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"Last Dust of Krypton: Part Four, Chasing The Storm": Lois Lane visits all the Lazarus facilities which Superman passed through, all of them located in the poorest places on Earth. She tries to convince the workers Superman had contact with, including João, to talk to her about him, saying that

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Read beyond this point at your own risk!

Quote1 You just brought a storm down on our heads is all! Quote2
— Unnamed Peacemakeer

Absolute Superman #4 is an issue of the series Absolute Superman (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 2025. It was published on February 5, 2025.

Synopsis for "Last Dust of Krypton: Part Four, Chasing The Storm"

Lois Lane visits all the Lazarus facilities which Superman passed through, all of them located in the poorest places on Earth. She tries to convince the workers Superman had contact with, including João, to talk to her about him, saying that it's only a matter of time before Superman hurts someone by accident and she wants to help him. However, they all refuse to help her, even when she tries to earn their trust by beating and arresting abusive Peacemakers. João tells Lois that the real reason she is searching for Superman is that she has been changed by being in his presence and cannot help but chase him. The workers tell Lois that she will never find Superman, that one day he will no longer be able to restrain his rage at Lazarus' atrocities and will kill them all, and that they are all praying for that day.

Lois goes to the site of Superman's most recent fight with Lazarus in Pakistan. As she investigates the scene, she gets a call from her father, Sam Lane, who criticises her for going out alone without a protective detail of Peacemakers. He tells her that Superman is too dangerous to talk to, and she should be focussing on trying to destroy him; but she retorts that for all the hardware Superman has destroyed he hasn't killed anyone, and she doesn't believe he wants to harm anyone. Lois says she needs the people she is dealing with to trust her and they won't if she is accompanied by a squad of armed guard. Sam, a former general who is revealed to be missing both legs, tells her that a soldier under his command also insisted on interacting with the local population alone, and he was kidnapped and tortured to death by the Omega Men. Lois says that she already knows, reminding Sam that he made her watch the video of the soldier being killed when she was twelve, and hangs up when he asks her why she's writing reports herself instead of getting Brainiac to do it. She then heads out into the slums of Orangi Town, hoping to draw out Superman. Two shadowy figures watch her from an alleyway.

At a Lazarus facility Christopher Smith, the Peacemaker who opened fire on a crowd in Brazil is given a "therapy session", which consists of him speaking to the "Brainiac system", in reality the man in the lab with the bottled cities. Smith is on the brink of an emotional breakdown and admits that he fired on the crowd because he was full of rage at being humiliated by Superman. Miraculously nobody was hurt and Smith again admits that it was pure luck because his hands were shaking, but Lazarus asserts that his weapon discharged accidentally and it was only his quick thinking that prevented civilians being hit. Smith tearfully begs for help and to speak to a person instead of an algorithm, but Brainiac simply says he will be issued a new gun and sent back into the field in Orangi Town, even as he asks to be taken out of the field.

In Orangi, Lois ambushes one of the people following her, a member of the Omega Men known as "Alpha". She accuses him of planning to kill her but he denies it. Alpha tells Lois that Lazarus is built on lies and that she is on the wrong side. He sets off a flashbang to temporarily blind Lois and tells her he just wants to talk, but she attacks him anyway. They fight briefly and as they do Alpha tries to tell her that the Omega Men are trying to save the world and Lazarus and its Director are not what she thinks they are. She refuses to listen and simply says that the Omega Men are terrorists. Her vision clear up enough that she can aim her gun at Alpha and orders him to surrender. Alpha regretfully says that he hoped she would have seen the truth after travelling around the world and seeing the suffering Lazarus has caused. He tells her that he is out of time and whispers at her to run.

Omega Prime, the leader of the Omega Men, steps out of an alley and starts shooting at Lois. Lois dashes behind cover and Alpha calls on Omega Prime to hold fire, insisting he can convince Lois, but Omega Prime says he had his chance and orders him to stand aside. Brainiac automatically calls in backup for Lois and the Peacemakers respond, including Smith who is still wearing his damaged armour from Brazil. Omega Prime, revealed to be the one who cut Sam's legs off, comes at Lois with a zweihander but Alpha points his gun at both of them and asks them to stop, saying they all need to take a moment to calm down. Suddenly, a cloud of Sunstone dust blasts down the street, curving around Lois and knocking the Omega Men back. Superman drops out of the sky and lands in front of Lois. Omega Prime runs up to him saying that the Omega Men are ready to help him is his fight against Lazarus, but he simply pushes her away.

Superman emphatically tells Lois to stop looking for him. She says she just wants to speak to him for a moment but the Peacemakers run in and pull her away to "safety" despite her telling them to stop. The Peacemakers level their guns at him and Smith yells as Superman "Remember me, pal?!", to which Superman simply replies "No" and freezes them all in place with his freeze breath. Superman leaps away and Lois berates the frozen Peacemakers and a crowd of civilians laugh at them.

The Omega Men slip away and Omega Prime slaps and berates Alpha, whose real name is Jimmy Olsen, for not killing Lois when he had the chance. Jimmy however barely pays attention as he flicks through pictures he took of Superman on his phone. He tells Omega Prime that he believes Lois has a good heart and can be convinced she's on the wrong side. Meanwhile Smith, who has been released from the ice, comes to his senses from a screaming fit of rage and discovers that he is handcuffed and being restrained by his fellow Peacemakers. He asks what happened and they show him a pile of corpses that he killed.

Appearing in "Last Dust of Krypton: Part Four, Chasing The Storm"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Lazarus Corp workers
    • João
    • Unnamed Belarusian man (First appearance)
    • Unnamed Botswanan man (First appearance)
    • Unnamed Egyptian woman (First appearance)
    • Unnamed Indian woman (First appearance)
    • Unnamed indigenous Mexican woman (First appearance)
    • Unnamed Lakota man (First appearance)
    • Unnamed South African man (First appearance)
    • Unnamed Vietnamese woman (First appearance)
      • Unnamed twin babies (First appearance)
  • Sgt. Paulson (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
  • Charles Manson (Deceased) (Mentioned only)





  • This is the first issue of the series that does not include a flashback to Superman's childhood on Krypton.

See Also

Links and References
