The Blue Earth Movement is an anti-alien group which rose up following the housing of refugees from Warworld in Metropolis.
Blue Earth is designated a domestic terrorist group, and members have committed assault of even attempted murder against alien refugees and their supporters. Their leadership officially denounce violence but in reality support and encourage it. The members believed they were defending Earth, but were in fact just softening it up for an invasion from the Dark Multiverse lead by Blue Earth's own leader, a mysterious woman named Norah Stone, who was in fact Janan al Ghul. When the Empire of Shadows invaded, Blue Earth helped the Superman Family fight them off.[1]
Despite al Ghul's deception being revealed, Blue Earth continued on without her. They threw their support behind Garon Blake; a right-wing, anti-alien candidate for Mayor of Metropolis.[2]
- Blue Earth Movement is a clear allegory for American far-right and nativist groups. In their first appearance, two members attempt to run over and kill a crowd of counter-protestors, a tactic used by multiple right-wing terrorists in recent years.
See Also
- 17 Appearances of Blue Earth Movement
- 5 Images that include Blue Earth Movement
- Organization Gallery: Blue Earth Movement
- None.
Superman Villain(s) This character has been primarily an enemy of Superman in any of his various incarnations, or members of the Superman Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Superman Villains category." |