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Darksiders Wiki
Durer 4 Horse

Albrecht Dürer's Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse woodcut.

The Apocalypse is a belief that the world as we know it is coming to an end. In the Book of Revelation of the Bible, the Apocalypse is referenced. When the Apocalypse takes place, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appear (Pestilence, also known as Conquest: Rider of the White Horse; War: Rider of the Red Horse; Famine: Rider of the Black Horse; and Death: Rider of the Pale Horse).

Darksiders comes up after Earth is made into a shorn battlefield devoid of human life after this apocalyptic war had commenced and was concluded in the Demons favor. As the premature war of the last day was waged by the kingdoms of Heaven and Hell within the under-prepared Third Kingdom. That of man being the battleground, to determine the eternal fate over the souls of all upon Judgement Day.

The two sides battled in a way unseen before, all across the war-torn Earth. Angels and Demons clashed. Archangels personally fought in the epic battle, elite Demons flexed their power, destroying everything in their path. The only form of order that existed was the devastation unleashed onto both kingdoms by the Red Horseman, War. In the aftermath of the Battle of Armageddon, the Realm of Humanity was wiped away from existence. As the Armageddon is getting underway, the setting of Darksiders II & Darksiders III takes place both during and after the mortal worlds razing by the first and second kingdoms due to the unlawful breaking of six of seven seals meant to spark the End-War and setting for the Battle of Judgement Day.

Death would disappear for the duration of the conflict as factions from all sides, The Charred Council included, secretly conspired to use current events to foster odds and ends for their personal schemes in defiance against the Balance of the Universe. While War is imprisoned at the mercy of his commanders, his sister Fury is dispatched towards the now ruined Kingdom of Man on a faux pass assignment. Learning along the way that the catastrophic events which lead to up to her mission were secretly engineered in outright fear of Humanity's underlying value to creation. Many behind the scenes were using said conflicts instigator Vovin to perpetrate their genocidal ends for vested self-interests. However, 100 years later the stranded forces of Heaven continued to wage an endless war against Hell and all its forces.

While the Red Rider is the main character of Darksiders, the horsemen known as Famine and Pestilence (Conquest in the old scriptures) have been replaced by the characters Fury and Strife, although the other three Horsemen do not appear in the first Darksiders game until just before the credits.
