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DC Database

Quote1 I am truly sorry, Batman. It could have been...Sweet. Quote2
— Talia src

Talia was the daughter of Ra's al Ghul. Though she always stayed by his side, she was not supportive of her father's goals - except for one: her marrying Bruce Wayne.

Talia is the daughter of Ra's and one of his most loyal members of the Society of Shadows. Her mother's name, the details of her early life, training, or education have never been disclosed. She is first seen acting as her father's agent/emissary. Her father assigned her to hunt down a former associate of her father's named Vertigo who went rogue. During this assignment, she crossed paths with Batman and the two began an on again off again romance and would cross paths several more times over the years. Together they stop Vertigo's plan.

Some time later, Ra's al Ghul appears to Batman in the Batcave and informs him that his daughter was kidnapped along with Robin. This proved later to be a ruse, so that Talia could meet Batman and hopefully marry him which he refuses. After stopping Ra's al Ghul's plot to "cleanse" the world, Talia prevents Batman and Robin from arresting her father and informs her beloved that they shall meet again.

Talia meets Batman yet again in order to find her father. This time however Bruce Wayne appears more infatuated with Talia even going so far to admit that he cares for her. After rescuing Ra's al Ghul's from his latest plan, they part ways yet again.

Battle with Superman

Trying to save the life of her father, Talia and some henchmen rob a train holding Native American artifacts. Superman tries to stop her, but in the nick of time she finds the Shaman's Staff and uses it to subdue Superman. Combining the staff with a computer, she transfers Superman's powers to revive a dying Ra's al Ghul. Though their latest quest was successful, the two were tossed into an underground river after an ensuing scuffle with the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight.

Near-Apocalypse of '09

Although not much is known about this event, it is known that Talia betrayed her father and helped Batman stop Ra's al Ghul one last time. Around this time, Bruce and Talia dated at least once in Milan.


After the Near-Apocalypse of '09, Talia appeared to be leading a reformed Society of Shadows, having transformed it into a huge charitable corporation which sponsored numerous projects to improve the Earth's environment. She was able to keep her young, beautiful appearance by using the Lazarus Pits like the one in her residence in New Cuba. On Bruce Wayne's birthday, she reappeared to him in the Batcave offering him roasted pheasant and a chance to regain his youth.

At first, Bruce decided to undergo the Lazarus Pit treatments and as such travelled with Talia and Terry McGinnis to her estate on New Cuba. After undergoing the first treatment, Bruce regains the appearance as well as physical body of a physically fit and strong man in his early fifties. After deciding that the Lazarus Pit was a cheat, Bruce decided to stop the treatments. When Bruce decided not to undergo any more Lazarus Pit treatments, the Society of Shadows refused to let them go and then an awful secret is revealed. Some time after the Near-Apocalypse of '09, Talia was purged from her body to house the spirit of her father. Talia's body was destroyed after Terry rescued Bruce and an exposed wire came into contact with the Lazarus Pit, causing an explosion. After the explosion, Terry tried to save her, but Bruce stopped him because "Whatever was in there, died years ago."



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League of Assassins member
This character is or was a member of the League of Assassins, a international organization of the world's greatest killers, operating both for hire and their own agenda, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "League of Assassins members" category.

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Batman Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, has been primarily an enemy of the Batman, or the Batman Family as a whole. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Batman Villains."

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Batman Beyond Villain(s)
This character is or was primarily an enemy of Batman Beyond. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Batman Beyond Villains."
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This character has been primarily an enemy of Superman in any of his various incarnations, or members of the Superman Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Superman Villains category."
