Batman, Volume 8: Superheavy is a collection of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's run on Batman (Volume 2) from 2015. After the events of Endgame, Jim Gordon takes up the mantle of Batman in a special battle suit.
This trade paperback reprints stories from the following issues:
- Divergence #1: "The Rookie"
- Batman (Volume 2) #41: "Superheavy, Part One"
- Batman (Volume 2) #42: "Superheavy, Part Two"
- Batman (Volume 2) #43: "Superheavy, Part Three"
- Batman (Volume 2) #44: "Superheavy, Part Four: A Simple Case"
- Batman (Volume 2) #45: "Superheavy, Part Five"
- "The Rookie" was released first as a free digital comics titled DC Sneak Peek: Batman. It can be read here.