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Cookie Run Wiki
Cookie Run Wiki

Humble Bumble (Korean: 벌꿀벌, bolkkulbol) is an Epic Pet that was released alongside its owner, Amber Sugar Cookie Amber Sugar Cookie, in the first half of the Labyrinth of Remembrance update. It flies forward to a flower at given intervals to harvest honey, creating Pollen Jellies that grant points.


Gather enough honey into perfectly-formed honeycombs and BAM! You can become friends with Humble Bumble too! This tiny and cute bee follows Amber Sugar Cookie wherever he goes. Why? It's simple! Amber Sugar Cookie always carries some honey for his honey bee friends!


Humble Bumble's Skill
SkillBook pet0188
Flies to a flower to harvest honey at given intervals. Covers own body with pollen while harvesting. Returns to the Cookie after collecting enough honey, shaking off the pollen, creating Pollen Jellies. Level Up for more points for Pollen Jellies.
Level Skill
1 Activates skill every 14.7 sec
+62,920 pts for Pollen Jellies
15 Activates skill every 14.7 sec
+143,000 pts for Pollen Jellies


OvenBreak Epic Costume Epic[]


  • Humble Bumble's internal name is "pet0188".


Gentleman Bee[]

v e
Playable Pets
Common Pets Choco Drop Choco DropCheese Drop Cheese DropPocket Strawberry Pocket StrawberryLucky Dice Bros Lucky Dice Bros
Rare Pets Brain Gum Brain GumCelestial Star Celestial StarDumbbell Twins Dumbbell TwinsCloud Pelican Cloud PelicanLittle Ghost Little GhostLemon Slice Lemon SliceSpotlight Fan Spotlight FanFlame Bat Flame BatRocket Firecracker Rocket FirecrackerEnergy Scale Energy ScaleMini Jackson No Mini Jackson No. 2Pistachio Firefly Pistachio FireflyOak Barrel Oak BarrelFluffy Cheese Cat Fluffy Cheese CatDragon's Tail Dragon's TailPrincess's Locket Princess's Locket‎ ⬩ Glitter Ball Glitter Ball‎ ⬩ Cheese Pearl Purse Cheese Pearl Purse
Special Pets Red Apple Red AppleYellow Flower Yellow FlowerPlay Block Play BlockMocha Delight Mocha DelightDust Unicorn Dust UnicornBiscuit Quartermaster Biscuit Quartermaster
Epic Pets
Space Mini Ball Space Mini BallJellyco Cube Jellyco CubeSnow Blossom Snow BlossomSpeaker Sandwich Speaker SandwichFox Bead Fox BeadGiggle Bomb Giggle BombPicky Tomato Picky TomatoFurball Pup Furball PupSnow Globe Snow GlobeBook of Wizdom Book of WizdomMeat King Meat KingDark Spirit Helmet Dark Spirit HelmetMr Mr. Fa-Sol-La-SiFlower Pod Flower PodMarshmallow Hamster Marshmallow Hamster‎ ⬩ Pancake Frisbee Pancake FrisbeeKiwi Bird Kiwi BirdHerb Teapot Herb TeapotOwlcorn Owlcorn‎ ⬩ Paper Boat Sailor Paper Boat SailorOcto Wasabi Octo WasabiHot Doggie Hot DoggieMini Orange Mouse Mini Orange MouseMoon Mortar Moon MortarGreen Tea Bag Green Tea BagCastanets CastanetsYule Log Cake Yule Log CakeBow Tie Bottle Bow Tie BottleSweet Rice Seal Sweet Rice SealPower Candy Tin Power Candy TinPink Candy Pink CandyAvocatapult AvocatapultTea Cup Tea CupRosette RosettePocket Watch Referee Pocket Watch RefereeBackpacky BackpackyGhost Butler Ghost ButlerBad Pepper Bad PepperPaprika Punching Bag Paprika Punching BagJuice Tumbler Juice TumblerElectro Lemon Electro LemonLifesaver LifesaverMr Mr. LimeguardInktopus InktopusRuby Pomegranate Ruby PomegranateRave Machine Rave MachineLight Bros Light BrosDiscordeon DiscordeonCinnamon Bunny Cinnamon BunnyFruit Doe Fruit DoeCotton Candy Bird Cotton Candy BirdCarrot Cake Rabbit Carrot Cake RabbitBeetster BeetsterFirestarter FirestarterMilk Angel Milk AngelB3-4R B3-4RBB Battery BB BatteryDino Egg Dino EggMaster Prune Master PrunePanda Dumpling Panda DumplingMagic Lamp Magic LampJunior Sleuth Ted Junior Sleuth TedLord Crumbles III Lord Crumbles IIIHot Pot Buckler Hot Pot BucklerDragon