He's gone, now! For the first time, I'll be able to go into action openly! Gosh, I can hardly wait to prove myself worthy of all the honors I've received!
- — Supergirl
Action Comics #285 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 1962.
Synopsis for Superman: "The World's Greatest Heroine! Part 1"
Superman declares it's time to reveal his cousin Supergirl's existence to the world, much to the latter's immense delight. First they have to disclose the truth to Linda's adoptive parents, though. Kal-El says he'll meet her at 9:00 and then they'll tell her parents together. Both cousins part company, and Kara flies back home and changes back into Linda Danvers.
With hours before 9:00, Linda agrees to go with the Danverses to see a movie in Metropolis. However, along the way the bridge they are crossing breaks under the weight of their car. Linda quickly springs out, catches the falling car and flies it to safety. Linda gets upset, thinking she's revealed herself before the appointed time. Her parents leave the car and ask an explanation, surprised, but she doesn't dare to tell them anything.
Right then Superman touches down and says it's all right and she can tell her parents everything. He finished his patrol early and was flying back to Midvale when he saw her rescuing her parents. Although Kara was worried he'd change his mind, Kal states she did the right thing and he's still going ahead with the reveal.
More confused than ever, the Danverses want to know what Superman and their daughter are talking about. Finally, Kal and Kara explain the latter's origins. The Danverses are proud of being Kara's parents and swear to protect her secret. The family goes back to the Danvers household where Supergirl builds a secret tunnel exit out of their house much like what Superman had when he was Superboy in Smallville. While watching his cousin and her adoptive parents hugging each other, Superman can't help missing the Kents.
The next morning, broadcasting from the Fortress of Solitude, Superman reveals Supergirl to the world. The revelation sends cheers all over Earth and the galaxy. After the celebrations are done, Superman heads off on a mission into the 50th Century leaving Supergirl to defend the Earth while he is gone.
Appearing in Superman: "The World's Greatest Heroine! Part 1"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Fred Danvers
- Edna Danvers
- Jerro
- Dick Malverne
- Lori Lemaris
- Lenora Lemaris
- Lex Luthor (Cameo)
Other Characters:
- John F. Kennedy
- Nikita Krushchev
- Zor-El (Flashback only)
- Allura (Flashback only)
- Jor-El (Mentioned only)
- Jonathan Kent (Mentioned only)
- Martha Kent (Mentioned only)
- Fortress of Solitude
- Krypton (Destroyed in flashback)
- Argo City (Origin) (Destroyed in flashback)
- Metropolis
- Midvale
- New York City
- Washington, D.C.
- Green Kryptonite (Flashback only)
- Kryptonian Rocket
- 1961 Chevy Impala
Synopsis for Supergirl: "The Infinite Monster! Part 2"
Soon afterward, two scientists accidentally open a space warp, while trying to communicating with other worlds. A giant creature, so large all one can see are its legs tromping across the land, falls through the gap. The creature is named the Infinite Monster, and Supergirl is called to stop its rampage.
Supergirl soon discovers simple brute force will not stop the monster. After being literally stomped on, Kara comes up with an idea. Rapidly, she builds a crude missile, puts a note inside it, and throws it through the time barrier to the 30th Century. There it's intercepted by the Legion of Super-Heroes who read Supergirl's note and send her back Brainiac 5's shrinking ray. Unfortunately, the Infinite Monster steps on it. Supergirl repairs the device at super-speed and fires at the monster, who gets shrunk down to miniature size. Kara grabs the monster and flies towards the Fortress of Solitude to put it into a special cage, satisfied that she's proved her worth.
With her first public mission a success, Supergirl is once more celebrated by everyone including the President of the United States. When Superman returns to the present he congratulates Supergirl for a job well done and publicly thanks her. Then he shows he's built a new wing, just for her, in his Fortress. Supergirl heads back to Midvale, where she's warmly greeted by her parents, and wonders what her life will be like from now on.
Appearing in Supergirl: "The Infinite Monster! Part 2"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Infinite Monster
- Brainiac (Mentioned only)
Other Characters:
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Cameo)
- Saturn Girl (Cameo)
- Lightning Lad (Cameo)
- Brainiac 5 (Cameo)
- Cosmic Boy (Cameo)
- John F. Kennedy
- Jackie Kennedy
- Miss Hart
- Midvale
- Fortress of Solitude
- Kandor (Mentioned only)
- Washington, D.C.
- 30th Century
- Shrinking Ray
- The World's Greatest Heroine is the final part of "The Unknown Supergirl".
- The World's Greatest Heroine is reprinted in Action Comics #360, The Supergirl Archives Vol. 2, Showcase Presents: Supergirl Vol. 2, Supergirl: The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 1, and Action Comics: 80 Years of Superman: The Deluxe Edition.