Danganronpa Spinoffs Wiki
Due to the K2K System's Unreality effect, the following text was obfuscated and changed. It is unknown how much of the information is Reality.

Don't. Don't open it. Don't try to pry open the door to the mound. Don't you dare! My sister's a fool.

— (Nobuo Origuchi, Book of the Dead)

Danganronpa: Togami Kibōgamine Gakuen VS. Zetsubō High School (Chū) ( (ダンガンロンパ十神 希望ヶ峰学園VS.絶望ハイスクール (中) lit. Danganronpa: Togami, Hopes Peak Academy VS. Despair High School (Middle Volume) ) is the second volume in the Danganronpa: Togami light novel series written by Yuya Sato It was first published by Seikaisha on April 16, 2016.


絶望(ニセモノ)を撃破し、世界を征服せよ! 佐藤友哉×高河ゆん×ダンガンロンパ!

"I have good news for you, fools.
I will bring about this world domination plan that you have set in motion."
"Ultimate Affluent Progeny", Byakuya Togami declares his intention to conquer the world as its enemy, in the dark and despairful event in Prague, and intercepts assassins who are bursting with Despair High School Level talent.
In the midst of all this, the curtain of taboos and of falsities (despair) is pulled back, and the truth about the "Togami Family's Biggest, Most Awful Event," the beginning of everything (the origin), is finally revealed......!
Defeat the (fake) despair and dominate the world! Yuya Sato x Yun Kōga x Danganronpa!

Volume Plot[]

Translation Credit: jinjojess on Tumblr


Volume 2 starts with a short message by the K2K System ver 2.3, which goes onto describe the marvel of how rigid a system that allows fakes and imitations thrive, with people being patient to their existance. The message then goes on to bring up that its job is to merely add and delete things, and that it will gave its all in doing so. It wishes the best to the soul of the original. If there is such a thing.

The first chapter opens with the narrator discussing how the story is simple, being about a young man, his endeavors on conquering the world and he goes to return for a peaceful ending. However, throughout the small blurb text has been ommitted with black boxes.

The scene transitions with Byakuya Togami encountering Sonia Nevermind who declares if that he wants to get to his imposter, Byakuya will have to defeat her and the other Despair High School Level students, who have scattered about the other floors of the school. However, she declares that she will defeat him first, shouting an attack name before falling to the floor dramatically. Byakuya is said to have cleared the puzzle in less than five minutes. Sonia is awe over how Byakuya beat her so easily, to which he chalks it up to simply being that he is Byakuya Togami whose life has been in peril multiple times over. Sonia and the Despair High School pale in comparison. He then steps on her and demands that she fesses up to where the imposter is. Sonia vaguely says its on the highest floor, and when Byakuya wants to pinpoint its location specifically, Sonia points on how Blue Ink is with a 'fellow imposter' and how that's probably disturbing Byakuya.

In response, Byakuya takes out a bag filled with the deadly truth serum and intends on forcing Sonia it in order to gain the information, noting that since she's one of the public enemies of the world, no one would shed tears for her. Sonia responds that its Byakuya whose the world's enemy. However, Byakuya responds that the winner is king and his intentions to conquer the world has been declared. Eventually, Sonia points to a map in her breast pocket and after Byakuya gets it, she asks to be let go. Instead, Byakuya pours the powder in her mouth before leaving, thus leaving her to stick her fingers down her throat and vomit all over the floor to get rid of the serum.

When he's get to the principal's office, he sees Blue Ink tied to the sofa, only able to move her neck and in a rather compromising position. She apologizes for the awkward position that she's in and tries to best to close her tighs, to which Byakuya notes of how the sight is rather despairing. Behind a large curtain is the voices of the imposter, asking if Byakuya liked seeing his sister like this. Byakuya announces that he has declared that he will take over the worled, which causes the imposter to be somewhat surprised.

Byakuya has explained his frustrations with the world and all the factions that have gone after him, desiring to take over themselves. Be it to eradicate or save humanity. All of it stems from feelings of unsatisfaction. As such, Byakuya decides to put himself in charge at the top, believing that the world will not be happy otherwise.

The imposter applauds, but says that they feel that the world would be better if Byakuya dies before bring up Jan Žižka. They ask Byakuya if the know the story behind it, to which Byakuya replies that he was a Czech hero that was the first to create an armored force, but the imposter asks about the reasoning why Jan lent his aid to the Catholics. Byakuya responds its because his sister was wronged by a priest. However, the imposter tells him to be direct about it and says that she was assaulted. Because of such an assault, a holy war was enacted. The imposter asked what can be concluded from the story, but Byakuya's silence forces them to say the answer: if a loved one is insulted, then everyone will be flown into a rage.

A feeling of wanting to vomit envelopes Blue Ink as she can get the intent loud and clear. The imposter goes into how frustration was already deep inside Byakuya, who tries to remain firm and declared that his legitimacy to the Togami Corporation is secured. He goes to say his signature phrase, but the imposter finishes it instead. They note on how suiting that Byakuya had managed to remain calm and collected even now, and that he should have died back then. Blue Ink senses anger from the imposter's voice and knows right away that they knew both her and Byakuya's past. What happened on that island in that castle. Blue Ink believes that it couldn't be 'them', but it wasn't completely sure. As Blue Ink contemplates what had happened to her gouged out right eye back then, Byakuya walks up to the curtain and goes to pull it back. Once the deed is done, Blue Ink is left internally in surprise.

The Togami Family's Biggest, Most Awful Event (Extraordinary Volume)[]

A narrator opens with the reveal that Asagao Togami, the kindest of the people there, had been murdered in Yūsuke Togami’s room. Both Ichirō Togami and Shirō Togami claim to have have seen no one enter in or out of that room, and Aloysius Pennyworth makes it clear that the knives can’t be removed from the kitchen due to a sensor. Others wonder if suicide was an option, but that doesn’t explain her missing head or why her body was in Yūsuke ’s room. The narrator wondered why Asagao was even dead in the first place.

The narrator explains how much they need to win the Legacy Crown Championship, despite being thirteen (and thus last place in terms of the odds). He needed to win it all, that’s why he was there. The narrator goes on to explain that the cast is currently on an island in the Seto Inland Sea, addressed to the Ushimadocho, Setouichi City, Okayama Prefecture. The narrator explains how the Ushimadocho name was given based on a tale about the Empress fighting off a giant cow demon. After flinging the demon into the sea, it became the islands in that area. The Togami Corporation purchased one of those islands and basically wiped it off the map for private use. They built a castle with one intended purpose and named it Toajo Castle. It was in that castle where the cast was summoned and Asagao was found dead on the fifth day.

The scene moves to the cafeteria where the narrator is sipping hot cocoa and noticing how Shirō, Takaya Togami, and Jirō Togami, were quieter than usual (but notes it's expected given the murder). Yūsuke is ranting, eyes bloodshot and alcohol on his breath, about the loss of his biological sister. When Jirō asks if Yūsuke had anything to do with it, the alcoholic snaps at him and responds that during that time he was taking a walk before drinking with Mitsuzō Togami. He then angrily goes on about how a silver-ranked Super High School Level student can’t understand, which nearly starts a fight between the two. However, Takaya responds that should try to focus on getting rid of the unease around them.

Yūsuke says to call the police, but Takaya points out the championship would probably have to be canceled and he doubted their Father would allow that. Aloysius agreed that murder is not grounds for canceling the competition, to which the narrator notes Aloysius’s loyalty to the family, but also stubbornness. Yūsuke is in disbelief and calls everyone crazy when they won’t back him up. Takaya suggests that they try to investigate what happened to Asagao, which Yūsuke complies. Before he leaves the cafeteria, he goes to the narrator and insults them, wondering why they were even there before storming off.

The scene changes to the outside where the narrator,  Jirō, Shirō, Takaya, Yūsuke (who brought nicotine and booze with him), and a couple known as the Makabe’s, have formed a search party to try to find the missing head. The narrator reveals that Yūsuke was the former SHSL Gourmet, but had ruined his talent via smokes and booze, and Jirō was the current SHSL Karate Master. The narrator resents Yūsuke for ruining his talent whilst other people like the narrator didn’t have a talent of their own.

