopsis for "Chemical Chords"

Frostbite, Copycat, and some of their adopted tribe members arrive at their neighboring tribe in order to find Powerhaus. When he realizes they're here to see him, he is in no hurry to greet them.

Back on The Carrier, Copycat's captors continue their interrogation. They ask if Powerhaus murdered someone and Copycat tells them Powerhaus told her he did.

Powerhaus uses Copycat's frustration to activate his powers and grow large. He then brings her up into his hut but says Frostbite can't come. Powerhaus seems to be hurt by using his powers but Copycat reveals it's because he's shutting out all the emotions of the warring tribes.

Three weeks ago. Hector was captured by a tribe. They brought him to a woman named Nima. She ordered that they "test" him by burning him with flame. When they do, Powerhaus uses his powers to grow large and defends himself against them. As he captures Nima, one of the warriors attack him from behind. He ended up killing the man.

Copycat finds out that the man Powerhaus killed was Nima's husband. But regardless of that fact, Nima decided to take care of Powerhaus because she believes his (and all the others) arrival heralds the end of the world. Powerhaus tells Copycat that he doesn't intent to get anymore involved with these people than he already has. He tells her they have no place messing with this world even though he knows that's what the other Dv8 have done. He tells her he's not a part of their group anymore. With that, Copycat and Frostbite leave.

Appearing in "Chemical Chords"

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  • "Chemical Chords" is a song by American band Stereolab off of their tenth album, released in August 2008, which is also named Chemical Chords.

See Also

Links and References
