The Crown of Thawnes, also known as the Corona Contrarium, is a gestalt of the consciousnesses of every Reverse-Flash in the Multiverse who erased their own timeline. It was created by the Arc Angles as part of their plot to use The Flash to destroy time itself.
Once Wally West had been emotionally broken, the Crown took control of his body and had him run at full speed to the Source Wall.[1] When they reached the boundary of the Source, the Crown ejected from Wally's body and projected into The Source. The Crown burrowed into the Source and began to poison the being known as the "Deep Change", the source of time and all the Cosmic Forces. This caused time to stop throughout the Multiverse. Wally and Barry chased the Crown into the Source and cut the Crown out with a cosmic blade known as the D-Brane.[2]
Powers and Abilities
- The name is a pun on crown of thorns.
- 8 Appearances of Crown of Thawnes
- 1 Images featuring Crown of Thawnes
- Quotations by or about Crown of Thawnes
- Character Gallery: Crown of Thawnes
Flash Villain(s) |