DC Database

The planet was settled between Dominion space and Earth to prevent any future attacks.

Cargg is one of the Buffer Planets seeded by Valor, after the Dominator Invasion! of Earth.


The planet was settled between Dominion space and Earth to prevent any future attacks.

The planet is colonized by Meta-gene positive human beings. It has a complicated orbit around three suns. Underneath, the continuous exposure to ultraviolet radiation has caused plants to grow to be the most beautiful in the Milky Way. The human emigrants developed the power of Bio-Fusion, allowing them to split into three bodies. The Carggites triplicates all possess the exact same emotions. Those who don't are considered social outcasts, requiring psychological treatment.

The high exposure to solar radiation makes the planet dangerous to visitors, as they are required to wear protective gear at all times.

After the collapse of the United Planets economy, a major meteor impact clouded the atmosphere into a perpetual winter.

The Dark Circle invaded but were defeated with the assistance of Valor and Shadow Lass.


See Also
