DC Database

Quote1 They all listen to me. Jocks, geeks, burn-outs... and whatever group you're in, darling. Quote2
— Cindy Burman src

Cindy Burman, alias Shiv, is the daughter of the supervillain and war criminal Dragon King.

The Dragon King sent his daughter Cindy to be educated in the best schools in the world. Never wanting anything more than to please her father, she followed in his criminal footsteps as the deadly blade-wielding Shiv.

When Dragon King made their home in Blue Valley, Nebraska, Cindy and her father went up against the New Star-Spangled Kid (Courtney Whitmore) and her step-father and former All-Star Squadron member S.T.R.I.P.E. (Pat Dugan). In the course of the fight, her father was killed, leaving her with a deep anger and she swore revenge on Courtney.[1]

Injustice Society

Shiv was later recruited into the newest incarnation of the Injustice Society led by Johnny Sorrow.




  • Shiv Costume: Armored costume containing a large arsenal of bladed weapons. The armor provided Shiv with superhuman strength, sufficient to throw an automobile.


  • Staff Robotic device capable of converting into a mechanical anaconda able to shoot plumes of fire.



Injustice Society 0002
Justice Society Villain(s)
DC Bullet 2024

This character, team or organization has been primarily an enemy of the Justice Society, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Justice Society Villains" category.
