DC Database

"Justice Society of America: "The Secret Of The Golden Universe! Part I"": At the Gotham Globe, a reporter named Benson tells his skeptical editor a story about a burglary at the Simpson Timer Company, in which the manager's payroll safe was stolen, but the cash payroll itself was left in a pile

Quote1 Whew! You've stretched him out, Wonder Woman! I mean STRETCHED him! Look as his length now! Quote2
— Black Canary

All-Star Comics #43 is an issue of the series All-Star Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1948.

Synopsis for Justice Society of America: "The Secret Of The Golden Universe! Part I"

At the Gotham Globe, a reporter named Benson tells his skeptical editor a story about a burglary at the Simpson Timer Company, in which the manager's payroll safe was stolen, but the cash payroll itself was left in a pile on the office floor. While they talk, a new story comes in over the teletype, about a train wreck on the Gotham City Railroad, in which the crack Midwest Limited hit a stretch of track where the steel rails were missing, and crashed into the ground.

Elsewhere in Gotham City, the Justice Society of America responds to a newspaper appeal for help from "the Great Raymond," an escape artist and "Exposer of Frauds," who is in fear for his life. He too has a fantastic story to tell. At the Gotham Island seaside resort, Raymond had undertaken to expose the fraudulence of Aurikon and his so-called "Gold Men." Only they weren't frauds, and they really were made of gold, and they did not appreciate his snooping into their business. So they tried to murder him, by means of the classic escape artist trick of wrapping him in chains, nailing him up in a crate, and throwing it into the river. He of course escaped from that, and then contacted the JSA, who accompany him back to Gotham Island. There they break into the troupe's dressing room, and find a huge hidden stash of stolen steel bars. This matches the pattern of recent robberies, but while they are reaching their conclusions about that, the Gold Men return, and there's a melee, with the JSA losing. All the members are knocked out, and the Gold Men abscond with their stash of steel, and snatch Raymond along with them, as they escape in an interdimensional vehicle, disguised as a "caterpillar" carnival ride. The Justice Society give chase by having Green Lantern use his power ring to duplicate their ride.

Appearing in Justice Society of America: "The Secret Of The Golden Universe! Part I"

Featured Characters:


  • Aurikon
    • Maxon
    • Nikro
    • more Gold Men

Other Characters:

  • editor, Gotham Globe
    • Benson, reporter, Gotham Globe
  • Mr. Ferris, manager, Simpson Timer
    • Thomas, assistant
  • Raymond the Escape Artist




Synopsis for Justice Society of America: "The Secret Of The Golden Universe! Part II"

The transition between dimensions renders all of the heroes unconscious, and they find themselves in the Golden Dimension, Xenca, where life is based on gold, rather than carbon. They meet Myrla, Chief Scientist, and ruler of the Golden People. When Flash tells Myrla that Gold Men have been stealing iron from the Carbon Dimension, she tells them that her half-brother Aurikon must be stealing the iron, in order to power three ancient giant robots, with which he hopes to take over as ruler. The robots are powered by atomized iron, which is the rarest element in Xenca, and they are terribly dangerous.

The team splits up. Hawkman, Doctor Mid-Nite, and the Atom go after the first robot, which has been repurposed into a monument, on a pedestal in Xenca Bay. Aurikon has already gained control of it and powered it up. The robot grabs Hawkman and the Atom, but Dr. Mid-Nite gets inside the robot, defeats the two pilots by konking their metal heads together, and takes over the controls, just in time to stop Hawkman and the Atom from being crushed. However, Aurikon has rigged the controls with a high voltage current, knocking out Dr. Mid-Nite.

Meanwhile at the Xenca National Museum, Wonder Woman and Black Canary get to their robot before Aurikon's men, and power it up to scare them off. Aurikon returns with a larger group, but Wonder Woman and Black Canary fight them hand-to-hand, wielding iron ingots. The Gold Men are outfought, but the heroines are outnumbered, after a while they are punched out by Aurikon's metal fighters.

Appearing in Justice Society of America: "The Secret Of The Golden Universe! Part II"

Featured Characters:


  • Aurikon
    • Maxon
    • Nikro
    • more Gold Men
  • Dark Copper People, barbarians (long ago)

Other Characters:

  • Myrla, Chief Scientist of Xenca
  • Myrlan, Liberator of Xenca (Flashback only)
  • Krano (Flashback only)


  • Earth-Two
    • Xenca, the Golden Universe
      • Myrla's Country Estate
      • Monument in Xenca Bay
      • National Museum


Synopsis for Justice Society of America: "The Secret Of The Golden Universe! Part III"

Flash and Green Lantern corner the last robot in a cave and defeat it. However, the heat from a pool of molten gold in the cave overwhelms them, allowing Aurikon to easily defeat them. With the Justice Society out the way, Aurikon marches on the capital, and confronts Myrla. Myrla is defiant, convinced that the Justice Society will stop him. Gloating, Aurikon shows Myrla that he has used his technology to place the JSA in a state of suspended animation, and displayed them in a big glass case. He has also kept Raymond the Escape Artist alive, and he's got a deal for him. To stay in power, Aurikon requires a constant supply of iron, so he offers Raymond pound of gold for every pound of iron Raymond steals from earth. Raymond refuses, then escapes his bonds. Sensing his only chance is to free the Justice Society, he breaks through their case, awakening them. Freed, Wonder Woman, Atom, and Green Lantern destroy the three giant robots and capture Aurikon. Finally, they return home, via the caterpillar ride, using Flash's speed to pull them and Green Lantern's ring to push them to the speed of light.

Appearing in Justice Society of America: "The Secret Of The Golden Universe! Part III"

Featured Characters:


  • Aurikon
    • Maxon
    • Nikro
    • more Gold Men

Other Characters:

  • Raymond the Escape Artist
  • Myrla, Chief Scientist of Xenca
  • Benson, Globe reporter




Synopsis for Johnny Peril's Surprise Story: "Blue Boxer Crimes"

A corrupt boxer tries to steal an antique mirror, which turns out to be magic, and which turns him into an evil criminal. He double-crosses his bet-placing bosses, and embarks on a crime spree. His cousin Lucy turns to Johnny Peril for help, and the Blue Boxer attacks her at Peril's place. He throws Johnny out of a high window and abducts Lucille. Johnny has some good luck with a flag pole, and gets back into the building, then drives to Manor Point (the address Lucy gave him), to rescue her. The Blue Boxer shoves the girl in front of the magic mirror, and Lucy almost gets transformed into an evil version of herself, and when Johnny interferes, he too almost gets transformed. But at that moment the sun rose, and the mirror changed back into an ordinary old mirror. Johnny throws it off a cliff into the ocean.

Appearing in Johnny Peril's Surprise Story: "Blue Boxer Crimes"

Featured Characters:


  • Ricky Jones, the Blue Boxer
  • match-fixing gangsters

Other Characters:

  • Vance, boxer
  • Jasper Martin, uncle of Ricky (Mentioned only)
  • Lucy, Ricky's cousin


  • Johnny's apartment
  • Manor Point


  • Magic Mirror (Destroyed)



  • The cover with the JSA battling a giant golden robot is very similar to The Brave and the Bold #29, where the Justice League of America is battling a giant golden robot piloted by the Weapons Master.
  • Also appearing in this issue of All-Star Comics were:
    • "To All Junior Justice Society of America Members" {secret coded message}
    • "Editorial Advisory Board" (promotional text)
    • "Messengers from Space" (text story)

See Also

Links and References
