DC Database

Quote1 You can't take them! I need them! I need them to fix me! Quote2
— Alan March src

Alan March is Francine Langstrom's father and a scientist trying to cure Man-Bat's condition.

After his son-in-law became the Man-Bat Alan promised his daughter he would find a cure for him and in an effort to do so he kidnapped several of Joker's victim to study the Joker Venom in them, among those he kidnapped was Elaine Thomas.

Alan March Prime Earth 001

Alan's strained relationship with his daughter

During his experiment he became contaminated by both Joker Venom and Man-Bat Serum, which caused him to become more manic in his experiments and to make things worse his relationship with his daughter rapidly deteriorated until she stopped him altogheter.

When Duke Thomas became obsessed with finding his mother, Batman and the rest of the Outsiders agreed to help him. They tracked her down to his clinic where Metamorpho managed to sneak in by hiding in a dead jokerized monster, but was soon intercepted and attacked by Alan, who had been trying to contact his daughter.

While Alan and Metamorpho fought the former set free all the Jokerized patients to attack the Outsiders so Signal decided to distract the patients while Metamorpho looked for the cure while Black Lighting, Batman and Katana fought Alan. In the end Metamorpho managed to find Alan's incomplete cure, perfected it and sprayed it throughout the structure, Alan, forced to inhale it passed out and was arrested while the patients were saved.[1]





