Danganronpa Spinoffs Wiki
Due to the K2K System's Unreality effect, the following text was obfuscated and changed. It is unknown how much of the information is Reality.
Translation Credit: kyaaa, Jinjojess BlackFlirtlarping and The Game Surgery on Tumblr

Voice. Language. Recognition complete. Your answer has been deemed correct. You have been given permission to become the next head of the Togami Corporation. Congratulations. The Legacy Crown Championship is complete. Anyone left over, as of this moment, you are stripped of the Togami name and the authority of the Togami Corporation. That is all. Shortly, this tape will self-destruct.

Danganronpa: Togami

Kijō Togami (十神鬼城 Togami Kijō) is a supporting character that plays a role in Danganronpa: Togami. He is the current head of the Togami Corporation and organized the latest Legacy Crown Championship to decide the next Togami heir. This version of Byakuya Togami's father only appears in a fabricated flashback, so it is unknown how much of the information is altered/changed from the real version.


Prior Life[]

Prior to becoming the next heir to the Corporation, Kijō was known as Tarō Togami (十神太郎 Togami Tarō). Tarō competed in his edition of the Legacy Crown Championship and defeated his other siblings to become the current heir of the Togami Corporation. From his win, he learned the secret to the Togami Family's Prosperity: Kudan. Kudan was the one that renamed him from Tarō to Kijō. Because of Kudan's predictions, he was able to help keep the Corporation prosperous.

As Kijō continued his reign, he ended up courting multiple high-class women in order to produce numerous heirs, as per Togami tradition. The end result was the creation of over 108 offspring. However, only fifteen would be selected to partake in the Legacy Crown Championship, with their mother's being high enough to get them past the others. For those selected, they would have multiple vacances on each other at the site of the competition, Tōajō Castle - a castle built on the Togami Family's private island, with the other chosen siblings as a way to gauge the competition prior to its start.

Legacy Crown Championship[]

When the time for the championship began, he called his children to the castle. From there, he had Aloysius Pennyworth replay a message that he had saved on a tape recorder for the competition. On it, Kijō explains the situation regarding how the fifteen siblings were, in fact, apart of 108 that had passed without even knowing it. He says the championship will last for ten days and whoever manages to get the ‘reliance’ will become the next heir. Failure to do so will result in being stripped of your status and the name of ‘Togami’.

However, the championship would fall into chaos by the third day, which marked the start of what was to be the start of the Togami Family's Biggest, Most Awful Event. By the tenth day, the majority of the selected participants were either dead (ranging from being murdered to suicide) or missing (Kazuya Togami and Suzuhiko Togami), in addition to the castle having been burnt down. The only participant that was still at the site, and alive, was Blue Ink. However, she wasn't the one to win the championship. Ultimately, one of the 93 rejected children, Byakuya Togami had snuck onto the island as Suisei Nanamura's assistant and figured out what the reliance was. Whispering what is was in that tape recorder, the voice of Kijō announced Byakuya's victory and the other's expulsion from the family before self-destructing.

World Domination Proclamation[]

Following the start of the Proclamation, Kijō, and by extension the Corporation, began to work with Hope's Peak Academy in trying to clear Byakuya's name, believing it to be the work of an imposter. They wanted to stage a rescue mission, but with the motives of Byakuya himself being unclear, they instead sent Aloysius and part of the Needle Force instead. If Byakuya was innocent, they can assist him (and if he was guilty, they can simply but the blame on Aloysius being a kind, but naive, old man).

K2K System[]

Later on its revealed that the championship portion was apart of a fabricated flashback created by the K2K System, with the Proclamation also being experienced under the system's effects by Blue Ink and Kazuya Togami. As a result, it is unknown if Kijō Togami is truly the name of Byakuya's father, and how much information known about him through the events are accurate. Regardless, Byakuya's father would have confirmed to be wiped out, along with the rest of the Togami Family, aside from Byakuya, according to Junko Enoshima during the Killing School Life.


Kijō never physically appears, so it is unknown what he actually looks like. Taking the age of his possible children into account, he could be an older gentleman.


Much of Kijō's personality remains unknown, though from what can be garnered, Kijō seems like a strict individual devoted to the Togami Corporation, willfully going along with its traditions. From his actions, Kijō seems to only care about ensuring the Corporation's prosperity, with even his relationships with his multiple wives being based on achieving good familial connections, rather than out of lust or love. In turn, this also means Kijō does not care about the children that fail to meet his standards, be it due to their pedigree or failing the championship, to the point he has no problem in outright disowning the remaining 107 and forcing them to live average lives. His actions during the proclamation paint Kijō as someone who devises plans based on ensuring the Corporation does not lose face, with their operation to assist Byakuya being made with a contingency in place so that Aloysius will take the fall instead of the corporation.


Togami Family

Kijō Togami's Wives[]

Multiple women that Kijō had courted in order to produce numerous children and acquire high ranking connections. Despite producing 108 kids with these vast lot of these women, only a few he had regarded as having high enough pedigrees to allow their children to enter the championship. For the selected wives, they sent in their kids in hopes that they could become heir to the Togami Corporation, effectively ensuring their position in the Togami Corporation remained secure. Ultimately, the mother who had produced Byakuya would have remained officially in the family once he had won.

Byakuya Togami[]

Despite being Byakuya's father, originally Kijō had ranked Byakuya Bronze and barred him from attending the championship, alongside the majority of his children since he felt they lacked the pedigree. Byakuya, wanting to prove that pedigree shouldn't determine the heir, managed to sneak himself into the championship and won the event, officially becoming Kijō's sole heir. While they never interact, it can be assumed that their relationship is merely formal compared to a normal parent's relationship with his parent.



Kudan, being the secret to the Togami Family's prosperity, was made known to Kijō during his championship stint. She was the one to rename him and gives him prophecies in order to better steer the Corporation. Kudan appears to have a friendly relationship with him and speaks about him with a casual attitude.

Aloysius Pennyworth[]

Aloysius is loyal to the Togami Corporation, and thus obeys whatever Kijō tells him to do or acts within the Corporation's best interest. Kijō has no problem with using Aloysius to fulfill the Corporation's whims or even take the fall, despite knowing it means potentially ruining said servant's reputation.

