I sacrificed--I gave up...everything! Everything! To save my city. To save Gotham! And it...this city--you try to save it, and it just...it bleeds you. It destroys you! It destroys...everything you--it destroys everything! In Gotham, the Monster Men are always coming.
- — Gotham
Batman (Volume 3) #4 is an issue of the series Batman (Volume 3) with a cover date of October, 2016. It was published on August 3, 2016.
Synopsis for "I Am Gotham, Part Four"
Batman is looking at twenty-seven dead bodies that look to have been killed by someone with superhuman powers. Amidst the bodies is Claire, who keeps repeating "I'm scared. I'm very scared." On the wall, "I AM GOTHAM" is written in blood.
Elsewhere, Gotham is trying to talk a man down from suicide. Law enforcement and firemen are standing by behind them. Gotham tells the man about to commit suicide that everyone is afraid and that the fear gives everyone a chance to be brave. Gotham says they can fix this. The man thanks Gotham, telling him he wasn't sure if he could do it. He presses "detonate" on his phone and says "The Monster Men are coming." The bomb goes off, killing the bomber and everyone else there besides Gotham.
Meanwhile, in the Batcave, Claire is screaming. Alfred offers her coffee and when she yells "NO!" he says then perhaps tea. Duke offers her a blanket and some comfort, but is interrupted by Batman who demands Duke's analysis of the crime scene NOW.
Elsewhere, Gotham is repeating "I can fix this" to himself. Batman arrives and tries to tell Gotham that right now he can't fix it. Gotham screams that Batman doesn't know what he can do and throws the steel beam that he was holding at the Batmobile, destroying the car. Batman says that he thought he knew what Gotham could do before he came across those twenty-seven dead bodies in a burning building. Gotham flies away screaming "NO!" Duke contacts Batman and asks him if he should send the pattern he found to the car. Batman, who is standing in front of the destroyed Batmobile, tells him that no, he should not send it to the car. As Batman grabs a backpack from the Batmobile and flies away while blowing up the car, Duke tells him that all the dog tags add up to twenty-four, which is the letter of the unit, meaning Task Force "X" a.k.a. the Suicide Squad.
Elsewhere, Sam Lane is telling Amanda Waller that they don't need to worry about Batman. He claims that even if Batman somehow connects the incident to them, that where they're at isn't in the books and therefore Batman can't find them. Waller looks up from her phone to tell Lane and the damn Bat-man is standing right behind him. Batman takes out Lane and tells Waller that it's time they talked. Waller points out that ever since Batman arrived, Gotham has been on fire, and she's been tasked with putting out the flames. She tells Batman that Hugo Strange and Psycho-Pirate were working for her, but Strange betrayed her and used Psycho-Pirate to control Gotham and cause him to kill her soldiers. Waller says she'll work with Batman, but only if he says "Please". Batman says her that twenty-seven people are dead and she wants him to say please? Waller tells him that it was twenty-eight people.
Batman finds Gotham at his parents' house, standing over their dead bodies, holding the twenty-eighth man in his grasp. Batman figured out that the twenty-eighth soldier was still alive and when Gotham, who hadn't realized that, took his mask off. The soldier then took Hank's picture, figured out his identity, and came after Hank's parents. Batman tries to convince Gotham not to kill the soldier, stating that this is Psycho-Pirate's doing, but Gotham snaps the soldier's neck. Gotham mentions that the Monster Men are always coming, and that Gotham City destroys everything. Gotham says that he can't fix Gotham, but he can kill it before it hurts anyone else as he flies off, leaving Batman behind.
Appearing in "I Am Gotham, Part Four"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Amanda Waller
- Gotham
- Joseph Stucci (First appearance; unnamed) (Dies)
- Sam Lane
Other Characters:
- Henry Clover (Appears only as a corpse)
- Killer Croc (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Mary Clover (Appears only as a corpse)
- Mister Freeze (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- The Penguin (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Riddler (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Scarecrow (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Two-Face (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Victor Zsasz (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- The Court of Owls (Mentioned only)
- Hugo Strange (Mentioned only)
- The Joker (Mentioned only)
- Mister Bloom (Mentioned only)
- Monster Men (Mentioned only)
- Psycho-Pirate (Mentioned only)
- Task Force X (Mentioned only)
- Gotham City
- Batcave
- Robbinsville
- Vincefinkle Bridge
- Bat-Glider
- Batmobile (Destroyed)