Oliver, after everything we've been through, man, I couldn't fathom why you didn't trust me. Then I realized you couldn't. It's not who you are. You don't trust. You don't love. You were able to fool Ra's and join the League because inside you are every bit as dark as they are.
- —John Diggle
Green Arrow is an episode of season 4 of Arrow. It premiered on October 7, 2015.
Synopsis for "Green Arrow"
Appearing in "Green Arrow"
Featured Characters:
- Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) (Flashback and main story) (Also in a flashforward) (First appearance as Green Arrow) (Rejoins Team Arrow)
Supporting Characters:
- A.R.G.U.S. (Flashback only)
- Amanda Waller (Flashback only)
- Barry Allen (Flashforward only)
- Lyla Michaels
- Team Arrow
- Black Canary (Laurel Lance)
- Felicity Smoak (Rejoins)
- John Diggle (Flashback and main story)
- Red Arrow/Speedy (Thea Queen)
- Damien Darhk (First appearance)
- H.I.V.E.
- The Ghosts (First appearance)
- Mr. Alvarez (Single appearance; dies)
- Mr. Slater (Single appearance; dies)
- Cpt. Quentin Lance (Joins team)
- The Ghosts (First appearance)
- H.I.V.E.
- Shadowspire (First appearance; unnamed) (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Kenny (First appearance; unnamed) (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Unnamed Coast City drug dealer (Single appearance) (Unnamed) (Flashback only)
Other Characters:
- Adam Hoffman (First appearance)
- Channel 52
- Bethany Snow (On a TV or computer screen)
- Deadshot (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Ferris Air (Flashback only)
- Jordan (Single appearance) (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Laura Hoffman (First appearance)
- D.A. Susanna (Single appearance; dies)
- Ray Palmer (In a photograph only) (Cameo)
- Sara Diggle
- Star City Police Department
- Officer Lopez (First full appearance)
- Mayor Altman (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Andy Diggle (Mentioned only)
- The Arrow (Roy Harper) (Mentioned only)
- Mayor Celia Castle (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Cisco Ramon (Mentioned only)
- Ghosts (Mentioned only)
- Kord Industries (Mentioned only)
- League of Assassins (Mentioned only)
- Malcolm Merlyn (Mentioned only)
- Ra's al Ghul (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Gen. Matthew Shrieve (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Moira Queen (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Palmer Technologies (Mentioned only)
- Mayor Sebastian Blood (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- United States Army (Mentioned only)
- Walter Steele (Mentioned only)
- Zoom (Earth-2) (Mentioned only)
- Earth-1 (Unnamed)
- 2010
- North China Sea
- Lian Yu (Flashback only)
- United States of America
- Coast City (Flashback only)
- Starling City (Mentioned only)
- North China Sea
- 2015
- United States of America
- Ivy Town
- Oliver & Felicity's House (Single appearance)
- Farmers Market (Mentioned only)
- Star City/Starling City (Flashback and main story) (First appearance as Star City)
- 455 Mercer Street
- The Loft
- D.A. Office
- Diggle House
- H.I.V.E. Headquarters (First appearance)
- Palmer Technologies (Behind the scenes)
- Arrowcave/"Lair 2.0" (Unnamed)
- Pennytown
- Admiral Transport Interchange (Single appearance)
- Star City Hall
- Star City Rail
- Starling General Hospital
- Star City Metro Police
- Laurel & Thea's House (Mentioned only)
- Starling National Bank (Mentioned only)
- 455 Mercer Street
- Central City (Mentioned only)
- Ivy Town
- Indonesia
- Bali (Mentioned only)
- Italy
- Positano (Mentioned only)
- Lian Yu (Mentioned only)
- United States of America
- 2016
- United States of America
- Star City
- Star City Cemetery (Flashforward only)
- Star City
- United States of America
- 2010
- Speed Force (Flashforward only) (Behind the scenes)
- A.R.G.U.S. PC (First appearance) (Flashback only)
- Canary Cry
- Deadshot's Bionic Eye (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Khushu Idol (First appearance; unnamed)
- Oliver Queen's Bow
- Spartan's Helmet (First appearance)
- Thea Queen's Bow
- Yao Fei's Bow (Flashback only)
- A.R.G.U.S. Airplane (Flashback only)
- Black Canary's Motorcycle
- H.I.V.E. Truck (First appearance)
- Kord Industries truck
- The Orbiter (Star City-Central City train) (Single appearance) (Destroyed)
- Team Arrow van
- The flashforward of Oliver and Barry talking at the Star City Cemetery takes place during the events of "Blood Debts".
- Oliver's flashback, which takes place in Fall 2010, features a cameo of the Arrowverse counterpart of Hal Jordan.
- As of Spring 2015, Jordan is actually missing[1] but it has never been revealed if he became a Green Lantern like in the comics.
- Starling City being renamed as Star City was originally foreshadowed by Ray Palmer in "The Calm".
- Quentin Lance references the Flash Day which was shown in The Flash episode, "The Man Who Saved Central City".
- The current Star City D.A., Susanna, makes her only appearance in this episode but she was mentioned multiple times during Season 3.[2][3][4][5][6]
See Also
- 4 Images from Arrow (TV Series) Episode: Green Arrow
- Episodes of Arrow (TV Series)
- Images from Arrow (TV Series)
- Gallery for the Arrow (TV Series) series
Recommended Media
- None.
Links and References
- None.