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Still, when the dark threatens to overwhelm me, I'll remember how you took a bullet for me. You couldn't do that if you didn't love me.
I am the new Eve. The mother of the men of tomorrow.
If you are strong enough, you will survive. That is the law of the jungle.
It's one kind of man who can come up with a plan... and another who can see his plans well executed. I like that kind of man. I like you.
I knew you'd come, lover...I just hope you're not too late...
This place isn't a prison. There's no release date. No parole. Some sweaty, over-weight creep asks you to go down on him to prove you're fit to mingle with society... When you're scared enough - or hurt enough - to be quiet, to be "good"... Then they'll let you out. Or maybe they won't. And nobody gives a damn. You want me to help you?
Yes... he needs me... God he needs me... Because without me, he's no man.
I've killed many men who disregard the fundamental rights of all life. I poison them -- they die -- but there's always another to take their place.
Superboy... I need you.
Where have you been all my life?
You're not my enemy, Batman. I used to think defeating you was my main objective in life. No. You're merely a hindrance. My main goal now and forevermore will be a better world. If that means we cross swords, so be it, but... I've changed.
Did you truly believe your efforts tonight would get me to change? To be grateful? Don't hold your breath waiting for an apology. You know who I am and what I am.
You... Still the Dark Angel, immune to my allure, ever tempted, never succumbing. And you've come to save them... how noble, Batman... how wretchedly, disgustingly noble.
I've made a monster, Batman-- the better to kill you!
Once you've been touched by poison ivy, you can never get rid of her. Never, Never, NEVER!
You know you can't resist me. No man can...
The suffering. The pain. Can't you hear them? Their cries for mercy?
I can give you relief, honey. Permanent relief. Sweet relief.
Six months...trapped by enslaved children--children I'd promised to enslaved me...and you abused the you're going to pay.
I prick you with thorns and you respond with lead. Isn't that the very heart of the problem?
Some things are worth dying for, Batman.
Salvation in a bottle, billionaires! What am I bid?!
What is our final destination? And are we taking any men along? More fun to party if there's a husky body or two.
Me? I'm a genius. I can make plants behave like animals and make animals into plants. And I'm part plant as well. It doesn't show. But I am... What am I? I am the Queen of the May, crowned in leaves, and blossom, and thorns. I am hope and beauty and truth. A symbol of growth in the dark times that are upon us... I am impossible. Woodrue killed me. You know that? I don't know what he gave me in those college experiments. But it killed me... killed her... birthed me... What am I? I am Poison Ivy.
Pamela Isley (New Earth) -
Batman Vol 1 651 -
Batman Vol 1 529 -
Batman: Poison Ivy -
Detective Comics Vol 1 735 -
Batman Vol 1 495 -
Detective Comics Vol 1 823 -
Batman Vol 1 339
All items (24)