The Brotherhood of the Monkey Fist is a pseudo-religious group of martial artists.
They refuse to use modern weaponry and are constantly jostling for higher positions within their order. The way to improve is to defeat or kill better martial artists which causes them to target well known martial artists like Connor Hawke in their quest to reach the top and become a member of an order with only two or one members. While they themselves won't use guns they have no issue hiring those who do to deal with opponents who don't play by their rules.
See Also
- 7 Appearances of Brotherhood of the Monkey Fist
- 5 Images that include Brotherhood of the Monkey Fist
- Team Gallery: Brotherhood of the Monkey Fist
Links and References
Green Arrow Villain(s) This character has been primarily an enemy of Green Arrow, or his supporting cast including Black Canary and Team Arrow. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Green Arrow Villains." |
Batman Villain(s) |