DC Database

"Back To the Big House": Penguin has escaped from prison and he is soon back to his old antics, leading Batman and Robin on wild chases and deadly traps until they finally capture him.

Quote1 Okay youngster... we're going out tonight, but not to catch crooks! I'm going to give you a taste of night-life! Quote2
— Bruce Wayne

Batman #30 is an issue of the series Batman (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1945.

Synopsis for "Back To the Big House"

Penguin has escaped from prison and he is soon back to his old antics, leading Batman and Robin on wild chases and deadly traps until they finally capture him.

Appearing in "Back To the Big House"

Featured Characters:


  • Penguin
    • Hammer (Single appearance)
    • Tongs (Single appearance)



Synopsis for "While the City Sleeps"

Batman takes Robin on a tour across Gotham City at night to show him the various jobs carried out while almost the entire city is sleeping. During this time, they are confronted by Hush-Hush Bodin and his gang, who want to recover a large amount of stolen money. With help from the people who work at night, the Dynamic Duo manage to capture Bodin and his gang.

Appearing in "While the City Sleeps"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Joe Jones (Single appearance)


  • Hush-Hush Bodin (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Dan Shawn (Single appearance)


Synopsis for "Alias the Baron"

Alfred is mistaken for an important Baron and is abducted by some criminals, who are eventually stopped by the real Baron. However, Alfred gets the credit for capturing the criminals.

Appearing in "Alias the Baron"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Ed Rocket (Single appearance)
  • Mooch (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Baron (Single appearance)


Synopsis for "Ally Babble and the Fourteen Peeves"

A rich man hires Ally Babble, the most annoying and obnoxious person in the world, to do some chores for him, but when Babble's activities become a hazard to society, Batman and Robin put an end to his activities.

Babble makes the acquaintance of Jasper Quinch, a crabby, wealthy man in a wheelchair who offers Babble $5,000.00 if he will wreak comic vengeance on fourteen people he considers to be the worst type of public pest.

Babble takes on the job with a vengeance. Motorists who splash muddy water on people standing at the curb are pulled out of their cars and thrown into puddles.

Moviehouse pests; people who hog public telephones(Babble nails one such person inside the booth while the crowd cheers him); and barbers who cut YOUR hair they way THEY want to (Babble shaves one half-bald).

Two small time crooks named Hoiman and Shoiman commit robberies in Babble's wake, casting the impression that the talkative man is a criminal on the loose.

Annoying he may be, but Ally Babble is an honest man and aids Batman and Robin in capturing the small-time crooks.

Back at Jasper Quich's house, Quinch is so eager to tell Babble to shut up that he doesn't notice that he's jumped out of his wheelchair and run across the room to do it.

Having performed this medical miracle, Ally Babble goes cheerfully on his way.

Appearing in "Ally Babble and the Fourteen Peeves"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Ally Babble (First appearance)
  • Jasper Quinch (Single appearance)


  • Hoiman (Single appearance)
  • Shoiman (Single appearance)




See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