They find the head of Asagao at the “Tower”, which is a pyramid that was originally supposed to be the central pillar of a gazebo but it was never completed. Yūsuke goes into a frenzy and tries to get closer, and had to be knocked out by Jirō to preserve the crime scene. Asagao’s head is inspected and it's revealed that it wasn’t a clean beheading. When asked, the Makabe’s reveal that there was a wire in the shed that could have been used.

The narrator reveals this wasn’t the first time the siblings have been called to the island for vacancies. They were there prior to get acquainted with each other before the championship started and the narrator notes that his sibling's talents kept coming into play, like Shirō (who has good eyesight) noticing a trail of dirt. The narrator even doubts that they could win, but tries to steel their resolve and that they have to win. The group collects the head and goes back inside.

There they meet with Aloysius, Ichirō, Eyumi Togami and, the narrator’s older sister, Blue Ink. They were all gathered in the castle’s pond, having noticed something. Lying dead in it was their sibling, Wasuke Togami. It’s then that Blue Ink turned to the narrator and asks if they, Kazuya Togami knew what was going on. Internally, Kazuya wished that he knew.

Ichirō determines that Wasuke died on the third day and that it was via stab wound, announcing such information in the cafeteria. Kazuya is enjoying his second cup of cocoa with Blue Ink, noting that sweets help calm his nerves and that Blue Ink was the same way (albeit she preferred tea). The group in attendance are Aloysius, Ichirō, Shirō, Takaya, Mitsuzō, Eyumi, Blue Ink, and Kazuya. They discuss how these murders were even possible given the precautions and Eyumi even accuses Pennyyworth or the Makabes of it (though the butler insists they are innocent of the crimes). Ichirō tries to raise everyone's spirits and gets them to just enjoy the food the Makabe’s made for dinner and noting that if they were the culprits the food they’ve eaten would have been poisoned long ago.

After dinner, the group of Ichirō, Shirō, Takaya, Blue Ink and Kazuya investigates Yūsuke ’s room. Blue Ink begins sobbing as she sees Asagao’s headless corpse and Kazuya feels tears coming on since everyone loved her. Kazuya notes how the others, two silvers and gold rankers respectively, are investigating and feel inferior, given that he is a bronze. He resolves to steel himself in order to help solve the case.

The investigation notes that the window of Yūsuke ’s room has an old-fashioned revolving latch and Kazuya notices a strange rectangular spot where there is no blood. Takaya notices it as well and thinks that perhaps there might have been a suicide note left behind by Asagao, but that begs the question of the suicide note’s location. Ichirō suggests both Kazuya, Shirō and Blue Ink to head back to their rooms and leave things to the adults. When he says this is a job for a Togami, it unintentionally hurts Kazuya’s feelings. When Shirō asks what he plans to do, Ichirō says he’s going to question the culprit.

Later on, both Kazuya and Blue Ink stand outside the hallway as Ichirō, Takaya and Jirō ‘interorgate’ Yūsuke , who screams can be heard from outside. Mitsuzō comes by and wonders what’s happening, but after being told it was questioning, remarks it was like a torture before walking away like he didn’t hear anything. After Blue Ink takes Kazuya by the hand and tells him to stay close to her (which he appreciates, but wishes it was the other way around instead). They witness the trio leave the room to announce that Yūsuke hasn’t confessed to anything. Takaya remarks that it would have been easier if his talent was in negotiation rather than being the SJHSL Agitator. As they three interrogators leave, Blue Ink and Kazuya glance at Yūsuke , who had been beaten up rather roughly and mouthing the words ‘die’ right at that, in addition to laughing madly.

It was then that they hear the laughter of Asa Togami and Yoru Togami, twins who were both the SHSL Weather Forecasters. The twins stop laughing at once, and mock Kazuya for relying on his sister. In addition, they predict that the killing has a 92% chance of happening again. After delivering their prediction, the twins left. Thus, this ended the fifth day.

Kazuya recounts back to the first day of the championship. Kazuya was in a boat alongside Yūsuke , Eyumi, the twins and Blue Ink, noting how they either matured (like Eyumi), grew worse (like Yūsuke ’s drinking habits) or remained the same (like the twins). He was informed by men in black that his other siblings were taking another boat to the island. Once there, they are taken straight to the cafeteria and seated by names. In addition, there was also a paper that divided them by mothers, ranked them (from gold to silver to bronze), and including other details like their ages, talents (if they had any) and who was likely to win.

Yūsuke and Wasuke are both unhappy being rated like horses, though Kazuya is just relieved there’s nothing weird stated in his. As Aloysius greets them, Ichirō hopes that they weren’t brought here just to kill each other, which makes Kazuya remark that people with too much money and time on their hands develop sick habits like watch death games or seeing detetives fight against criminals. He vows if he has the power he’d fight against people like that, especially since they’d just hurt Blue Ink.

Yūsuke reasons that posting those odds are just a way to get lower ranks to work even harder than before. However, Yūsuke remarks that it won’t work on him and the he refuses to be judged by others, but this causes Jirō to tell him to quit if that’s the case and why he quit being a gourmet anyway. Yūsuke repeats that he won’t be judged by others, but then gets into a spat with Jirō that gets diffused by Asagao and nearly started up by Takaya (who apologizes as its a force of habit).

Kazuya notes that Takaya’s gold rank stems from his involvement in the international play, having written speeches to leaders and even re-ignited a nearly dormant conflict between two countries. All of this despite being only fourteen.

Aloysius remarks that this isn’t a game and holds up a cassette player. Once it plays, the voice is the current head of the Togami Family: Kijō Togami. Kijō explains that they were brought there to decide who would be the next head of the Togami Corporation. In addition, he informs them that they were not the only siblings out there. Kijō actually had 108 children in total, having only bred with the highest class of ladies. Ultimately, the fifteen of them had passed the first round without even being aware of it. Kijō says the championship will last for ten days and whoever manages to get the ‘reliance’ will become the next heir. Failure to do so will result in being stripped of your status and the name of ‘Togami’.

When Yūsuke asks what the reliance is or how to obtain it or if its even physical, Aloysius merely refuses to answer and states he’s just a neutral party to keep things fair. However, this causes Yūsuke to say that Kazuya should be kicked out since he’s ‘not a Togami’, hurting Kazuya’s feelings. The twins and Wasuke jump on this in and push for Kazuya to be removed, but Blue Ink defends him, saying that Kazuya just being on the island is proof that he’s a Togami.

Wasuke then goes onto proclaim that once he wins the competition he’ll crush his siblings under soul-crushing menial work. Yūsuke insults such a dream’s of vengeance, before the twins pipe up that dream’s can not be rated objectively. When Yūsuke asks what their dream is, both claim that they would use the Togami Corporation’s funds to buy up all the TV stations in the world and host their weather personal weather report 24/7. Yūsuke calls their dream trash.

From there, the others give their dreams as well: Eyumi wants to use the Togami Corporation’s funds to ignite a war that will destroy the entire world, killing everyone (including herself). Mitsuzō just wants to have a feast with his siblings, Saburō Togami just wants to eat meat and Ichirō is noted to have an interest in running the corporation and would make for a decent heir. However, Kazuya notes that if he did win, both himself and Blue Ink would lose that protection.  

Yūsuke then leaves, claming he’s going to sleep, but the twins remark he’s probably just going to get drunk (with Wasuke piling on a rumor that Yūsuke lost his taste). Asagao intervenes and declares her dream is wishing that their family can ignore the ranking system and just live happy lives together. She’s even willing to die to make that dream a reality. This causes everyone to fall silent and Kazuya notes at that point, only Yūsuke , Saburō and Suzuhiko Togami are not present. He ends such narration that noting that the first day, despite its omens, was a fairly happy one.

On the sixth day, they find Yūsuke's headless corpse in his room. Ichirō gathers his siblings (with only Takaya, Suzuhiko and Saburō being absent) and delivers the report. Both Yūsuke and Asagao committed suicide. The killing method was created by Yūsuke (either to kill time or a sick joke) through the use of wire connected to the Tower and some rope. With a remote control, whoever head was through the noose of the device would have their neck gradually cut into until they were beheaded. The skin and neck flesh being caught on the wire would have cause the head to get stuck and thus carried with the rope back to the Tower, explaining how the head got outside. Apparently, Yūsuke was the one to find Asagao’s body first, took her suicide note and made the scene look like a murder.

