DC Database

"The Conscience of the Killer": Black Lightning is bound for execution by Tobias Whale and the 100, with a trussed-up Peter Gambi by his side.

Quote1 Don't act so damned shocked, Peter! You'd think there'd be a law against anybody being as stupid as I've been-- Played as a prize fool! "We'll fight them together," you said-- And I never once stopped to ask how it was that a humble tailor knew so much about the mob. Quote2
— Black Lightning

Black Lightning #7 is an issue of the series Black Lightning (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1978.

Synopsis for "The Conscience of the Killer"

Black Lightning is bound for execution by Tobias Whale and the 100, with a trussed-up Peter Gambi by his side.

Appearing in "The Conscience of the Killer"

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See Also

Links and References
