DC Database

"Green Lantern: "Doiby Discovers Green Lantern's Identity"": Doiby has a horrible toothache and is eventually goaded into visiting the dentist by Irene saying she can't believe a big strong man like him's afraid of dentistry. His opinion isn't helped any when a patient runs out of the office gro

All-American Comics #35 is an issue of the series All-American Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 1942.

Synopsis for Green Lantern: "Doiby Discovers Green Lantern's Identity"

Doiby has a horrible toothache and is eventually goaded into visiting the dentist by Irene saying she can't believe a big strong man like him's afraid of dentistry. His opinion isn't helped any when a patient runs out of the office groaning in pain, but when Doiby turns to try to escape as well he runs right into a pair of gangsters trying to force their way in. One of them pistol-whips Doiby unconscious, and he wakes up to find a man knifed and dying on the floor, who just has time to gasp out "Henkel accounts" before expiring. Doiby fires off a signal rocket to summon Green Lantern with all due haste, and the hero has some inkling as to what the man's dying words mean: accounts for the building laborers' union. He flies over to their headquarters and learns the man killed was Nealy, the new head of the union, and Henkel was the old union head who was just voted out, but he'll still be in office for two weeks.

Green Lantern goes to confront Henkel, but the crooked union boss's thugs hit him over the head with a vase, a non-metal that his powers don't protect him from. Henkel unmasks Green Lantern, but neither he nor any of his flunkies have ever seen Alan Scott before and don't recognize their enemy. They take the unconscious Green Lantern to a new building to blow it up and dispose of the hero in the same instant. Meanwhile Doiby decides to go confront Henkel himself, and sees Green Lantern's mask still on the floor and barges into Henkel's office. After a beating, Henkel tells the irate cabbie where his friend's been taken. Doiby arrives in time to stop the thugs and aid an awakened Green Lantern in stopping the building from being blown up. However, he knows who Alan Scott is and realizes the radio engineer and Green Lantern are the same person. Alan/Green Lantern accepts this change in their dynamic, but swears his sidekick to secrecy. Even better, the fight took care of Doiby's toothache: a punch to the face knocked his offending tooth out.

Appearing in Green Lantern: "Doiby Discovers Green Lantern's Identity"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Henkel
  • Nick

Other Characters:

  • I. Pullem (dentist)
    • His secretary
  • Nealy




Synopsis for Hop Harrigan: "The Epidemic"

Appearing in Hop Harrigan: "The Epidemic"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Dr. Bradley
  • Dr. Kenny




Synopsis for The Atom: "The Plot to Extinguish Liberty's Flame"

Appearing in The Atom: "The Plot to Extinguish Liberty's Flame"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Pete




Synopsis for Scribbly and the Red Tornado: "The Rich Dame's Christmas Party"

Appearing in Scribbly and the Red Tornado: "The Rich Dame's Christmas Party"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Red, White, and Blue: "The Submarine Menace"

Appearing in Red, White, and Blue: "The Submarine Menace"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Sargon the Sorcerer: "The Kroonstad Diamond"

At his latest performance, Sargon asks for a member of the audience to lend him a small object for a trick, and is surprised when a young dandy named Weir obliges by tossing him the valuable Kroonstad Diamond. This flagrant display angers criminal Plug Hutton, who drags Weir and the diamond out of the venue.

Reaching out to Weir, Sargon pretends to be interested in buying the Kroonstad Diamond. Once within the young crook's residence, Sargon reveals he knows the diamond's stolen, even using his magic to give the gem a voice to confirm his suspicions. When Plug and his men come to teach Sargon a lesson, he instead magically levitates them off the ground and hauls them down to the nearest police station. They gladly confess to everything to get away from the magician.

Appearing in Sargon the Sorcerer: "The Kroonstad Diamond"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Dr. Mid-Nite: "The Radio Panic"

Appearing in Dr. Mid-Nite: "The Radio Panic"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • Green Lantern
    • Doiby Discovers Green Lantern's Identity is reprinted in The Golden Age Green Lantern Archives Vol. 2
    • Irwin Hasen's art on this story is credited to Mart Nodell.
    • In this time, any non-metal objects could hurt Green Lantern, not only wood. In this story, a crook manages to knock him unconscious him with a vase.
    • Doiby Dickles finally discovers Green Lantern identity. Also in this story, a crook knocks him unconscious with a handgun.
    • At least three crooks were also able to see Green Lantern without his mask, but since they never met Alan Scott, this information was useless to them. According to GCD, Henkel is the only 1940s villain to ever unmask Green Lantern.
  • Also appearing in this issue of All-American Comics were:
    • "All-American Flying Club" (promotional text article)
    • "All-American Stamp Page" (text article)
    • Cicero's Cat (newspaper strip reprints) by Bud Fisher
    • "Good Books For Christmas" (text article)
    • Hop Harrigan's History of American Aviation: "Major Alexander P. de Seversky" by Jon L. Blummer
    • "Jimmy Stone: 'Bomb on Board! (Part 2)'" (text story) by Evelyn Gaines
    • Mutt & Jeff (newspaper strip reprints) by Bud Fisher


  • Hop Harrigan story: At this point in time Alaska wasn't a U.S. state.

See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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