Why are you all gas-masked up, Lady? And how did our friends get so sleepy all of a sudden?
- — Chuck Wilson
Blackhawk #19 is an issue of the series Blackhawk (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1948.
Synopsis for "The Creations of Dr. Omega"
Appearing in "The Creations of Dr. Omega"
Featured Characters:
- Dr. Omega, hermit (Single appearance; dies)
- his band of killers (Dies)
- Moth, companion and ally (Single appearance; dies)
- deserted mountain region
- unknown peaks
- Omega's cave
- unknown peaks
- Omega's Robots (Destroyed)
- Omega's suspended-animation ray (Destroyed)
- four Blackhawk Grumman XF5F Skyrockets
Synopsis for "The Animal Slaves of Dr. Sprowle"
Appearing in "The Animal Slaves of Dr. Sprowle"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Abd al Gebr, Kadi of El Kebir (Dies)
- his horsemen
- Dr. Maxim Sprowle (Dies)
Other Characters:
- Yusuf bin Hamadu, caravan boss (Dies)
- Ali, caravan hand (Dies)
- caravan crew (Dies)
- Amar
- his horsemen
- Blackhawk Island
- El Kebir, North Africa
- El Kebir, mysterious remote desert city
- caravan of camels (Dies)
- assorted pack of big cats: 3 tigers, puma, panther, lion
- flock of vultures
- Kadi's men's horses
- Sprowle's electronic big-cat-controlling device
- six Blackhawk Grumman XF5F Skyrockets
Synopsis for Chop Chop: "Marvelo the Great"
Appearing in Chop Chop: "Marvelo the Great"
Featured Characters:
- Marvelo
- bodyguard
- seedy night club
- spooky old house in the country
Synopsis for "The Tomb of Ra-Aneth"
Appearing in "The Tomb of Ra-Aneth"
- Baal, the Devourer (Mentioned only)
- Sheik Abd al Rhassid, as "Fahad el Hussein"
- his many servants
Other Characters:
- Pharaoh Ra-Aneth (seemingly immortal)
- his spear men
- Princess Noma (seemingly immortal)
- Chief Curator (Dies)
- Scarab of Death
- six Blackhawk Grumman XF5F Skyrockets
- As of this issue, the title shifts from quarterly to bi-monthly publication.
- Dr. Omega guns down his henchwoman Moth, and jumps off a cliff to his own death.
- Chop Chop gets head-konked unconscious, for the sixth time,[1] with a thrown vase.
- Dr. Sprowle
- Fear appears for the fifth time.[2] She no longer breaks the Fourth Wall to address the readers, but remains In-Universe, like any other character.
- Blackhawk: "The Blackhawks don't like to use guns ... but this seems like a special case, Hendrickson!" That's different. Up until now, the Blackhawks have used guns with gusto and great enthusiasm, and extremely effectively; this is the first mention of any notion to the contrary.
- Ra-Ameth and Princess Noma lived and supposedly died around 2500 BC, but are alive in 1948.
- Blackhawk and his team know the secret location of their hidden throne room, and have sworn to tell no-one.
- They both speak and understand English, and Princess Noma wears lipstick.
- Also featured in this issue of Blackhawk was:
- Blackhawk: "Rain-Maker" (text story)
- This issue's cover by Reed Crandall will appear again on Blackhawk #47
See Also
Links and References
- ↑ Blackhawk #12, Modern Comics #58, Modern Comics #62, Blackhawk #17, Modern Comics #67, & Blackhawk #19
- ↑ Modern Comics #49, Blackhawk #13, Blackhawk #14, Blackhawk #17, and Blackhawk #19
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Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.