Vigilante is the name of two separate legacies in the DC Universe. The original was Greg Sanders, a gun-slinging hero in the Old West who fought outlaws alongside his side-kick Stuff, the Chinatown Kid. He was a member of the All-Star Squadron and the Seven Soldiers of Victory.
The name was also used by Adrian Chase, a lawyer turned deadly anti-hero when he began taking the law into his own hands. Having lost faith in the system that allowed his family's killers to go free, Chase inspired a legacy of ruthless executioners to take up the costume following his death. He was a member of Checkmate, and an associate of the Teen Titans.
Greg Saunders was created by Mort Weisinger and Mort Meskin, first appearing in Action Comics #42 (1941). Adrian Chase was created by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, first appearing as Vigilante in New Teen Titans Annual #2 (1983).
The New 52
Possible Futures
Other Media
DC Animated Universe
See Also: Vigilante Titles
Other Media Titles
See Also
- Comic series featuring Vigilante
- Cover Gallery: Vigilante
- Greg Sanders
- Adrian Chase
- Adeline Kane
- Vincent Sobel