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The government is messing around with Time Travel? That is the single scariest thing I have ever, ever heard.
Huh, my sister did a science project like this in the fourth grade. If I remember correctly, I screwed that up too. Let's try it without the embarrassing explosion this time.
Security personnel? Man, I was in the JLA! "Booster Gold, night watchman", is a total status kill!
You did a fine job getting me started on the right path. Though I still remember how completely nuts you sometimes made me.
We can debate that point later. Right now--You need a shower.
You were my best friend, Ted! My best friend! We were gonna go on laughing and joking and saving the world forever! And you left me alone!
I'll have you know that women-- in dozens of eras across history-- have sung the praises of my ass! And you should hear what they say about the rest of my anatomy!
Yeah-- and I've got to tell you, since they switched writers the book's gone right into the toilet!
Those guys give me the creeps.
I've done a pretty good job of screwing up my own life. I don't need people like Dirk helping me. That's it, Carter! Time to start over -- get my life in order. My future is a clean slate -- and that future starts now!
Okay. Almost got it. See. This isn't so hard. I don't need Beetle to -- GODSWEETMOTHERDAMN!!
How do I explain to Sue that her husband was force-fed eighty billion hamburgers and exploded?
You don't get to kill Max Lord! We capture him and he gets stuck in a concrete hole with 85 power dampeners strapped to every appendage and he rots there! But before we do that--I'm gonna beat the ever-loving @#$% out of him.
Sometimes I have no clue when I'm getting screwed over.
We're a thousand years in the future... Alone in a hostile universe. Where the hell we gonna go?
"Trouble" isn't the word, Superman! I'm telling you right now -- it's like doomsday is here!
Like it or not, we're not the Justice League anymore! They are!
This isn't what I signed up for. All I wanted was to find Batman.
So he's gone from being Mister Miracle to being Mister Clean! So what?
Tomorrow is the defining moment of the century and I'm gonna be part of it.
Why don't you go check the damage on the limo? It's my favorite one, and I'd hate to lose it!
It's one thing if you try to kill me. But when you don't laugh at my jokes -- then I get mad!
Light up the whole damn sky, Daniel! This one's for the Blue and the Gold!
Looks like we've got a fake Booster running around, people, and there's no way I'm going to let him steal my thunder!
You wonderful, little... if you had an orifice I'd kiss it or rub it or something.
Sorry, ladies, your're nice enough-- Just a bit too clingy.
Oh, good. I can't wait to get home and have Max put a bullet through my head.
In the super hero game there's usually one fail-safe technique used to solve problems. Beat the stuffing out of the bad guys. Other times you gotta use your brains. Or lack of 'them
You what? You lied? What kind of a Superhero are you?
Oh, c'mon. Would the devil be as good looking as me?
You wanted me in that prison... At that exact time... So I could meet him-- Didn't you?
We are in Crisis. And I must do what's necessary-- as only I can. Time is of the essence.
Tomorrow is the defining moment of the century and I'm gonna be part of it.
It's like an Egyptian tomb now. Testament to the greatness it represents. And reminder of the evil he protected us from.
Michael Carter (New Earth) -
Batcave -
52 Vol 1 1 -
Justice League America Vol 1 69 -
Booster Gold Vol 1 1 -
Justice League Vol 1 4 -
52 Vol 1 52 -
52 Vol 1 6
All items (35)
- Batcave
- Booster Gold Vol 1 1
- Booster Gold Vol 1 23
- Booster Gold Vol 2 13
- Booster Gold Vol 2 14
- Booster Gold Vol 2 17
- Booster Gold Vol 2 18
- Booster Gold Vol 2 20
- Booster Gold Vol 2 22
- Booster Gold Vol 2 30
- Booster Gold Vol 2 37
- Booster Gold Vol 2 39
- Booster Gold Vol 2 40
- Booster Gold Vol 2 42
- Booster Gold Vol 2 43