Used to be with the circus. I was a daredevil trapeze jockey. Now I'm the agent of a higher power. Can you imagine?
- — Boston Brand src
Boston Brand or Deadman, began his life as a "daredevil trapeze jockey" in the circus until his death lead to him becoming an agent of a higher power.
After Superman's ten years absence in world affairs, Boston had forgone his once human-like appearance to that of a skeleton wearing his rotted circus acrobat clothes. He was present at a superhuman nightclub where he witnessed Superman's message to the metahuman patrons of joining his Justice League or be dealt with.
Boston also noticed the presence of Norman McCay and The Spectre, who were witnessing the events leading to the conflict between the traditional heroes led by Superman and irresponsible heroes. He encountered them a second time during a meeting between the Quintessence; in which he shortly spoke with McCay about The Spectre's origin. Boston even offered McCay to look him up again when he "get to the other side".[1]
Powers and Abilities
- Acrobatics: Boston Brand was an acrobat in his mortal life.
- According to character supplement in Kingdom Come / Revelations, Deadman's skeletal appearance indicate either of his "final acceptance of his (after)life's fate or a loss of his own mind."
- In the novelization of Kingdom Come, Boston has extended dialogue with Norman McKay in which he talked about why the Quintessence cannot intervene in the superhuman conflict as it will only worsen the situation, using Zeus' intervention with Troy as an example.
- 6 Appearances of Boston Brand (Earth-22)
- 5 Images featuring Boston Brand (Earth-22)
- 2 Quotations by or about Boston Brand (Earth-22)
- Character Gallery: Boston Brand (Earth-22)
Justice League member This character has been a member of the Justice League of America, or simply the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from the clutches of both interstellar and domestic threats. |