If I were guilty, I'd let you arrest me... but since I'm not... we're all better off if I keep tracking the priest-killer.
- — Azrael
Batman Annual #27 is an issue of the series Batman Annual (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 2009.
Synopsis for "The Eighth Deadly Sin, Part One: Casting the First Stone"
Appearing in "The Eighth Deadly Sin, Part One: Casting the First Stone"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Alyssa Canton (First appearance)
- Jackson Canton (First appearance)
- James Burrows (Mentioned only)
- Marco Cantonini (Appears only as a corpse)
- Mark Canton (First appearance)
- Mario Hernandez (Appears only as a corpse)
- The Question (Behind the scenes)
- United States of America
- Gotham City
- Bat-Bunker
- Church of St. Paul
- Gotham City
- Japan
- Markovia
Synopsis for "Off Rogue Racing: A Lil Gotham Tale!"
Appearing in "Off Rogue Racing: A Lil Gotham Tale!"
Featured Characters:
- Annie (First appearance)
- Bane (First appearance)
- Catwoman (First appearance)
- Clayface (First appearance)
- Harley Quinn (First appearance)
- Joker (First appearance)
- Mister Freeze (First appearance)
- Penguin (First appearance)
- Poison Ivy (First appearance)
- Two-Face (First appearance)
- Lil Gotham (First appearance)
Synopsis for "Darker Than Black, Part 1"
Appearing in "Darker Than Black, Part 1"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Christopher Abrams
- Stygian (Behind the scenes)
Other Characters: Locations:
- Gotham City
- Batcave
- Gotham City Blood Bank
Synopsis for "Batman: Operational Files"
Appearing in "Batman: Operational Files"
- Publication date: October 7, 2009
- Josie Mac tries to arrest Azrael for the murder of an undercover cop named James Burrows, this was actually committed by Abraham Arlington and not Michael Lane during the Death's Dark Knight storyline.[1]
See Also
Recommended Reading
Links and References
This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.