William Augustus "Will" Grey is a 28-year-old former pilot, inter-dimensional castaway, and the protagonist of the game Dark Void. He was born on Earth, where not much about his past life was known. However, he was part of the U.S Air Force at one point, even becoming an ace pilot. He was also something of a daredevil, which led to him being discharged after an air stunt in which he actually hijacked another plane while in the air. He since then worked as a pilot for a small charter and transport service. During what proved to be his last trip, he and a client passenger named Ava, crash landed in the Bermuda Triangle and was teleported to a parallel universe. The void, unfortunately, was populated by a powerful cybernetic alien race known as the Watchers, who once enslaved humanity in Ancient times. Will and Ava managed to fight the Watchers and link with other humans there called Survivors, led by a figure known as Atem. Together, Will and the Survivors would battle the Watchers in order to return to Earth. Throughout his adventures, Will would learn that he was an "Adept", one of a select few humans who can utilize humanity's inherent special abilities, and the ones who defeated the Watchers and sent them to the void eons ago.
His character was developed by Morgan Gray.