Takaya arrives back and says he has Yūsuke's head if they wanted to see it. When questions are asked about Wasuke’s killer, there’s no clear answer aside from theorizing it could have bee Asago or Yūsuke or even both.  From there, Ichirō (having taken charge since the second oldest, Mitsuzō, doesn’t want to do it) orders the suicide device to be placed in the kitchen and when asked about how he can he relax considering the circumstances, Ichirō reassures that he won’t let anyone else die.

Five hours later, Ichirō is found dead and next to his body is the kanji to spell out either ‘Yoru’ or ‘Ya’ (夜). Thus, this ended the sixth day of the championship. The next day, Kazuya overhears Mitsuzō talking with Takaya. The elder brother wants both to escape, but Takaya remarks that they are on an island and have nowhere to go until the championship is over. Getting an idea in his head, Mitsuzō makes a phone call.

The morning of the sevent day a man by the name of Suisei Nanamura arrives on the island with his assistant, Polaris P. Polanski, on the seventh day and meets with Aloysius when they arrive. They were hired by Mitsuzō in order to solve the murders. The butler wants them gone, but Susei remarks that he was hired to solve these murders and that the duo was stuck on the island since the people sent to fetch him, the Makabe's, immediately ditched them after completing their job. Thus, they were stuck on the island, leaving Aloysius to begrudgingly accept them after a body check. Suisei mentions that this case is like a Duel Noir, without any Victims Catharsis Committee involvement.

Suisei conducts an individual investigation of the remaining participants and once he gets to Kazuya, he remarks that time had not been kind to him and asked whether Kazuya had any sexual feelings for his sister. When Kazuya denies it and brings up their relation, Suisei points out that would be if they were blood related, causing Kazuya to shiver at the implication. From there he questions on what Kazuya knows about the murder, and points out that the bloody writing left by Ichirōi could only leave Kazuya, Takayai and Yoru as the culprit of the murder. When Kazuya responds that he didn't do it, and that if he did Ichirō would have written the first part of his name instead, this is met by Suisei telling him that he knew he'd say that. Suisei also remarks that he had already had the pieces together, before ordering Kazuya to take him to Suzuhiko Ōtsuki's room.

Suisei tries to introduce himself to the hitman, but is met with a laugh full of derision. Still, they manage to get off on a better start with each poking fun at each other's professions stereotypes. When Suisei asks about his opinion on the murders, Suzuhiko just tells him to be wary of the brat behind him, looking in the direction of the only other two people there: Kazuya and Polaris. As they leave, Suisei would hear the brothers bicker with each other, before asking Kazuya if Suzuhiko was always like that. They then visit Saburō, who opens up after Suisei unleashes a barrage of knocking on his door. From where he stood, Susei listed off expensive prices of various paintings that Saburō had, and during his interrogation, uncovered that Saburō was hiding from Kazuya (who he calls an 'imposter') since he wasn't a blood relative of Togami. During this time the twins had arrived to make cruel remarks to Kazuya (and get thoroughly disgusted by Saburō's perverted remarks to them). Suisei shuts the door on Saburō after he finally notices Polaris.

After the twins leave, with their vow that they know how to win the championship, Susei demands Kazuya to explain how he became a Togami. In Kazuya's room, Kazuya explains his origins as the sole survivor of the Kuchinashi Village Fire, an event that had Suzuhiko slaughter every single person in town due to overdoing it on his first hit. After slicing everything in half, Suzuhiko set the entire village on fire, but was surprised to learn that the three to four year old Kazuya had survived. Blue Ink who Suzuhiko was tasked to look out for, was brought along with him and saved Kazuya, thus explaining how he became a Togami. Susei is skeptical of the story, since to the common public its a cold case, but he comes to accept that if the Togami Family was apart of it, then even extraordinary circumstances could be expected. That said, he doubts that Kazuya was ever officially accepted into the family and asked if he ever gotten a DNA test, which Kazuya reports as a no (his mother, Michiko Togami, strongly refused it).

Suisei believes that Michiko just wanted another 'chip' to be thrown into the competition to ensure one of her own would become the heir, though wonders if Kijō would consider Kazuya a true heir. Kazuya remarks that if he wins, that would probably be the case, though Susei remarks if Kazuya was just using the surname until the competition was over (causing the young teen to shoot back the rest of his siblings are in the same boat). When Suisei presses the issue between Kazuya and Suzuhiko, Kazuya could only say that Suzuhiko was kicked out of the house due to a 'petty incident' two years ago. Something that Suisei points out that Kazuya had an easier time speaking about the Kuchinashi incident than a 'petty' incident. Suisei reveals to Kazuya he listened to the tape Aloysius had when the Legacy Crown Championship had started, and theorized they may be a 'hidden fifteenth person' and that Kazuya didn't actually count towards the total, but could be used by the hidden competitor as a scapegoat.

Suisei then goes to mock Kazuya for his lack of talent or pedigree, causing the young teen to storm out of his room in a huff. Kazuya passes by a near catanoic Jirō, who was hit hard by the death of his older brother. Kazuya notes he would never feel what its like to lose a biological sibling, making it both sort of relieving, but also depressing as well. The seventh day ended with no murders being committed.

On the eighth day, Kazuya and Blue Ink, are in the library relaxing when Blue Ink notices how Kazuya is rather depressed and asks what’s wrong. From there, Kazuya relays what Suisei said about him and he relays his intentions to win the championship. Blue Ink tries to reassure him that she’s fine, but Kazuya says she’s just saying that to be strong, but he’s weall aware that failure means becoming a nameless kid once more. Meaning the only person Blue Ink would have would be ‘that man’. Kazuya asks if ‘that man’ was a dear family member even now, but before Blue Ink could respond Shirō arrives, wanting a Schubet score. They talk about the championship, and what could the ‘reliance’ be. Shirō theorizes it could be behind the Forbidden Space, a locked door neat the entrance no one was able to open, though Kazuya is skeptical. The twins then enter and head into the library’s special collections area. Kazuya believes that Aloysius might be the culprit, given his access to knives, but Blue Ink is doubtful give the butler’s loyalty.

Before they discuss further only one of the twins leave the collections area, screaming, before a fire breaks out in the library. Suisei enters orders for a fire extinguisher to put it out. In the end, they manage to get rid of the fire, but apparently Asa died in the carnage, but no remains could be found. When Suisei questioned Yoru, she explains that Asa suddenly caught on fire and knocked a bookshelf over, causing Yoru to run out of the library alone. Suisei also asked for the book she was reading as well, which was 'The Sun Also Rises'. Suisei seems satisfied with that answer, before turning around to the others and saying that there was no way a body can burn up that quickly (much to Yoru's protest). On the ninth day of the competition, Yoru was found beheaded in her own room.

Suisei says that the culprit has used up all their luck and gathers everyone, aside from Saburō and Suzuhiko into the cafeteria, in order to reveal the mysteries of the case. First of all, he claims Asa never existed and that what was by Yoru's side was just a doll made to look like her, with Yoru supporting said doll and making her talk via prerecorded lines. When Eyumi asked why bother making Asa and then burning her, Suisei theorizes it was to increase Yoru's chances of winning, and that burning her was what Yoru thought was the 'reliance' Kijō had wanted: a brilliant mystery and to achieve that having a person's body completely disappear would be considered brilliant in her eyes. Suisei notes that while she was on the right track, Yoru's idea was poor and Kijō remained unimpressed, When Mitsuzō questions on what the 'reliance' is, Suisei says its their job to figure out, he's only being paid to solve the murders.

