DC Database

"Superman's Big Crack-Up!": A new super-hero hits the streets of Metropolis – Blackrock. Superman tries to save a runaway hang-glider from crashing into buildings, but Blackrock hogs the spotlight, taking credit for the "save" himself. Superma

Quote1 Mention that turncoat's name one more time, Kent, and your next assignment will be cleaning Perry White's ashtrays! Quote2
— Morgan Edge

Action Comics #459 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1976.

Synopsis for "Superman's Big Crack-Up!"

A new super-hero hits the streets of Metropolis – Blackrock. Superman tries to save a runaway hang-glider from crashing into buildings, but Blackrock hogs the spotlight, taking credit for the "save" himself. Superman suspects that Blackrock may be placing people in danger just so he can save them.

Back at the GBS station, Clark begins suffering from bizarre mental flashbacks. He continues to see images of his own news broadcasts flashing through his head. He does not have time to investigate it however, as a robbery is taking place at a jewelry store. Blackrock arrives and stops the thieves, knocking them out. Superman berates him for the haphazard way in which he handled the situation.

Superman later learns that Blackrock is actually Sam Tanner, president of UBC, a broadcasting station that competes with GBS. Tanner wanted to market his own super-hero, and so he had inventor Pete Silverstone construct the Blackrock technology. But what Sam does not realize is that he is Blackrock. He does not remember the time he spends as a superhero.

Superman squares off with Blackrock and defeats him. With Pete Silverstone's help, he scrambles the broadcasting technology that Blackrock has been using to power his arsenal. Blackrock turns back into Sam Tanner with no knowledge of his alter-ego.

Appearing in "Superman's Big Crack-Up!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Blackrock
  • Newton Rockwell (Final appearance)
    • Jewelry store robbers

Other Characters:


Synopsis for "The Private Life of Clark Kent - Two For the Taxi"

Morgan Edge sends Clark Kent to investigate the kidnapping of a heavyweight championship boxer. As Clark leaves, he has an altercation with a pedestrian over a cab ride. He learns that the cab has been used as the payoff point for the champ's ransom. Clark takes the money and "allows" himself to be mugged by the crook. Aftewards, he follows him to his lair and frees the boxer. The champ knocks the thug out and then promises Clark the exclusive on the story.

Appearing in "The Private Life of Clark Kent - Two For the Taxi"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Freddy (a thug)

Other Characters:

  • Miss Conway (Morgan Edge's secretary)
  • Wade Armstrong (championship boxer)




  • This comic book features advertisements for the following products:
—Hostess Twinkies – Batman and Robin starring in "Twinkieless Gotham City"
—Magic Set novelty toys
—1976 Bicentennial t-shirt
—DC Comics – Batman limited collectors edition special & More Secret Origins of Super-Villains
—DC Comics – Amazing World of DC Comics
—Superwear – DC super-heroes apparel
—Gold Crown toy fighting ships
—DC Comics – 1st Edition specials catalogue

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
