DC Database

"Warworld Revolution, Part Four": In his worm form, Byla attacks Superman and his companions. He grabs Kryl-Ux in his maw and drags him away. Superman saves Kryl-Ux, despite the latter telling him he should leave him to die. Kryl-Ux is severely injured, including losing an eye, so Superman tells

Quote1 His Fire is yours now. Take it into your flesh, and you will be stronger than ever you were. A God in form and purpose. Quote2
— Fire of Olgrun

Action Comics #1046 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 2022. It was published on August 23, 2022.

Synopsis for "Warworld Revolution, Part Four"

In his worm form, Byla attacks Superman and his companions. He grabs Kryl-Ux in his maw and drags him away. Superman saves Kryl-Ux, despite the latter telling him he should leave him to die. Kryl-Ux is severely injured, including losing an eye, so Superman tells the children to bandage his wounds and goes on alone. As Byla destroyed the bridge leading to the heart of the Necropolis, Superman reaches it by leaping across floating rocks, avoiding Byla as he goes.

At the temple at the centre of the Necropolis, Superman meets the Fire of Olgrun, which takes the form of a small child. The child leads Superman into the temple while asking him a series of riddles. They reach a room with five doors and the Fire transforms into a koltari, a traditional Kryptonian child's toy. Superman answers the riddles and solves the koltari, and a door to a great chamber appears. Inside, Superman finds a giant figure who claims to be a "shade" of Olgrun, set to prevent anyone from taking the Fire. Superman defeats the shade, which then attempts to destroy the Fire to prevent Superman taking it, but Superman throws himself in front of the Fire to protect it. The shade stops short of crushing him and is revealed to be a construct until the Fire's control. By being willing to sacrifice himself to save the Fire, who is not even technically alive, Superman has proven himself worthy. The Fire transforms into a sword for Superman, and tells him he now possesses the power of a god.

Superman carries the Fire out of the Necropolis, but when he reaches the gate he entered in through he finds Mongul and Kryl-Ux holding Osul and Otho-Ra prisoner. They tell him to surrender the Fire or they will kill the children.

Appearing in "Warworld Revolution, Part Four"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Olgrun (Construct)
  • The Authority (Mentioned only)
  • Old Gods (Mentioned only)
    • Olgrun's daughter (Unnamed) (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
  • Phaelosians (Mentioned only)
  • Rao the Kryptonian God (Mentioned only)



  • Koltari


Synopsis for "A World Without Clark Kent, Part Three"

The Superman Family chase down Conduit as he tries to get away with the Genesis Fragment. He calls Amanda Waller for backup but she refuses, so he attempts to use the Fragment to enhance his powers and kill them with a massive burst of Kryptonite radiation. However, the energy buildup is too much for him to handle and his body begins to burn from the inside. Steel destroys the Fragment to save his life, but this leaves them without a way to heal Thao-La.

Appearing in "A World Without Clark Kent, Part Three"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





See Also

Links and References