Suisei says that there's only been three murders in the competition out of all these deaths so far: the murders of Wasuke, Ichirō and Yoru. He concludes that the only three that could do it based off of a lack of alibis, had to be Kazuya, Suzuhiko and Saburō. He questions Shinobu if Suzuhiko can rip someone's head off with just his hands, though Suzuhiko appears in the cafeteria to reveal he only murders with his knives and uses nothing else. Suisei asks if Suzuhiko did it, though the hitman shoots back to Suisei that the detective knows Suzuhiko didn't do it. Suisei admits that he did knew that it couldn't be the hitman since he lacks a motive and his heart wasn't in the competition.When Suzuhiko retorts he could be lying, Suisei says that he had proof on who did the murders. After a long silence, he reveals that murderer was Kazuya Togami.

Naturally, Kazuya denies such a thing and says he has an alibi, only for Suisei to responds that he actually doesn't. When Kazuya points asks why it couldn't it be Saburō or Suzuhiko, Suisei reveals the evidence for the former. Saburō was in his room dancing in the buff to idol music during the duraction of the murders, with the occasional snacking (a hobby that even Suisei remarks as garbage). Kazuya tries to shoot back that the brothers of Takaya and Mitsuzō alibi's were pretty weak given that they only had themselves to vouch for each other, but both those two had alibis for Yoru's murder, and Aloysius could vouch for them. When Suisei tries to push that Ichirō was writing Kazuya's name in his blood and when he collapsed he muddle the first part of his name, Kazuya remarks that it could have been Mitsuzō and Takaya working together again, but Suisei points out, if that's the case, hiring a high ranked detective like him would be illogical. Kazuya responds that Suisei was in cahoots with them. Suisei is impressed by the speed he's come to that conclusion, but remarks that it still doesn't break their solid alibi for Yoru. Kazuya responds that they could have killed Wasuke and Takaya, but someone else killed Yoru. Suisei mockingly responds about the odds of there being that many killers in the castle.

Suisei points out neither has a strong motive for doing so, but Kazuya retorts neither does he. Suisei points out that since he's the only one not blood related as a Togami, he's the only one that does have a strong motive and that killing the other competitors could make him the heir by default. Kazuya turns the discussion to the murder weapon and that since he's just a kid he wouldn't be able to kill grown men like Wasuke and Ichirō, plus he lacks a weapon to do so. Suisei presents evidence that surpasses the need for such a thing: namely presenting Yoru's severed head in a bag found in Kazuya's room. Both he and Aloysius investigated it, so he can confirm no trickery was involved in it. With that, the discussion is over and Suisei enjoys a nice glass of wine as he witnesses the others escort Kazuya to the castle's dungeon where they intend to hold him until the competition is over.

The Togami Family's Biggest, Most Awful Event (Unreality Volume)[]

In the dungeon, Kazuya is cursing Suisei and his entire siblings for getting him in such a situation, completely in despair. This raises the attention of a young woman who stands in front of him, having entered from a secret passage of the cell. She introduces herself as Kudan the pitiable. However, she also notes such a title is merely a nickname and lists over several other bovine-related names that people call her. She then asks for Kazuya’s name, who said it's fitting for Kijō to give out, and, after asking why Kazuya refers to his father as ‘head of the family’ when questioned of her casualness with Kijō, she reveals that Kijō’s former name was Tarō.

When Kazuya asked if he changed the name, she reveals that she actually ‘changed’ it for him. For Kudan, stealing names is her specialty since the most important thing a human has is their name. However, Kazuya has no idea what she’s talking about. Kudan continues talking about how Kazuya grew up without love and how its pathetic that people like Kazuya would want to conquer the world because they grew up without it. Kazuya says that is loved, but Kudan points out that he is currently in the dungeon. Kazuya, deciding that he can’t stay quiet, announces that he is the victor.

It was then, as Kazuya stares into the Kudan’s wet, black, eyes does he understand. Her eyes were like a herbivore or, to be specific, a cow’s. Kudan congratulates him for figuring it out and declares that he may be able to learn the Secret of the Togami Family. She then demands his most precious possession: his name. Going along with it, Kudan places a finger on his forehead and declares the deed done. From now on, Kazuya is her’s and he can no longer call himself that or their deal is void.

Now nameless, the boy formerly known as Kazuya asks what to call himself. Kudan lists off some names that she offered Kijō and the boy decides on one that he likes: Byakuya. From there, Kudan addresses Kudan with five predictions: Release is coming. Examine the wall. Be wary of repetition. Shall turn to dust. As a result, Byakuya will be victorious. She says predicting the future is her job, and that carrying them out is 'Byakuya'’s job, noting that it is obvious the boy wanted to rule the world. After that, she leaves the cell.

Shortly afterward, Takaya comes down, announcing that he’s come to free 'Byakuya'. The reason why is because the true culprit confessed. Or to be specific, killed himself. Takaya takes 'Byakuya' to Mitsuzō’s room, where the latter had apparently hung himself from the chandelier. He has left behind a suicide note that both Takaya and Aloysius confirmed to have been real. Takaya says, while he dislikes the situation, they can now focus on the championship which is over at noon the next day. This gets 'Byakuya' to think about how he already won without even getting the reliance first.

It’s then that they heard helicopters coming from outside. They go outside to see Suisei riding off in it to leave the helicopter. With his client dead, Suisei has no reason to stay and is at least grateful that Mitsuzō paid him in advance. He explains this to both 'Byakuya' and Takaya who sees him flying off, and even remarks that if things go according to the odds, Takaya (the only Gold ranked of the Togami siblings) would win the competition (causing both boys to glare at him). When the other surviving participants rush out and beg for him to take them as well, he remarks that the helicopter was overweight. Besides, they still had to complete the competition and wishes them all good luck. As he leaves, 'Byakuya' curses him internally that he'll end up in a situation where he would take his own life due to his own greed. Blue Ink, now at the scene, rushes towards her younger brother and tearfully hugs him. Internally, 'Byakuya' notes that’s he’s won already and there’s no reason to worry, but did not understand why Blue Ink continued to cry.

With the murder apparently solve, the participants eat at the cafeteria, where Shirō notes that the winner will learn the secret to the Togami Family’s prosperity and how he felt there was someone else in the castle, something that makes 'Byakuya' wish internally that Shirō would shut up. Eyumi also speaks of seeing a girl in the castle, but she disappeared before she could talk to her. Shirō wonders if the Forbidden Space holds the answer they seek. It was then that 'Byakuya' stands up and leaves the cafeteria, though wishing he made himself less suspicious before storming off.

Back in Mitsuzō’s room, 'Byakuya' begins inspecting the walls after reminding himself of Kudan’s second prediction. Upon seeing a clock, 'Byakuya' finds a button hidden behind it and presses it. It turns out, the room can descend and thus is the reason why the Forbidden Space exists. For a trick like this. Byakuya puts the pieces together immediately. Mitsuzō did not kill himself, instead, it was a murder committed by his young brother, Takaya. Using his agitator talent, he had to have manipulated Mitsuzō into writing the note and getting him in place in order to set-up the trap. All this in order to make his own brother a scapegoat in his own machinations.

It was then that Byakuya heard a beeping noise from the outside and went to inspect it. There he finds Aloysius begging an enraged Jirō who had stolen a knife from the kitchen and was raving about Takaya having ‘told him everything’. He stabbed Aloysius in the gut and would have killed 'Byakuya' if not for Blue Ink getting him out of the way. The duo tries to fight off the mad Jirō when Eyumi interrupts with her scream of fear at the sight. Before she could do anything, Jirō rushes to her and slits her throat, killing her. 'Byakuya' orders Blue Ink to run, but she trips. Just before Jirō can kill her, Suzuhiko dives in to save her. An act that causes even Byakuya to call him ‘big brother’ for a moment.

Suzuhiko asks Jirō why’s he on a rampage, in which the karate master says that Takaya told Jirō everyone else was responsible for killing Ichirō. Suzuhiko can’t really remember who Ichirō is considering he died so early on in the story, which causes Jirō to attack him. As they fight, Blue Ink runs down the hallway, whilst Byakuya is forced to take another route given the knife fight.

There, he meets Shirō and informs him of recent events. Both agree its best to find Takaya, and come to the conclusion that Takaya has given up on acquiring the reliance, and instead is trying to be the last man standing. Though, its notes that its just a theory, and they should ask Takaya himself. Shirō believes that Jirō will be defeated by Suzuhiko, thus allowing for Takaya to be more vulnerable.

