Lancer's Greensleeves Song is sung by Mr. Lancer in the episode, Beauty Marked. He sings it from a scroll he's reading during the beauty pageant while the pageant contestants walk out onstage.
A happy princess is sweet and pure
With hair of gold and teeth of white.
Her soft complexion
Is pure perfection
With nary a pimple in sight... Except her.
V - E - H - DWorld of Danny Phantom | |
World of Danny Phantom |
Realms | Species | Characters | Organizations | Locations | Objects |
Ecto-science | Ecto-acne | Ectoplasm | Ghost energy | Ghost hunter | Ghost powers |
Character outfits | Danny's outfits | Sam's outfits | Tucker's outfits |
Songs | "Girls' Night Out" | Lancer's Greensleeves Song | Theme song | "You Will Remember" |
Miscellaneous | Timelines | YouTube-based content |