“ It is summer break, but feel free to consult me about a case! „
Summer Memories (Korean: 여름방학의 추억, yoreumppanghage chuok) is an Epic Costume for Walnut Cookie. It is her third Costume, released in the first half of Face the Trial! update. It can be obtained either by drawing it from the Costume Gacha or by purchasing it in the Rainbow Crystal Shop.
- Pardon me. May I case the scene, please?
- There's no time to waste! A case even on this wonderful resort!
- Someone lost their bug hunting net? Sounds like a case!
- *Gasp!* I'm going to catch the culprit who crushed my sandcastle!
- Throw me a tube! The truth lies beyond the sea!
- This is the best summer vacation ever!
- Summer break is... over?
Daily Gift[]
- Thank you for this unforgettable time!
- Grind some ice and add sugar syrup on top! Yum!
- Let's go jump in puddles!
- Almond Cookie gently fanned my face while I was taking a nap!
- There's nothing like a family vacation!
- There has been a theft?! Leave it to me!
- It is summer break, but feel free to consult me about a case!
- Did you hear that? That was a Gummy Beetle!
- It's not just an ordinary bug hunt, it's all part of my detective work!
- I got a little sunburnt playing in the sun for too long...!
- Summer is my favorite season from now on!
- I have a lot of spooky summer night stories to tell you! (Given Classic Detective Novel)
- This looks as precious as my treasured memories! (Given Royal Golden Dough)
- I think I'll be thinking about this summer break a lot. (Neutral)
The following are reused from the Cookie's base quotes.
- A case? Leave it to me!
- There are clues to be found!
- One logical answer always exists!
- These footprints are fresh!
- Summer Memories was released alongside Questionable Arrest, Tropical Escape, Judge of the Stars, Case: Summer Vacation, and Fluffy Cloud Wig.
- Summer Memories is a matching costume to Almond Cookie's Professional Vacationer, which is releasing in the second half of the current update.