It’s then that Shirō reveals if 'Byakuya' trusts him, and announces that he has no plans on becoming the Togami heir. Shirō just wants to become a musician. As a result, he’s willing to tell 'Byakuya' what the reliance is, given that he just figured it out. 'Byakuya' is in disbelief and considers being a Togami to be the most important thing, believing that he’s empty in side. This just makes Shirō want to tell him even more. But before that could happen, he is ambushed and ends up grappling with someone. By the time 'Byakuya' can comprehend what was happening, Shirō is dead and so is his attacker, the once thought to be dead Yoru Togami.

'Byakuya' thinks about how unreal this has gotten and inspects both bodies. There was no doubt in his mind that it was actually the corpse of Yoru, not a doll this time. But he doesn’t know how she even came back to life or her body managed to re-attach itself to her head. In addition, he feels awful for the fact that he couldn’t save Shirō or see him become a musician. He wants to continue on, but he can’t figure out what to do next, aside from remembering the next prediction: be wary of repetition.

It’s then that a scream rings out, and the voice belonged to Blue Ink. 'Byakuya' rushes to her room, only to find Yoru, once again alive, and stabbing Blue Ink viciously. His sister was still clinging to life, when Yoru got off of her and turned to 'Byakuya', indicating that she would use Takaya’s last-man standing ploy for her own benefit in order to become the Togami heir. When 'Byakuya' asks who she is, she responds that she is Hiru Togami. Hiru says she’s been on the island since the very beginning, and that no one noticed since she hid herself so well. When its pointed out the odds never listed her, Hiru shot back they were just made by some unrelated third parties who wanted to make a game out of the championship. Aloysius knew, but never spoke of it given that the butler probably assumed the others did as well.

'Byakuya' understands that their plan was to make it seem as if it was just Asa and Yoru, but in reality, they would have a ‘hidden chip’ to work with. When 'Byakuya' asked how all three managed to ride in the boat, its explained that on 'Byakuya'’s boat, it was just Yoru operating her doll. However, in the other boat, it would be Asa and Hiru. When the championship started, they were banking on people not really paying attention to who the boat rides, and given the killing spree that happened, people would be less likely to think about it even further. It also helped on the eigth day that Yoru had managed to convince their siblings that she was an only child.

It was then that 'Byakuya' realized the truth. Removing himself from the rankings, and adding in both Asa and Hiru, it proves that he was never actually a competitor chosen for the championship at all. 'Byakuya' falls into despair and Hiru mocks him, preparing to kill the young man However, it was then that 'Byakuya' shoots back on how horrible Asa died (which surprises even himself given how cruel the words were). This causes Hiru to snap into a rage and try to kill 'Byakuya'.

However, it was then a hole opened in her chest, abruptly killing her. After that, he gazed upon Blue Ink’s body, glad that was still alive. Declaring that he would protect her and that he wasn’t some weakling anymore, he locks the door to prevent any further attacks. However, it was also then when he glanced back at Blue Ink.

He notes that even bloodied and injured, she was still beautiful. It was then that he points out that she wasn’t his biological sister, but rather his adopted one. In his mind, that meant that they love each other legitimately and can make love as well. It was then, as he ‘loves’ his sister, does he confess that he is the culprit.

On the third day, he says that Wasuke lured him towards the pond, under the belief Kijō’s reliance meant having the guts to kill someone. However, it was there that the young boy’s power would awaken due to his desire to not want to die and leave Blue Ink alone. This power caused a hole to open in Wasuke’s chest, killing him. Scared, he quickly dumped Wasuke’s body into the boat in a pond.

It was then he looked up and saw that a frightened Asagao had witnessed it. However, since Asagao was so kind, he didn’t want to do anything to her and so left her alone to go to sleep in hopes that she would forget. He concludes that Asagao killed herself in order to try and get everyone to stop fighting. Unfortunately, Yūsuke grabbed a hold of her note that detailed what she saw and tried to blackmail the young boy with it. Not wanting to be extorted, his power manifested again and he used its to kill Yūsuke with his own suicide device.

For Ichirō, the young man admits his confusion over how Ichirō found out, but figured that as the former SHSL Surgeon he might have noticed something was off or maybe Yūsuke ’s death was suspicious and traced it back to the actual culprit. Ichirō just wanted the truth to be given, but it was then that the power manifested, surprising both. After mortally wounding Ichirō, the young boy left quickly, unaware of the dying message being written. As for Yoru’s death, he blames it all on her. He just wanted to get water from the cafeteria, but Yoru was angry that her plan didn’t work. She began to insult him, but that wasn’t what caused him to kill her. Instead, she begins going on about Blue Ink and Suzuhiko’s ‘relationship’, claming how she heard them together doing ‘it’ and how disgusting they were. For such claims, the young man beheaded Yoru for it. It was this that caused him to wonder if Suzuhiko was doing ‘weird’ things to her and if so he apologizes for it, vowing to protect Blue Ink and make her happy.

About twelve hours before the championship is over, he had managed to administer first aid to Blue Ink. When she asks how did Yoru’s head get into the room, he says that Suisei and Mitsuzō probably planted it there, also informing her about Takaya’s responsibility for their current situation. Blue Ink corrects it and flat out says that he was the killer, and was a murderer. To this, he tries to rationalize it as just being four people he murdered, with half in self-defense. She calls him crazy and begins to cry, with him trying to calm her down by assuring of his victory.

The door then swings open, with it being Jirō with a knife. This is because of Aloysius have a master key on him, thus making locking the door useless. However, this time the young boy has decided to fight, manifesting a light sabre in his hand. That said, he doesn’t use it on Jirō since Suzuhiko arrives to kill the karate master by stabbing him in the back. Suzuhiko wonders if his younger brother was cosplaying Star Wars and warns to not try to fight him. In return, said younger brother declares Suzuhiko a stranger and declares he will protect Blue Ink. Suzuhiko responds in pointing out how they were suppose to look for Takaya.

Takaya, however, is standing right behind them at the doorway, looking confident. He notes that since only four of them remain (thought corrects it to five since Saburō is alive), they all should get along. However, Suzuhiko points out no one in that room would gullible enough to be swayed by Takaya. The agitator tries to sway Suzuhiko to his side, declaring he never wanted to go alogn with the championship to begin with. Instead, he just wanted to seize control of the Togami Corporation. He believes if Suzuhiko and himself works together than can create a new Togami Family that can decide things with war and even create new wars.

However, Suzuhiko refuses since he dislikes someone who would kill family for their own gain. Takaya points out the awful treatment he gives his own sister, but that is refuted by Suzuhiko who believes what they have is ‘love’. His younger brother is in disbelief over hearing this, but when glancing to Blue Ink, notes how she wasn’t denying anything and even sees some confirmation there. The younger brothers calls everyone messed up, and doesn’t even know how blood-related siblings could love each other. Suzuhiko points out historically there have been cases where relatives have committed incest plenty of times. The young boy has believed Blue Ink to have been an unwilling participant, thus learning such information has gotten him questioning what is just.

Takaya agrees that what they have isn’t rather twisted and says that if no one will join him, he will rule the world alone. With gasoline in hand, he dumps the liquid on the ground and lights it on fire. Suzuhiko grabs Blue Ink and his younger brother follows him out. However, its then they realize Takaya had set the entire castle on fire in preparation for this moment.

With the fire spreading and smoking filling the castle, the trio does their best to escape, with the young boy wondering if its his fate to die in the flames like the rest of his village. Nearby they hear Saburō struggling to keep up his idol dance routine as he burns alive, though they can’t judge him given how trapped they were and how fast the flames were spreading. When a piece of the ceiling separated the young boy from his siblings, he tells Suzuhiko to just keep going and get Blue Ink to safety. Confident in Kudan’s final prediction, the young boy continues in his attempt to make his way out of the castle. During this time, a recording of Takaya plays, saying that his siblings deaths won’t be in vain and he’ll present their skulls on a pike to the Togami Corporation. Takaya’s recording says anyone left alive should just sit tight and sing a children’s song as they die.

