DC Database

"Superman: "The Kryptonite Killer!"": Lex Luthor performs a boon for the Automs, and is rewarded with a laboratory of his own. In it, he fashions three criminal Androids into a Diamond Man, a Leadman, and a Kryptonite Man. With their help, he steals all of t

Quote1 You were never my friend! You are ready to destroy anything in your path! I saw that when you sacrificed Diamond Man who was once my android brother... Now I willingly give my life to halt your evil plans, Luthor!" Quote2
— Lead Man

Action Comics #294 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1962.

Synopsis for Superman: "The Kryptonite Killer!"

Lex Luthor performs a boon for the Automs, and is rewarded with a laboratory of his own. In it, he fashions three criminal Androids into a Diamond Man, a Leadman, and a Kryptonite Man. With their help, he steals all of the Automs Radium and manages to return to his rocket and escapes with all three of them.

The foursome begin a spree of space piracy. Superman intervenes and destroys the Diamond Man, but the triple-strength rays of the Kryptonite Man are too much for Superman. Lead Man is infuriated by Luthor's callous destruction of his friend and melts itself over the Kryptonite Man, neutralizing his deadly radiation. Superman captures Luthor and returns him to prison on Earth.

Appearing in Superman: "The Kryptonite Killer!"

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Android Slaves
    • Diamond Man (Single appearance)
    • Lead Man (Single appearance)
    • Kryptonite Man (Single appearance)
  • Automs
    • Number 43061
    • Number 2080


  • Axon IV Nebula (Mentioned only)
  • Bruno VI Star Cluster (On a TV or computer screen)
  • Galaxy Procyon (On a TV or computer screen)
  • Planet Cyberna (On a TV or computer screen)
  • Roxar
    • Freeze Pits
    • Pyramid Vault


  • Cosmic Clock
  • Dynos (Giant Robovorous Insects)
  • Flame Jewels
  • Luthor's Weaponry
    • Brain Pattern Analyser
    • Converter Machine
    • Deactivator Beam
    • Frost Ray Projector
    • Heat Gun
    • Repeller Ray
  • Periodic Table Samples
  • Permium
  • Radium
  • Rainbow Cloth
  • Superman Robot (Flashback only) (Destroyed)
  • Superman Statue (Destroyed)


  • Luthor's Rocket

Synopsis for Supergirl: "The Mutiny of Super-Horse!"

Supergirl helps Comet with his first picture, in which he co-stars with actress Liz Gaynor. However, after he eats a variety of lotus flowers which induce amnesia, Comet forgets his old identity, Supergirl, and his super-powers. He becomes the "pet" of Liz Gaynor, and Linda Danvers wonders tearfully if she'll ever see her old horse again as a friend.

Appearing in Supergirl: "The Mutiny of Super-Horse!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Maldor (Mentioned only)

Other Characters:

  • Circe (Flashback only)
  • Ulysses (Mentioned only)
  • Venusians (Mentioned only)
    • Ape-Men (Mentioned only)
    • Queen of Venus (Mentioned only)
  • Von Lutz
  • Matt Carver
  • Mace Greede





See Also

Links and References
