DC Database

"Superman: "At Last! Clark Kent--Superhero!"": The Queen Bee assembles the Anti-Justice League to capture the Justice League, but Superman throws them a curve by using a Kandorian machine to r

Quote1 Oh, Superman-- You just missed seeing Clark Kent in action! Why can't you be dynamic and exciting like he is? Quote2
— Lois Lane

Action Comics #443 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 1975.

Synopsis for Superman: "At Last! Clark Kent--Superhero!"

The Queen Bee assembles the Anti-Justice League to capture the Justice League, but Superman throws them a curve by using a Kandorian machine to reverse the attitude of all people on Earth towards Superman and Clark Kent.

Appearing in Superman: "At Last! Clark Kent--Superhero!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Zazzala's energy-rod
  • Kandorian brain-wave machine


Synopsis for Sea Devils: "The Ghost of the Deep!"

This story is reprinted from Sea Devils #3.

Appearing in Sea Devils: "The Ghost of the Deep!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Circe Smith (Single appearance)


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Matt Savage, Trail Boss: "Revolt in Painted Canyon!"

This story is reprinted from Western Comics #78.

Appearing in Matt Savage, Trail Boss: "Revolt in Painted Canyon!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Arizona Bill Pinto
  • Biscuits Baker
  • Clay
  • Dixon
  • Grant
  • Hank Blaine
  • Jed Crogan
  • Luthor Jones
  • Mary Beth Hale
  • Red


Other Characters:


Synopsis for Adam Strange: "The Super-Brain of Adam Strange!"

This story is reprinted from Mystery in Space #87.

Sardath uses Null-Zeta radiation on Adam Strange in order to control the amount of time he can spend on Rann, up to a year in duration. But the radiation has the side-effect of turning him into an arrogant, megacephalic, futuristic genius, and causes Ranagar to be menaced by radiation blasts.

Appearing in Adam Strange: "The Super-Brain of Adam Strange!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



Synopsis for Hawkman: "Amazing Thefts of the I.Q. Gang!"

This story is reprinted from Mystery in Space #87.

Ira Quimby was a bone-headed crook who never thought any of his ideas out. Until one day he suddenly gets really smart and comes up with brilliant ideas whenever he hangs out at the Metropolitan Museum. What he's not aware of is that a stone in that museum (Brought to Earth by Adam Strange, and charged with super intelligence) boosts his intelligence whenever he's near the rock and it's being exposed to sunlight.

He comes up with rocket boots and a ray-wand that reduces an objects gravity. Taking these ideas back to his bosses, they form a new gang called the I.Q. Gang, and they rob an armored truck. On their way to visit Adam Strange at the Metropolitan Museum, Carter Hall and his wife Shiera notice the robbery and change into Hawkman and Hawkgirl and try to stop it. They fail and I.Q. and his gang manage to get away.

Later that day, I.Q. and his gang try to rob a jewelry store, however when his wand proves to weak to lift the building they decide to depart until Quimby can come up with a new scheme. Going back to the museum, he's recognized by Carter and Shiera Hall who get the birds to keep tabs on him.

Sure enough, Quimby's intelligence is revitalized and he manages to reconfigure his ray to pick up the whole building. However, Hawkman and Hawkgirl are on site to stop him from getting away with the jewels and capture most of his gang. Ira finally realizes that it's the strange rock from the museum that is giving him his intelligence and decides to go and steal it from the museum. He succeeds but not before a brief scuffle with the night watchman which leads to part of the rock breaking off.

Finding these fragments later, Hawkman and Hawkgirl use it to track I.Q. back to his hideout after analyzing the radiation the stone gives off. They easily defeat I.Q. and turn him over to the authorities. Recovering the rock, they find that it no longer has anymore power. When Adam Strange reacts strangely when they suggest that the rock must have come to another planet, Hawkman and Hawkgirl decide that they better keep a closer eye on their colleague.

Appearing in Hawkman: "Amazing Thefts of the I.Q. Gang!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • I.Q. (First appearance)
  • I.Q. Gang (First appearance)


Synopsis for Black Pirate: "The Man in the Iron Mask"

This story is reprinted from Sensation Comics #4.

King Phillip II of Spain is secretly imprisoned by Don Carlos, who is preparing to usurp the Spanish monarchy itself. The Black Pirate rescues the king from Carlos's dungeon, rallies the king's loyal troops against the Don's traitors, defeats them, and kills Don Carlos.

Appearing in Black Pirate: "The Man in the Iron Mask"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Don Carlos (Dies)
    • his many vassals
  • Count Valdez

Other Characters:


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