The tape recorder that recording was on was melted by the fire, thus leaving the young man alone. Both siblings gone and even his enemy. He was all alone and surrounded by the flames, but was assured he would win due  to Kudan’s prophecy. He repeats it, like a mantra, inside of his head. But near the end of it, he grows confused and acknowledges his old name: that he was Kazuya Togami, not Byakua. His internal thoughts end with him being aware of how hot the place was getting.

The scene switches over to an injured Blue Ink who was in a wheelchair being escorted by Polaris, who was still on the island. Most of Toajo Castle had been utterly destroyed by the fire. It’s the tenth day and only ten minutes left until the end of the championship, with Blue Ink trying to say that, but ending up coughing instead. As they continued onwards, Blue Ink notices what is implied to be Takaya’s corpse. Charred black with several knives sticking out of his body. The duo makes their way into the cafeteria, which had been mostly spared from the flames. There Polaris fiddles with a tape recorder and speaks into it. The answer was accepted and, from there, it was officially accepted that Polaris would be the new Togami heir and the losers to be officially expelled from the conglomerate.

Polaris informs Blue Ink that such a name was just an alias. Polaris’s real name was Byakuya Togami. After removing his contacts to replace them with his glasses (stating his hatred for them, and he only used them because he believes glasses don’t work with girl’s clothes), Byakuya changes into more male-suited clothes.

Byakuya confirms that he was a Bronze ranked among the other 108 Togami siblings and asks Blue Ink how the fifteen of them were chosen. After half a second, Byakuya says it's because their mothers had high standing in society: the best breeding, money, and political influence. The participant's own abilities had nothing to do with it.

Blue Ink tries to say that she would have believed Kijō would have acknowledged it, but Byakuya tells her to not be naive. Everyone came into the championship thinking they could win, but they were all just victims. The Bronze ranked had no business being there. Byakuya understands that while it might afford peace of mind to rank based on pedigree, it insults him to believe the Togami heir can’t be someone of unknown origin. This causes Blue Ink to wonder if Byakuya himself didn’t come from a good family, but he falls silent.

He doesn’t respond to it, instead of going on about how he has changed the rules. He got where he is now by posing as a day trader and then a detective’s assistant working with Suisei, knowing the latter only takes high profile cases and would eventually take one given out by the Togami Family. Blue Ink is impressed by this, but Byakuya states its only natural since its him and he’ll keep winning. When she asks about the others Byakuya informs her that Aloysius was still alive since wounds were only shallow. Saburō and Takaya were dead, but her brothers had completely disappeared.

Given how Blue Ink has lost her rank, family, an arm and an eye, Byakuya asks if she’s in despair. To this, she admits she doesn’t know what to feel. For a long while, she’s simply accepted things as they come, not knowing the ‘luxury’ of either hope or despair. As such, she simply accepts what happens and carries on with her life, even when it includes being ‘loved’ by both her brothers. Even during the championship, she felt nothing and had no real desire to become the heir of the Togami Corporation.

Byakuya notes something is wrong with her, and she even admits that internally. But, ever since the day she chose to not let anything affect her, she has lived in a void without facing hope or despair. Byakuya then says she passed his test. He was looking for someone to write his biography for him, someone who can coolly recount his many triumphs without going overboard. She’ll also be permitted to live as his older sister and that, while normally those who fail would be exiled from living as a Togami, he’ll make an exception for her and he won’t hear any complaints. It was at that moment, Blue Ink was convinced that she was in presence of a God.

As a boat comes to pick up the survivors of The Togami Family's Biggest, Most Awful Event, Blue Ink is internally eager to get back to the world but notes how sad the island is now a tomb of the tragedy that took place there. When she asked what their father’s reliance was, Byakuya said its something that couldn’t really be explained in words and Blue Ink wasn’t quite right when she mentions Byakya recording something on tape. Instead, Byakuya says she’ll eventually learn what the reliance was and if not she’ll be in her own void forever.

This doesn’t sit well with Blue Ink who does yearn to eventually feel what Byakuya feels. To want to feel those emotions. To have her heart be moved, even if that means feeling unimaginable suffering. Blue Ink gazes at the sun at its peak not daring to look away even when it's painful. She decides to get herself an artificial eye that shines throughout all four seasons. Byakuya says he can’t let anyone know of these predictions and he’ll cover up such information. As far as the rest of the world knows, he got his heir title purely by his own efforts. It was then Blue Ink asked for one thing from Byakuya: if she was going to be his big sister, he shouldn’t talk to her that way. Thus earning a taken aback reaction that one would find from a boy anywhere. Thus, putting an end to the flashback of the The Togami Family's Biggest, Most Awful Event.


Blue Ink welcomes the reader back and notes that it's been a while. However, she also notes Byakuya's doppleganger was essentially him, but quite morbidly obese. The imposter says that both of them are in aware of his perfect disguise, but Blue Ink was getting a migraine from wondering how Byakuya's voice can come from such a rotund body. Byakuya was seething with rage, to the point he can't really say anything, all just from the sight of the imposter. He wants the imposter to quit making a fool of him, and the Togami name, on repeat before the imposter points out how unusual this was for Byakuya. Byakuya shoots back in anger on how the imposter barely resembles him.

Feeling insulted, the imposter responds in telling Byakuya that they worked hard to sculpt their body like how it is today and that their weight is their pride. In response, Byakuya says he doesn't care to know and that he feels as if he's going to throw up. The imposter goes on to say that they have the whole world fooled into thinking they are the real deal, and with that Byakuya has been stripped of his power. However, to this Byakuya states the he is the true Byakuya Togami. The Imposter states that Byakuya can not obtain reliance with words alone, a word that cause Blue Ink to believe that they might be her younger brother, Kazuya Togami.

Byakuya and the imposter continue to insult each other and by the end of things have approached scarily close to each other. It was then that a stun grenade is thrown into the room, with footsteps entering the office as well. Blue Ink is freed by Aloysius, who has also announced that he is no longer affiliated with the Togami Family. The imposter had managed to get away during the chaos. Once everyone has reached outside, all three board into a helicopter that flies away from the Despair High School. Given how Byakuya has declared he wants to see the imposter roasted, Aloysius decides to grant his wish and has the two helicopters destroy the academy with a barrage of missiles.

At 12:49 AM, Aloysius gives a clearer picture of the situation. The Togami Corporation had doubts on whether Byakuya truly was trying to take over the world or not. They wanted to believe in his innocent, but with the spotlight on them they couldn't go about a proper rescue mission. To compensate they sent in Aloysius and the Needle Force, the conglomerate's private army. If Byakuya was innocent, they can assist him (and if he was guilty, they can simply but the blame on Aloysius being a kind, but naive, old man). However, trouble arises when one of the helicopters is shot down and what replaces it is an enemy helicopter containing Taeko Kanai.

Taeko delcares that she will capture Byakuya and to do it, she presents Yuika Ketōin, in a dress and brainwashed thanks to the partially robotic engineered octopus on her head that developed by the Hasegawa Research Institute. Taeko calls her Octopussy Yuika and has her attack. With the use of her tentacles, Yuika crashs the other ally helicopter before going on the offensive against Byakuya's helicopter. Taeko watches in lust as Yuika takes out Byakuya's gunner and continues to watch as Yuika uses perfect camouflage to enter the helicopter. But thanks to Blue Ink's quick thinking with her pen ink, Yuika is discovered and her camouflage is destroyed with Aloysius's shotgun. This is when The Professor arrives on the scene (thanks to the Uragan being modified for flight) with reinforcements for Hasegawa's side (all with the same weaponry as Yuika), Taeko chides him for arriving late.

Byakuya asks Aloysius if this is the end of the Togami name, Aloysius reassures that their current threat pales to the incident from four years ago at Toajo Castle. Aloysius manages to shoot down the invading Tentacles soldiers, but by the end of things the pilot's head was discovered to have been split open. It was then that Kazuichi Soda's voice could heard.

