DC Database

""Power Play"": General Eiling visit Dr. Megala's home to demand the doctor to attend the launch of Megala's satellite, the Force-One, which is designed to better monitor Major Force. But Megala strongly decline to attend the launch. Annoyed, Eiling takes his leave with Allard. During the flight

Captain Atom (Volume 2) #18 is an issue of the series Captain Atom (Volume 2) with a cover date of August, 1988.

Synopsis for "Power Play"

General Eiling visit Dr. Megala's home to demand the doctor to attend the launch of Megala's satellite, the Force-One, which is designed to better monitor Major Force. But Megala strongly decline to attend the launch. Annoyed, Eiling takes his leave with Allard. During the flight, Eiling states his concern over Megala's declining health.

The next day, Eiling's helicopter went missing shortly after the general's visit. Nathaniel Adam is notified by Colonel Uber for his assistance in finding Eiling and Allard. Nathaniel is very reluctant to rescue the man who ruined his life, but regardless obliges for the sake of his children, who looked up to Eiling for being a decent stepfather.

As Captain Atom, Nathaniel soon found the helicopter which indicate that it malfunctioned and forced its passenger to make an emergency landing. He then debrief with Colonel Uber, who brings his suspicion that Major Force is involve. Uber explains that Major Force has always been monitored by his implants, but it only works if he doesn't stray more than 200 miles from the nearest tracking station. Hence the need of Force-One which will constantly monitor Major Force. Megala also played a key role in the satellite's development to make up for his role in Major Force's creation. Uber deduce that Major Force is likely trying to blackmail the USAF to cancel the satellite launch in exchange for Eiling and Allard's life. But Uber refuse Major Force's blackmail and Captain Atom flies off to locate Major Force's last known location.

Meanwhile, Eiling and Allard wake up in a darken room. After managing to break out of the room, they try to recall what they last remember. Their helicopter suddenly lost power and they managed to land on a clearing until they were suddenly exposed to nerve gas. The helicopter was sabotaged at Megala's retreat when Eiling and Allard were with the doctor. Eiling was barely conscious and remember seeing a man dressed in a general uniform, who took them to a van before bludgeoning the helicopter with an iron mallet. Eiling then realize that their abductor was not Major Force.

Suddenly the TV inside the room the captives are in turns on and shows the identity of their abductor: Master Militarius - one of the fictitious villains from Captain Atom's rogues gallery. Eiling and Allard are then force to survive in Militarius's booby-trapped rooms. The captives soon escape from a flooded room and found themselves outside of a house and not too far from the base, where the Force-One satellite is already launched without incident. Eiling is quick to realize that their abduction is not all it seems to be.

The men return to the base and confront Dr. Megala and Babylon, whom Eiling finds them to be the perpetrators of their supposed abduction. Megala admits his crime and stating that this is all part of his "insurance". The doctor knew that he would one day be indispensable to Eiling and so he develop a contingency plan: he organized the fake abduction as a distraction in order for the doctor to install his own satellite, the Megala-X, inside Force-One; in which the satellite linked a 24-hour a day via microwave pulse to Megala's heartbeat. Should his heart cease functioning, the Megala-X will transmit a pre-recorded tape that will publicly expose the truth of the Captain Atom Project. In short, when Megala dies then Eiling's career dies with him.

Eiling grudgingly accept this stalemate with Megala. Captain Atom soon return with an inebriated Major Force, who has been making himself a nuisance in Switzerland.

Appearing in "Power Play"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Force-X
  • Megala-X


See Also

Links and References
