DC Database

"Time On His Hands!": Melody and Jeremiah went with Angie to the hospital before Ted arrived and was greeted with tension by the redhead employee. When Ted returned to Kord Industries, he took an elevator to his fortress and decided to confront Chronos as Blue Beetle, despite the new law.

Blue Beetle (Volume 6) #10 is an issue of the series Blue Beetle (Volume 6) with a cover date of March, 1987.

Synopsis for "Time On His Hands!"

Melody and Jeremiah went with Angie to the hospital before Ted arrived and was greeted with tension by the redhead employee. When Ted returned to Kord Industries, he took an elevator to his fortress and decided to confront Chronos as Blue Beetle, despite the new law.

In Midtown, Melody read a Chicago Sun-Times article about Blue Beetle breaking the new law and believed that G. Gordon Godfrey was right moments before a girl snatched her purse. As the girl ran, she was hit by a truck and Melody ordered the driver to call an ambulance. Blue Beetle stopped by Angie's house and left the Bug in camouflage mode, but was seen by a neighbor while entering the house. Inside, he found the receipt for a rental of a downtown warehouse and after exiting the house, two policemen aimed their guns at him, although he escaped in his Bug. Then, he researched on the Bug's computer about Chronos, who he learned was David Clinton.

At a midtown hospital, Melody was told that the girl was barely stable and when she attempted to visit her, two men shocked the redhead before taking the girl away in a helicopter. Blue Beetle searched the warehouse mentioned on the receipt and hid when Chronos arrived. The hero attempted to apprehend the villain before the latter fled on his sundial and the former chased him with the Bug. Blue Beetle jumped onto Chronos' sundial and fought him before they crashed into Buckingham Fountain. After they crashed, civilians ordered Blue Beetle to leave and threw cans at him. When Chronos attempted to run away, he dropped his stopwatch and Blue Beetle used it to freeze him before fleeing the angry civilians in his Bug.

Appearing in "Time On His Hands!"

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See Also

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