Fruitling Dragon FruitlingParty Balloon Party BalloonSuper PEWPEW! Super PEWPEW!Spiky SpikyJingle Deer Jingle DeerPurple Candle Purple CandleAntique Bookmark Antique BookmarkPoodleberry PoodleberryCarmine Rose Carmine RoseCaterpea CaterpeaCutecumber Sandwich Cutecumber SandwichMango Toucan Mango ToucanPineapplemur PineapplemurApple Rabbit Apple RabbitMeringue Horn Meringue HornUncooling Teacup Uncooling TeacupElder Bamboo Elder BambooBoatswain Anchor Boatswain AnchorHelmsman Will Helmsman WillEerie Anglerfish Eerie AnglerfishLantern Jellyfish Lantern JellyfishSilkweave Cocoon Silkweave CocoonOnion Fish Onion FishProspector Moley Prospector MoleyGobble Gobblin' Chest Gobble Gobblin' ChestCosmos Gear Cosmos GearAngel Lightstick Angel LightstickProducer Mic Producer MicNougat Knight Nougat KnightCrying Saucer Crying SaucerPure Cream Pure CreamChurro Stump Churro StumpSpectacular Sundae Cup Spectacular Sundae CupBanana Lion Banana LionSleepy Sheepy Sleepy SheepyBat-Cat Bat-CatP3P-PO P3P-POA.L.O.E A.L.O.E. DronePetit Conté Petit ContéConstable Whiskers Constable WhiskersTranquil Bloom Tranquil BloomDripping Tear Jar Dripping Tear JarPlayful Herbert Playful HerbertRooty RootyFloral Froglet Floral FrogletLotus Polliwog Lotus PolliwogPterosatchel PterosatchelBonbon Birdy Bonbon BirdyHumble Bumble Humble BumbleNectar Delight Nectar DelightMerry Hat Merry HatConductor Trifle Conductor TrifleSmile Detector Smile DetectorCandle Melt Bear Candle Melt BearEggsquisite Brooch Eggsquisite BroochPit-A-Pat Monitor Pit-A-Pat MonitorPiping Pizza Sauce Piping Pizza SauceFloofy Fruity Floofy FruityLycheye LycheyeBunsy BunsySuperpower Drink Superpower DrinkScorchpion ScorchpionCaulifloret CaulifloretIvory Scale Fan Ivory Scale FanDragon Eggshell Clam Dragon Eggshell ClamWishy Stuffington Wishy StuffingtonFractured Mirror Fractured MirrorYakgwa Pupper Yakgwa PupperWindy WindyGrassquirrel GrassquirrelRibbit Shroom Ribbit ShroomPetal Mantis Petal MantisGentlemouse GentlemouseHoliday Stocking Holiday StockingWelling Inkwell Welling InkwellShakespen ShakespenFlamebeak Robin Flamebeak RobinCreamtese CreamteseMs Ms. Do-Re-MiBlack Pinnypine Black PinnypineTreasure Flask Treasure FlaskPepper Mill Pepper MillStarflower Smoocher Starflower SmoocherSeedy SeedyDirector Q Director QBolt Eel Bolt EelSpecter Fish Specter FishCase File Case FileCreamy Cappuccino Creamy CappuccinoCandy Shade Pouch Candy Shade PouchGoblin Wisp Goblin WispIcy Birdie Icy BirdieSugar Cube Cherub Sugar Cube CherubQuenchy QuenchyCamper Mug Camper MugHolly Candy Holly CandyMerry Glove Merry GloveIce Sandellite Ice SandelliteDr Dr. XyliCubeTangerine Tap Tangerine TapEggbeak EggbeakNougat Wound-Aid Nougat Wound-AidGolden Actorpus Golden ActorpusAmmonite Roll Ammonite RollBreadog BreadogSnuggle Noodle Nest Snuggle Noodle NestTricky Tofu Mask Tricky Tofu MaskTwinsticks TwinsticksWafer Metronome Wafer MetronomeSoda Dollop Soda DollopPop-Pop Bubble Pop-Pop BubbleBerry Angrybeak Berry AngrybeakBlack Sugar Mirror Black Sugar MirrorR.A.D.I.S R.A.D.I.S.HAppetyzer AppetyzerCrackle Corn Crackle CornMagic Pie Oven Magic Pie OvenSlumbermoon SlumbermoonStar Candy Bauble Star Candy BaubleStarshard Bottle Starshard BottleBufala Horn Bufala HornSlapstick Slapstick
Legendary Pets Magmabird MagmabirdEmerald Golem Emerald GolemOcean Dragon Ocean DragonThundersnow Yeti Thundersnow YetiDreamcatcher DreamcatcherWave Drop Wave DropWindcatcher WindcatcherEternal Eye of Darkness Eternal Eye of DarknessContinuum Cog Continuum CogMillennial Jade Deer Millennial Jade DeerPicky Pyro-tiger Picky Pyro-tigerLotus Dragon Scale Lotus Dragon ScaleWyrmfire Blade Wyrmfire BladeGolden Wyrmguard Golden Wyrmguard