DC Database

Andrew Helm was the creator of the Corti-Conscience Machine.

Andrew Helm was born in 1886. In 1900, he accompanied his parents on an expedition to Tibet; Mountain bandits attacked the family, leaving Helm an orphan. Andrew was adopted by the lamas of Ta Ming, an invisible mystical city surrounded by a magical force field near the crime scene. Chung Ka, the bandit leader, tried in vain to overcome the force field. For 17 years, Andrew grew up learning various fields of study from the lamas, and Chung Ka spent those years in a prison in Peking. When Chung Ka was released, he gathered other bandits and dug a tunnel below Ta Ming to dodge the force field, plundering the city. Miraculously, Andrew was the only survivor. He fled to civilization. In 1965, after years of study (and using the concepts learned with the lamas), Helm created a machine that would electrically stimulate the human brain, changing people's behavior. It was successful. JLA members were shocked to learn that around the world, every human being was ending the conflict and turning to peace (including supervillains). Using an astral projection skill learned from the monks of Ta Ming, Helm traveled the world to see the impact of his invention. The world peace achieved by Helm was short-lived, however, when his machine failed and suddenly the world erupted in total chaos and violence. Having been out of his physical body for a long time, Helm discovered that he was trapped and could not turn off the device. However, Superman suspected a strange radiation being responsible and the Justice League went to the base of Helm Island and fought the nightmare illusions generated by the device in order to shut down the machine. With the device deactivated and the planet restored to (relative) peace, Green Lantern sealed the island in a dome and JLA returned home wondering who had built the device. Only Andrew Helm's astral projection remained, a solitary spirit without a body that will remain eternally invisible and unheard.




  • Astral Projection has a time limit; if Andrew doesn't return to his physical body, this state becomes permanent.


  • Corti-Conscience Machine

  • This version of Andrew Helm, including all history and corresponding appearances, was erased from existence following the collapse of the original Multiverse in the 1985ā€“86 Crisis on Infinite Earths event and later restored following the rebirth of the infinite Multiverse during the Dark Crisis of 2022-2023. Even though other versions of the character may have appeared, this information does not apply to those versions.



Injustice League Unlimited 002
Justice League Villain
DC Bullet 2024

This character has been primarily an enemy of the Justice League, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Justice League Villains."
