You've disrupted a living world -- my world -- trying to recreate a dead planet. Your logic was faulty, Eradicator! You sought to preserve Krypton's heritage, but I am all that is left of it! I am Krypton's last true son... my life is its final chapter!
- — Superman
Action Comics #667 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 1991.
Synopsis for "The Final Chapter"
The crew of a US Navy helicopter finds Superman unconscious in Alaska. He wakes up on the chopper and jumps off, heading to Metropolis. Meanwhile, the Eradicator attacks Emil Hamilton in the Fortress and captures him with the help of the robots. Superman arrives at Metropolis none too soon, as earthquakes continue to decimate the city and putting lives in danger. He saves as many civilians as he can and then tells Lois to meet him in Hamilton's lab. There, Superman explains what's happening with the Eradicator when he suddenly has a vision of the professor captive by the Fortress' robots.
Superman flies straight to the Fortress and confronts the Eradicator, at the same time as trying to put Hamilton in safety. The battle progress throughout different parts of the Fortress, and Hamilton interferes by grabbing Mister Z's gemstone and activating it, absorbing the life essence of the three of them. The Eradicator's programming breaks up inside the stone's dimension, and his energy-form is unstable, contrary to Superman's and Hamilton's. Superman defeats the Eradicator by dispersing his energy, and the burst of power makes the gemstone break again, freeing Superman and Hamilton.
With the Eradicator destroyed again, the weather conditions go back to normal, stopping all natural disasters. Meanwhile, a local newspaper in Metropolis called National Whisper prepares a front-page article saying Luthor is alive.
Appearing in "The Final Chapter"
Featured Characters:
- Superman (Flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
- Adam Grant
- Alice White
- Bibbo Bibbowski
- Cat Grant
- Ella Lane
- Emil Hamilton
- Gangbuster
- Jimmy Olsen
- Lana Lang
- Lois Lane
- Lucy Lane
- Kent Family
- Perry White
- Pete Ross
Other Characters:
- Joey
- Mr. Robbins
- Alaska
- Antarctica
- Metropolis
- National Whisper
- Mercury (planet)
- Washington, D.C.
- Wisconsin
- Pewaukee
- Mister Z's gemstone
- Kryptonian Warsuit
- Kryptonian Service Robot
- 48 pages and a $1.75 issue.
- Superman navigation number 1991/22.
- This issue is reprinted in Superman: The Triangle Era Omnibus Vol. 1.
See Also
Recommended Reading
Links and References
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