The mechanic had remodled statues of saints with a rudimentary AI to fly and attack Byakuya's helicopter. However, Aloysius uses his shotgun to easily shoot down one after another, with Taeko joining the fray to smash them with her guitar. It was then that anti-aircraft attacks hit the tail of Byakuya's helicopter and sent them into a freefall. Even worse, one of the Tentacles soldiers had latched onto Aloysius and was dragging him out of the helicopter. With a hope to see each other gain soon, Blue Ink and Byakuya parachute out of the helicopter, whilst Aloysius is dragged out to plummet by the Tentacles soldier.

The duo lands in Pilsen, where a thick fog has enveloped everything. It's in this fog, where they meet a man that goes by the code name of A54. A54 jokingly asked how their midnight skydiving was before Byakuya demands that he reveals himself. He says he's a new recruit to the Needle Force, with everyone else scattered around the country ready to assist Byakuya separately. Byakuya laments that a newcomer getting assigned this means the Needle Force is understaffed, but A54 reassures that he is good at 'hide and seek'. From there, A54 says they can call him something else since the name is too conspicuous, but after a listing a bunch of names (and Byakuya choosing one called 'Imoan'), he settles with just A54. Byakuya asks if he spoke with Aloysius, but A54 says he never got a chance since he was inducted yesterday. From there, A54 leads both to the underground complex since that's what Pilsen is known for.

Inside the complex, Blue Ink asks for an update about the situation and A54 explains about the locked room murders popping up after the Proclamation. While he's not entirely sure if they are related, he feels that there is a connection. He then explains about the satellite drop, which caused the Czech Republic to declare state of emergency with no one allowed in or out of the country. He the says the Czech government is livid at Byakuya for causing all of this. This leads into wondering how the imposter could even do as much as they could, until they reason out it as because of Sonia Nevermind funding him. A54 believes that's the case and notes that no one knows about Despair High School's existence or apparent destruction. When Blue Ink asks why that can't be used to clear Byakuya's name, A54 points out that Byakuya actually wants to conquer the world (which inwardly makes her wonder why he knows that).

A54 mentions that its Byakuya's choice whether to report back and that, as a Needle Force member, he doesn't want to tattle on him. Irritated, Blue Ink tells him to continue his report, which A54 remarks that her grumpy face was cute. A54 remarks that the Council of Global Controllers that had gathered for the Choosing the Choice of the World's summit were wiped out. Given that those in it were various countries brightest and best, many internationally are teaming up to get at Byakuya. On the bright side, Hope's Peak and the Togami Corporation have teamed up since they know that an imposter is behind this. It's then Blue Ink brings up the rumor of Despair High School's connection with Hope's Peak and its during this A54 says that not only has the SHSL Imposter revolted, but the Reserve Course as well. During this talk of the Reserve Course, A54 reacts in exaggerated hurt due to Blue Ink calling the kids there 'talentless' and wonders if Byakuya is rubbing off on her (which causes the heir to order both of them to go to hell).

A54 passes the Proclamation's existence as a result of Hope's Peak political violence, but notes that since they're just a high school their scope is limited. This is where the Togami Family's comes in by using their influence to send out head hunters and military via proxy. Blue Ink wishes that the school could handle everything without needing to drag in the Togami Corporation, but A54 laughs and points out, while it would have been nice, things won't play out that way. This is because the imposter has gotten most of the world to believe he's Byakuya and even if people insist that the have the real one, for now, there's value in his position. A54 than claims Byakuya Togami is like a God (which Blue Ink warns him to stop sneaking into her heart) and that Byakuya is just being used. This causes Blue Ink to muse on how Hope's Peak was the being used. Blue Ink then ponders about Kazuya, who she hasn't seen since the championship, but was publicly declared dead. Blue Ink believes the Togami Family wants to erase Kazuya since he knows about the existence of Kudan, information that can't be allowed to roam freely. Thus, they were using Hope's Peak in order to murder him. A54 then explains and legitimize the claims that the Togami Family sent Aloysius and part of the Needle Force out to rescue Byakuya. If they succeeded, it would be their victory. But if it failed, then it can just be covered up as the rash actions of their former butler.

When Blue Ink asks about the Despair Novel and the 'pitiful cattle', A54 remarks that there was no further information about the novel and while they are looking into it, they are unsure about what they mean about a cow. When he asks why she wants to know, she remarks that it was just nothing important. He says that Junko Enoshima was awaiting to here from Byakuya. It was at that moment, that a voice rings throughout the tunnel. It belongs to Celestia Ludenberg and she was with Hifumi Yamada.

Hope, Friendship, Reliance, And All the Other Gross Things[]

The scene transitions to Borges delivering exposition on monastaries and convents, alongside the lives the monks and nuns residing there are supposed to lead. Currently, the group is hiding out in a convent in Pilsen and also notes Byakuya was now wearing a nun's outfit. Byakuya claims he's used to wearing women's clothing so it doesn't really affect him (which has Blue Ink wondering how it ever came to this). It flashesback to the tunnel where Celeste and Hifumi both arrive in order to aid Byakuya. Byakuya says that friends disappoint him and orders them home, but A54 mentions that he actually didn't have a safe haven set in stone yet, so it was worth hearing them out. Byakuya asks who let A54 into the Needle Force (which would have been Byakuya), but A54 explains that this rescue mission was last minute and the mobilized Needle Force were scrambling to make head way. Byakuya asks if Celeste was doing this on behalf of Hope's Peak, but she says that she isn't that generous and informs Byakuya that she paid to get both her and Hifumi here quickly. In return for their aid, Celeste demands quite the sum (and Hifumi as well) Ultimately, Byakuya finally relents and the group heads off to Celeste's convent.

Back in the convent, Byakuya, Blue Ink and Celeste (who is also wearing a nun's outfit) are talking with each other. Blue Ink wants to know how Celeste got a convent and the gambler replies that owning convents is apart of her dream. Celeste says no one will look for Byakuya in a convent of all places since men are forbidden there. With Byakuya getting in a good mood, Blue Ink wonders if it relates to Byakuya's preference in women's clothing before he clarifies that its because his plan to rule the world is about to begin. Celeste wonders when was that Byakuya's dream, but he claims doing so is about as easy as making chicken soup. It's then that A54 radios in to check on the convent only to be interruped by his backup, Hifumi, butting in to blater about Byakuya crossdressing. When Celeste is questioned about Hifumi being there, she states that he simply came of his own accord (with Hifumi proudly stating he'll follow wherever Celeste goes and he'll die for the ones he loves). After the two of them drop the connection, Celeste ask how Byakuya is going to takeover the world given how many have tried and failed to do so in the past. She also states that a just cause is necessary, which he agrees (and any takeovers without one is just terrorism). His cause: because he is Byakya Togami. Celeste then asks how a high schooler is going to takeover without a military and finances.

To this, Byakuya states its a matter of semantics: if people already think he's conquered them, then its pretty much the same as if he has. Celeste believes that being accepted as leader with the power of change is mark of world domination, but Byakuya disagrees. He then asks a question of who succeeded in revolutionizing Japan. After Celeste and Blue Ink fail to find the answer he reveals it is Yasutoki Hojo. Blue Ink finds him unfamiliar and states how could someone like that have revolutionized Japan, to which Byakuya states he was genius because of how it was so subtle. Yasutoki had succeeded in attacking Kyoto, overthrowing the Emperor and taking legislative power for himself with Byakuya calling it Japan's Biggest, Most Awful Event. The laws Yasutoki would then put in place would be observed up until the Great Japanese Imperial Constitution. Considering that doing a trial without formal laws is now unheard of, Byakuya considers that a revolution.

Byakuya declares he's going to make a gamble in making everyone thinks he's won. To do this, he mentions the Despair Novel and how, according to Suzuhiko, Hope's Peak was responsible for its creation. While not completely sure of it, Byakuya belives its a mark in his favor. He calls in Junko Enoshima and tasks her with investigating the Despair Novel and to recruit Kyoko Kirigiri when Junko starts complaining about it. He then calls in A54 to tell him to research the victims of the Despair Novel and report back with the direction it’s headed in, the last outbreak and the projected next outbreak. He then goes to a satellite phone and begins making a call to the world.

In this true declaration of the world, Byakuya claims that he has created the Despair Novel and after the final twelve hours have passed the novel will be dispersed around the globe. He declares that those who are restless, curious and want release will find all that there is in the Despair Novel, and chides that those who think they won't die if they choose not to read it. He then says to the future victims to not be mad, since it was the world's choice and that being ruled by Byakuya was the best outcome. He'd stake the Togami name on it.

