Now that the Legionnaires have devolved into young children, vanquishing them will be as easy as stealing candy from a baby!
- — Time Trapper
Adventure Comics #338 is an issue of the series Adventure Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1965. It was published on September 30, 1965.
Synopsis for Legion of Super-Heroes: "The Menace of the Sinister Super-Babies!"
Having invented an hour glass that can devolve people to their earliest stage of life (turning one of his slaves back into a youth but then de-aging him all the way into a puddle of primordial ooze), the Time Trapper sends his agent Glorith of Baaldur to the 30th Century to use it against his enemies the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Manipulating the Legion into coming to her, Glorith uses the hour glass in an attempt to use it against the Legion. However, things don't go exactly as planned because the hour glass only devolves the present Legion members to the age of infancy due to interference from a nearby chemical fountain. After trapping Superboy and Brainiac 5 in his own time, Time Trapper travels to the 30th Century to take control of the operation. After tricking the young and impressionable Legion of Super-Babies, the Time Trapper betrays Glorith using the hour glass against her.
Taking the Legion to another world to finish off the job that Glorith started for him, Time Trapper under estimates the children's mannerisms, and when they turn his ship into candy, they also turn the device he uses to control his Iron Curtain of Time into candy as well, allowing Superboy and Brainiac 5 to return to the 30th Century. The two bargain with the Time Trapper, that upon changing their fellow Legion members to their correct age, he would be allowed to escape in his ship.
However, after restoring the Legion members to normal, the Time Trapper soon finds himself trapped thanks to a barrier ring that was planet on the ship by the Legion.
Appearing in Legion of Super-Heroes: "The Menace of the Sinister Super-Babies!"
Featured Characters:
- Time Trapper
- Glorith (First appearance)
Other Characters:
Synopsis for Superboy: "The Game of Kriss-Kross Krypton"
This story is reprinted from Superboy #60.
To save Prof. Lewis Lang from overwork, Superboy induces him to play a Kriss-Kross Krypton game of his own design, and pretends that he is forced to use the super-power on each "power card" every time Dr. Lang draws one from the pile.
Appearing in Superboy: "The Game of Kriss-Kross Krypton"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Two unnamed criminals
- Published by National Periodical Publications, Inc.
- "The Menace of the Sinister Super-Babies!" is reprinted in The Best of DC #67, Legion of Super-Heroes Archives Vol. 4 and Showcase Presents: Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 2.
See Also
Recommended Reading
- Superman Family Recommended Reading
- Action Comics (Volume 1)
- Adventure Comics (Volume 1)
- DC Comics Presents (Volume 1)
- Superboy (Volume 1)
- Superboy (Volume 2)
- Supergirl (Volume 1)
- Supergirl (Volume 2)
- Superman (Volume 1)
- Superman Family (Volume 1)
- Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane (Volume 1)
- Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen (Volume 1)
- World's Finest (Volume 1)
- Legion of Super-Heroes Recommended Reading
- Adventure Comics (Volume 1)
- Adventure Comics (Volume 2)
- The Legion (Volume 1)
- Legion Lost (Volume 2)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 2)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 3)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 4)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 7)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 8)
- Legionnaires (Volume 1)
- Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 1)
- Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 1)