DC Database

Created as a genetic experiment, Bubastis was a mutated lynx who served as Adrian Veidt's sole companion through most of his adult life.

She is first seen in a flashback when Doctor Manhattan and Laurie Juspeczyk visit Adrian at his Antarctic fortress.

She sat with Adrian as he watched his televisions, becoming distressed at Rorschach and Nite-Owl's arrival. Once they arrive, she is used as a deterrent against violence from the heroes. After Manhattan arrives, Bubastis was used by Veidt to lure Manhattan into an intrinsic field subtractor. After asking Bubastis for forgiveness, Veidt throws a switch activating the field and vapourising Bubastis and Jon in the process. However, Doctor Manhattan was able to reform himself a few minutes later.

Veidt would later succeeded in creating a clone of Bubastis, which also inherited the same powers as Doctor Manhattan.[1]


  • During an extra at the end of one volume, Adrian's marketers write to him asking if she (and several other costumed figures) could be added to the Ozymandias toy line. While he rejects the others, he approves of Bubastis, asking for a toy of her once it is released.