The scene transitions into Byakuya taking briefs calls from all his allies, ordering and working them around as they all go about the situation. Nearby both Celeste and Blue Ink are rather impressed at Byakuya bluffing on his claims of control over the Despair Novel, even if he had no idea how it worked. Byakuya states he can figure out the 'how', especially since Hope's Peak created it, which makes finding the information on it easier. Blue Ink agrees considering the amount of people they can interview for knowledge at Hope's Peak, alongside their investigation team at the academy working for them. Blue Ink reasons that if they can figure out how the Despair Novel can be made, it would be Byakuya's victory and the world will finally be ruled by one person. Celeste notes that she would have thought Byakuya would have done this solo, but the fact he's relying on his friends is not lost to her. However, Byakuya declares he is doing it by himself and one has to be in order to accomplish anything. Celeste laughs at this before Byakuya orders her to leave, with Celeste taking Blue Ink with her.

As they walk, Blue Ink's notice of Celeste's nun outfit, starts to remind her of her own sense of self. She feels it has become hazy and she begins to wonder who she actually is. It's during their walk when Celeste asks about Byakuya's private life, if he was always this arrogant. Blue Ink has simply chalked it up to the Togami Family so survival of the fittest based, but swears Byakuya is a good kid at heart. She thinks back about how he was using his talents during the championship, all while she herself was vomiting blood whilst writing his book. However, she catches herself and in a confusion wonders how that memory came to be since he only revealed himself after the championship was over. Blue Ink states her desire to take ibuprofen.

Celeste notes on how much Byakuya blocks his past, which Blue Ink notes on how frustrating it makes writing his autobiography. After talk over which publisher should get the book, Celeste then declares its about time they stop badmouthing her brother, she isn't used to talking like this and that, no matter the bet, she will be the victor. Blue Ink is confused by such declarations until Celeste begins to take everything, from the nun habit to her own skin, off. In her place was the Despair High School Level Brother Complex: Sana Kagami.

Try as Blue Ink might, Borges has no record of Sana and begins to panic. In response, Sana tells her to just calm down, nothing that the secretary was really surprised (which was good since Sana was trying to do so in the first place). It was then that A54 and Hifumi radio in. Despite their attempts, Blue Ink is too shocked to respond and they give up. As it turns out, they were actually in the same room as her, but its at that moment that Blue Ink put the pieces together that they were Despair High School members as well. With the jig up, A54 and Hifumi reveal that they were both DHSL Dual Personality and the imposter, respectively. Blue Ink asked if the imposter is Kazuya, but they respond that they aren't nice enough to answer that. Blue Ink notes Kazuya wasn't a nice person either, which gets the imposter to reply that sometimes a man's purity/jealousy is more scary than a woman's. Blue Ink why make Despair High School in the first place, but they say such a question has already been answered. Sana says while they may decieve and kill people, Despair High School prides itself on not lying and fair play (though Blue Ink thinks otherwise). Blue Ink asks if they're after Kudan and, if so, is that why they made the Despair Novel. The imposter informs her once more that Hope's Peak made that novel, and defense themselves on how they use it by blaming the readers by comparing them to addicts. Sana says they should all head back to the room that holds Byakuya in it, and that there's nowhere to run since this place was all under Despair High School's control.

The group goes inside the office, only to discover that Byakuya was no longer there. This shocks them since the door was to be locked electronically, but Naomi notes that the knob had been broken. Celeste's voice can be heard and they look out in the hallway. Byakuya (now in a black tuxedo) and the actual Celeste and Hifumi await. Celeste demands why the imposter chose to impersonate her and Hifumi, which the imposter responds it was due to a number of factors, from who among his classmates had the funds to assist him to Hifumi has their exact body weight. With that said, Byakuya's team is fully prepared to fight against the Despair High School members. Naomi, realizing that the hallway behind her was open, tried to run away but was blocked by Sakura Ogami. When asked how she got out of the landmine field, she says she had hardened her body so much, she felt it was likely she could make it out of there without getting hurt by the explosions. The satellite phone start up and, after being fetched by Hifumi, Junko appears on-screen to join in the proceedings.

The imposter demands to know how Byakuya knew they weren't the real deal, thoughy Byakuya notes they wouldn't like it. Byakuya admits he didn't know how, just that he had a feeling those in front of him weren't the genuine people he had come to know. Junko says its because Byakuya has faith in his friends, whilst the imposter is dragging his side around. His other classmates agree with such a notion, and Byakuya admits that (while he won't commen on it) he won't lie as well. Blue Ink has never felt so reassured over such a common thing until now. Byakua then says the true reason was a Togami never gets fooled twice, and that the imposter showed their form one too many times that Byakuya had learned to watch for it. In awe, the imposter admits that Byakuya is the real deal. Byakuya says that its only a matter of time since the world shall fall into his hands. The imposter retorts Byakuya has done nothing but allow others to work in his stead. Neither Byakua nor Blue Ink sees this as a problem, with the latter explaining that Byakuya valued hard work for ones's goal. However, she also note he was more akin to a God that watch over everything whilst people scrambled to do the work happily.

The imposter tell them its not over yet and orders both Sana and Naomi to make them squeal with glee. Similar to before, the Kagami Twins lose their disguises to reveal they were actually Ibuki Mioda amd Gundham Tanaka the entire time. Ibuki goes onto say the disguises they worn was just material fiction and the Kagami's don't actually exist. Gundham chimes in to say the Hasegawa Research Institute is also a lie, in truth Blue Ink was fighting a phamerceutical company known as the Kasamori Drug Manufacturers. Ibuki also claims that the Ketōin Conglomerate isn't real either, but no one knows who Hiroyuki and Yuika actually are. Blue Ink wonders about why lie in the first place, but Ibuki goes on about they're all imposters and Blue Ink is just like them in that regard. Gundham goes on to declare to Byakuya that once Gundham has appeared, any claims of substance and of Byakuya's realness has been rendered void.

Byakuya in uniterested in their discussion of the validity of realness. Instead, he declares that Byakuya Togami will never end and that as long as he exists he will stop any attempts of Despair High School doing what they like. He is prepapred to settle this, right now, between Hope's Peak Academy against Despair High School.

They stop before anything could be heard as they heard rumbling from outside. Calling a truce, the group of Hope's Peak student lead the convent only to find that everyone else within the area has become infected by the Despair Novel and have taken to killing each other. She finds it bizarre namely since one needs to read the Despair Novel first, there should be no translation out for this area yet, and even then it should take over twenty-four hours for the disease to fully infect someone. The crowd then began to rush at Hifumi, causing him to drop the satellite phone. Before it gets completely destroyed, the voice of another girl can be heard warning Byakuya that the Despair Novel doesn't exist as a physical object. The group had tried to retreat but the villagers had them cornered and began to swarm this. As Blue Ink was grabbed, she wondered if this was how everything ends.

Coda - The WHO[]

However, at the last moment, the group is saved when helicopters began shooting into the crowd, slaughtering the villagers. Following that, a helicopter came down and out came a young man with a cane. Someone who instantly caused Blue Ink to become nauseous and realize just how wrong she was. The young man announced had come to arrest Byakuya for the World Domination Proclamation and that the affluent progeny will be sending the rest of his life locked up. In addition, he wouldn't have to worry about the Despair Novel anymore and the young man's first act While Byakuya was silent for a good deal, he finally speaks up when he recognizes the symbol on the side of the helicopter: The World Health Organizaton. Blue Ink begins to dread as she feels the UN, the past, the world, justice, among other things have come to steal Byakuya away from her. The young man held Byakuya at gunpoint, with no one able to stop him given snipers were now trained on them. The young man says with hope-filled eyes that its Byakuya's fate as the enemy of the world to be defeated by allies of justice. This young man Blue Ink identifies as Kazuya Togami. He says, this time, he'll protect his big sister and that he'll stake the Togami name on it.


Major Characters[]

Minor Characters[]

Main article: Minor Characters/Danganronpa Togami


