DC Database

"The Batman Plays a Lone Hand": Batman tells Robin that he is going solo and doesn't need him anymore. Dick feels left behind by his trusted partner and in the meantime, Batman goes after the criminal known as Thumb, who is trying to st

Quote1 We're parting company, Dick. From now on the Batman works alone! Quote2
— Bruce Wayne

Batman #13 is an issue of the series Batman (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1942. It was published on August 8, 1942.

Synopsis for "The Batman Plays a Lone Hand"

Batman tells Robin that he is going solo and doesn't need him anymore. Dick feels left behind by his trusted partner and in the meantime, Batman goes after the criminal known as Thumb, who is trying to steal from the bank. Thumb and his henchmen manage to subdue Batman and afterwards they place in on the basement of their secret hideout. Learning of Batman's misfortune, Dick leaves his sorrow behind and strikes at the criminals' lair, where he finds Batman and together, they capture the whole gang. Batman then explains Robin that the reason why he wanted to work alone on this mission, was because Thumb threatened to kill Robin if he ever got the chance and all Batman wanted was to prevent Robin's death.

After this, the dynamic duo are back in action and the whole misunderstanding is left behind.

Appearing in "The Batman Plays a Lone Hand"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Thumb (Single appearance)
    • Monk (Single appearance)
    • Slasher (Single appearance)

Other Characters:



Synopsis for "Comedy of Tears"

The Joker has been stealing papers from people in order to make them cry, but the big plot behind these apparently harmless crimes, is the acquisition of the signatures of various important people. Knowing Joker's scheme, Dick pretends to be an autograph collector and goes around Gotham City, collecting signatures from some of the most important people. The Joker steals Dick's small notebook not knowing that it is part of the elaborated plan to capture him.

When Joker arrives at the house of Mr. Bigby, one of the wealthiest citizens of Gotham, he falls straight into the trap set up by the dynamic duo. However, during the struggle, Joker gets a hold of Robin and demands a million dollars to set him free. Batman convinces Mr. Bigby to give Joker the money in the form of a certified check. Later, Robin regrets the fact that they were unable to capture the Joker, but Batman informs Dick that the clown prince of crime can't retrieve the money from any bank without exposing himself and risking to be captured. In the end, it is a bittersweet victory for the dynamic duo.

Appearing in "Comedy of Tears"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Joker
    • Bruiser (Single appearance)
  • Pretty Boy Dugan

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Story of the Seventeen Stones"

A criminal named Rocky Grimes is freed from prison after twenty years. Ever since he was captured, he had no memory of his past as a criminal, but when a stone hits him on the forehead, he remembers everything, including the fact that he was captured because his mates delivered him to the police. Grimes decides to get revenge on them using a stone motif and he kills two of his former colleagues with stones and he tries to go after the third member of the gang, Mason, but Batman save the man from a gruesome death. The dynamic duo then start chasing Grimes, but he escapes and tries to murder the fourth member of the gang. After a long investigation on their secret laboratory, Batman and Robin learn the identity of Rocky Grimes and they foil his next murder attempt. Grimes is forced to retreat to his hideout, where he prepares a trap for Batman and Robin. The dynamic duo fall for the trap and Grimes ties Batman inside a room full of sulphur fumes and Robin gets tied to a rock and is thrown into the water. Batman manages to escape and rescues Robin. Batman and Robin locate Grimes who, is trying to eliminate the last member of his former gang. Batman stops him and while they are fighting on a bridge, Grimes falls to his death after he steps on hailstones.

Appearing in "The Story of the Seventeen Stones"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Rocky Grimes (Single appearance; dies)

Other Characters:

  • Brenner (Single appearance)
  • Fin Gonzy (Single appearance; dies)
  • Lefty Slade (Single appearance; dies)
  • Mason (Single appearance)
  • Parks (Single appearance)


Synopsis for "Destination Unknown"

A train is departing from Gotham City to California. While on the road, the train is hijacked and Commissioner Gordon informs Batman and Robin about the situation. The duo reach the train on the Batplane and they manage to stop the train. However, the responsibles have not being captured and in order to prevent further incidents, Bruce Wayne buys some tickets to ride on the train. Dick makes his way into the train as a comic book seller. While on the train, Batman and Robin get into action when they realize that the criminals are still inside the train. Batman and Robin follow them to the top of the trai and during the fight, Batman notices that their train is going in the exact opposite direction from a second train. Using the bat emblem from the Batsuit to create a Bat-Signal with the lights of the train, Batman warns the engineer on the second train. Both vehicles stop just inches away from crashing into each other and the people aboard both trains are very grateful to Batman.

Appearing in "Destination Unknown"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Nurses (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Clyde Clayborn (Single appearance)
  • Miss Hibbs (Single appearance)
  • Mr. Fortesque (Single appearance)
  • John Keyes (Single appearance)
  • Detective Guffey (Single appearance)
  • Ken Thorne (Single appearance)






  • The story "Comedy of Tears" features special appearances of famous baseball player Joe DiMaggio and Superman's co-creator, Jerry Siegel.
  • On the story "Destination Unknown", Dick Grayson sells some comic books. Two of the comics featured are World's Finest Comics and Batman #12.

See Also

Links and References
