Comic Cavalcade #20 is an issue of the series Comic Cavalcade (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 1947.
Synopsis for Wonder Woman: "The Buddha Wishing Ring"
Steve and Etta use a ring to wish for their heart's desire, but getting their wishes turns out to have its downsides.
Appearing in Wonder Woman: "The Buddha Wishing Ring"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Prince Slambo
Other Characters:
- Capt. Roy Ross (Flashback and main story)
- Wing-Loo (Flashback only)
- Gen. Darnell
- Dean Sourpuss
- Prince Sleeko (First appearance)
- Zippo
- Zugi
- Gen. Price
- Washington, D.C.
- Zani Island
- China (Flashback only)
- Mental Radio
- Buddha Wishing Ring
Synopsis for "Mutt & Jeff / Cicero's Cat"
(newspaper strip reprints)
Appearing in "Mutt & Jeff / Cicero's Cat"
Featured Characters:
- Mutt
- Jeff
- Cicero's Cat
Synopsis for Just a Story: "The Most Expensive Marble in the World"
Appearing in Just a Story: "The Most Expensive Marble in the World"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Expensive Marble
Synopsis for Flash: "Turnabout is Foul Play"
Appearing in Flash: "Turnabout is Foul Play"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Synopsis for Foney Fairy Tales: "A Fish Story"
Appearing in Foney Fairy Tales: "A Fish Story"
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for Hop Harrigan: "Tank Tinker Deals in Crates"
Appearing in Hop Harrigan: "Tank Tinker Deals in Crates"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Synopsis for O'Malley: "O'Malley Gets His Men"
Appearing in O'Malley: "O'Malley Gets His Men"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Synopsis for Green Lantern: "The Man Who Was First"
Adam Adams was raised being taught that because his family are alphabetically first, they have to be first in everything else too. He takes this to heart and grows up to be first in everything: wealth, publicity (doing things like being the first to drive across new bridges), and fashion statements. One morning Adams has the misfortune to read a news story about a merciless criminal being declared Public Enemy #1, and his compulsion forcing him to embark on a quest to be first in crime along with everything else. Adams forms a gang and tries to steal the first dollar earned by a millionaire. Green Lantern intervenes but the gang switches off the lights and escapes under cover of darkness. GL tries to set a trap by arranging to have several priceless works that are the first of their kind publicly displayed, allowing him to be on hand staking out the city library when Adams shows up to steal Shakespeare's first folio. The hero easily withstands Adams' butler's weapons, but while he's distracted the rest of the gang dumps books on Green Lantern. He's helpless against books, as books are made of paper, and thus, wood. Eventually the crooks give him the slip by dangling Doiby in front of an oncoming train, escaping while GL comes to his friend's rescue. Meanwhile Adams hauls away the entire First National Bank with heavy machinery, but Green Lantern gets the upper hand by checking with the city clerk to find out where the first house built in town was and tracking Adams there. Adams continues his strange path through life by becoming the first inmate at a new prison.
Appearing in Green Lantern: "The Man Who Was First"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Published bi-monthly by National Comics Publications, Inc. This 76-page magazine sold for fifteen cents a copy, in an era when almost all other comics were 64 pages, for ten cents.
See Also