Action Comics #637 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 1989.
Synopsis for Speedy: "Exiles Part 2"
Appearing in Speedy: "Exiles Part 2"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Purse Snatcher
Other Characters:
- Luana (Unnamed)
- William "Bill" Rettick
- Rettick's Receptionist
- Building Manager (Unnamed)
- Pelham
- Owen Burley
- Donald Lossner (Mentioned only)
- Mrs. Estavez (Mentioned only)
- Green Arrow (Mentioned only)
- Teen Titans (Mentioned only)
- Los Angeles
- Monterey Park
- West Hollywood
- Donald Lossner's Former Apartment
- Roy's Apartment
- 1212 Barton (off Whilshire)
- Suite 323. Owen Burley: Private Investigations & Income Tax Preparation
Synopsis for The Demon, Part II: "Never Trust a Demon!"
The Demon salivates over the though of eating young Jack, but Jason Blood intervenes. Etrigan swats his mortal keeper aside and argues the boy is only innocent now, but has nothing but potential for evil as her grows. Jason snatches a dagger and holds it to his wrists, threatening to commit suicide should Etrigan harm the child. The Demon embraces the boy and exclaims Jason has no sense of humour, before resigning himself back the confines of mortal flesh. Thankful it worked as Jason tells himself he would've held back like always, terrified of consigning himself to Hell. Jack's mother enters the room, and Blood leaves the two to embrace each other.
Jason is greeted by Glenda at the door of his apartment, unwilling to confide in what happened back at the exorcism. Glenda immediately shares her concerns with Jason about her vision of Morgaine le Fey in the Philosopher's Stone. Jason dismisses her claims, seeing at the stone's power way removed, but Randu implores that he listen to what she has to say. Glenda describes the statue of Morgaine they saw back at Tintagel Castle, and how a coven of witches were trying to restore her to life. Incredulous at first, Jason decides he can't he can't risk the premonition being true, and books a flight to England for himself, despite Glenda's willingness to join him.
At Gotham City Airport, Jason's friends see him off, responding to Glenda's kiss with cold indifference. Hurt by his detached departure, Glanda is reassured by Randu, knowing very well that Jason is reticent to drop his guard out of fear of how Etrigan may manipulate such emotions.
Once back in his country of origin, Jason drives through Wiltshire, passing Stonehenge and Silbury Hill, unsuspecting the the latter contains a demonic rider inside, which bursts forth at Jason's arrival!
Appearing in The Demon, Part II: "Never Trust a Demon!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Morgan le Fay (In a vision)
- Witches Coven (In a vision)
- Hell-Born Warrior (First appearance)
- Malefik (Appears only as a corpse)
Other Characters:
- Jack
- Jack's Mother
- Merlin (Mentioned only)
- United States of America
- Gotham City
- Jack's Home
- Jason Blood's Apartment
- Gotham City Airport
- Gotham City
- England
- Wiltshire
- Stonehenge
- The Chalk Horses
- Silbury Hill
- Tintagel Castle (In a vision)
- Wiltshire
- Hell (Mentioned only)
Synopsis for "Hero Hotline"
Irma Lefferts drags her son, the young hero Hotshot, to the offices of Hero Hotline, where his new job's starting. To Hotshot's great embarrassment. He meets several of his new coworkers, including the muscleman Mr. Muscle (who quickly starts toying with a new heroic codename), working mother Microwavabelle, Stretch the human worm, and 500-ZQ, the office's robotic secretary. He learns the kind of exciting work the heroes at the office are hired to do, like rescue kittens from trees (but also looking into the disappearance of singer Melanie Boulder). Then another heroine who works for the office, Diamondette, bursts in excitedly announcing her acceptance to medical school. Just before a captured small-time villain escapes his bonds and holds a razor to her throat.
Appearing in "Hero Hotline"
Featured Characters:
- Hero Hotline (First appearance)
- Hotshot (First appearance)
- Flex (First appearance)
- Stretch (First appearance)
- Voice-Over (First appearance)
- Private Eyes (First appearance)
- Microwavabelle (First appearance)
- Diamondette (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Coordinator (Behind the scenes)
- Irma Lefferts (First appearance)
- 500-ZQ (First appearance)
- Razor (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Siggy (Mentioned only)
- Melanie Boulder (Mentioned only)
- Justice League (Mentioned only)
- Hero Hotline HQ
- Bonestar Meat Packing Plant, 122 Industrial Highway (Mentioned only)
Synopsis for Superman: "The Power of Darkseid!"
Appearing in Superman: "The Power of Darkseid!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Superman Cult
- Bob Galt
- Mother Tierra
- Darkseid
- The Consortium
- John Hodges
Synopsis for Phantom Lady: "Luck Be a Lady"
Appearing in Phantom Lady: "Luck Be a Lady"
Featured Characters:
- Thousand Eyes
- Farid
- Edwin Guerrehart (Mentioned only)
Other Characters:
- Sarah Moss (Behind the scenes)
- Washington, D.C.
- Farid's Nightclub
- Farid's Nightclub
Synopsis for Wild Dog: "Crack Up: Chapter Two: Easy M$ney"
Appearing in Wild Dog: "Crack Up: Chapter Two: Easy M$ney"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Andy Flint
- Georgie Washington (Dies)
- Drug Dealers
- Willie Wallace
Other Characters:
- Galloway (Unnamed)
- Quad Cities
- Wheeler Auto Repair & Customization
- Crack House
- "The Power of Darkseid!" is reprinted in Superman: The Power Within.
See Also
Links and References
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.