DC Database

"A Matter of Light and Death": Due to the recent machinations of Brainiac, Superman is out of control with power. The super-charged Kryptonian is blasting recklessly through space and plummets through the hull of the Justice League Satellite.

Quote1 This is unprecedented! My sensors indicate it... But my logic circuits do not believe it! Instead of ricocheting away... Superman is actually inflicting damage! Must increase the power level of the force-field! And still he comes?! I can compute only one explanation-- The super-nova burst must have overloaded the Kryptonian with so much excess energy-- He is able to do what he could never do before-- Penetrate the impenetrable! Quote2
— Brainiac

Action Comics #491 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 1979.

Synopsis for "A Matter of Light and Death"

Due to the recent machinations of Brainiac, Superman is out of control with power. The super-charged Kryptonian is blasting recklessly through space and plummets through the hull of the Justice League Satellite. The only League member present is Hawkman, who narrowly avoids Superman's rampage. He manages to use Superman's own momentum against him and propels his body into a cache of experimental Green Kryptonite. The green K absorbs some of the hero's excess energy and his body plummets back down to Earth, landing in the forests of northern Oregon.

A blind scientist named Theodore J. Henkin and his robot companion, Jerry, recover the Man of Steel and bring him back to their cabin. Superman revives and expresses his gratitude to the retired scientist. To show his appreciation, he cures the professor's blindness by lazing off the cataracts of his eyes with his heat vision. He then flies off to track down Brainiac.

Superman finds Brainiac's starship and the evil Coluan ensnares him in a tractor beam. Superman flies deeper into outer space, dragging the ship behind him at great speeds. He sails across the Milky Way until he comes upon a yellow star in the throes of a supernova. The excessive solar radiation super-charges Superman once again and provides him with enough power to break free of the tractor beam. He then punches his way through Brainiac's force fields and knocks the villain out with a light tap. With Brainiac unconscious, Superman returns to Earth.

Appearing in "A Matter of Light and Death"

Featured Characters:

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  • None


See Also

Links and References
