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""Blue & Gold - Conclusion: Holding Back the Years"": With Blue Beetle dead again, the timeline resets. Everyone returns to their place in the new timeline. But chronal anomalies like the Time-Stealers and Booster Gold have no fixed spot in the original timeline... and Booster Gold falls forward

Quote1 Let the world think you're crazy if that's what it takes to be the best you can be, Michael. You proved me wrong. You proved yourself wrong. Quote2
— Batman

Booster Gold (Volume 2) #1000000 is an issue of the series Booster Gold (Volume 2) with a cover date of September, 2008.

Synopsis for "Blue & Gold - Conclusion: Holding Back the Years"

With Blue Beetle dead again, the timeline resets. Everyone returns to their place in the new timeline. But chronal anomalies like the Time-Stealers and Booster Gold have no fixed spot in the original timeline... and Booster Gold falls forward, landing somewhere in the 853rd century.

He is dazed for a bit, but he sees a hero named Peter Platinum fighting a terror group known as the Sons of Solaris. Platinum identifies him as Booster Gold, a corporate imbecile from the 21st century. The news that he is remembered as a fool, coupled with losing Blue Beetle, leaves Booster Gold in a bad place.

Rip Hunter arrives to collect him, taking Peter Platinum's technology in passing (since it seems Platinum stole it from him in the first place). Returning to the present, Rip wants to get back to work, but Booster walks away. The losses and the heartache, and the inevitability of his failure, has finally hit him. Rip decides to take steps.

While flying over Las Vegas, Booster stops a robbery by the Royal Flush Gang. After they have been defeated, Green Arrow shows up and accuses him of orchestrating the entire affair. Booster flies off in a rage. Batman asks to see him.

Booster Gold decides to tell him the news: he realises he can't do a proper job of heroing, and so is going to retire . Batman takes it all in, and then hands him a set of photos, developed from the film on Barbara Gordon's camera on the night she was crippled by the Joker. They showed Booster Gold, but Batman had no idea who he was... and when he did know, Booster was still too young. So Batman waited.

He points out that Booster went to his limits and beyond trying to save Barbara. He admits that people underestimate him. Batman sympathises. But if people think you're a fool or a madman, then you can hit them when they're laughing. He offers himself as a shoulder to cry on. Bouyed by this, Booster returns to Rip Hunter to apologise.

Here, he is greeted by another surprise - Rip Hunter has saved his sister, the heroine Goldstar. Rip explains that Blue Beetle couldn't be saved using time travel, but Goldstar was an anomaly from the future, so there was... leeway. Goldstar decides that the two of them should have lunch in Paris in 1899, to watch them putting the last touches to the Eiffel Tower. As Booster steps into the time sphere, Rip Hunter acknowledges him as his father.

The story then shifts to sometime in the far future. In the form of a historical text, we are told about Rip Hunter, greatest of the Time Masters, and how he fathered all who came after him... except one. Booster Gold, another of the Time Masters, is widely regarded as fool and a wastrel, and the public cannot understand how he ever became a member of that noble group.

But Booster will take the public drubbing, as long as he has his family.

Appearing in "Blue & Gold - Conclusion: Holding Back the Years"

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See Also

Links and References

JLA One Million TP
DC One Million Crossover
DC Bullet 2024

This comic issue is a part of the "DC One Million" event that crossed over into every DC Title in 1998. It involved present day interaction with versions of the characters seen in contemporary comic books with their counterparts in the 853rd Century.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "DC One Million" category.
